
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If you routinely switch between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac, you might want to move web pages from one device to another. Instead of using the History or Reading List features, try these seamless methods to move Safari tabs between Apple devices.

如果您经常在iPhone,iPad和Mac之间切换,则可能需要将网页从一台设备移动到另一台设备。 尝试使用这些无缝方法在Apple设备之间移动Safari选项卡,而不是使用“历史记录”或“阅读列表”功能。

使用切换来移动Safari标签 (Use Handoff to Move Safari Tabs)

Handoff is Apple’s feature for seamlessly moving a task from one Apple device to another. It works for many apps, including Safari.

移交是Apple的一项功能,可将任务从一台Apple设备无缝移动到另一台设备。 它适用于许多应用程序,包括Safari。

First, ensure that Handoff is enabled on your devices. From there, launch the Safari browser and then open the website on the primary device. This can be your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Ensure that your device doesn’t go to sleep or else the feature won’t be able to hand the tab over to the secondary Apple device.

首先,请确保您的设备上启用切换 。 从那里启动Safari浏览器,然后在主要设备上打开网站。 这可以是您的iPhone,iPad或Mac。 确保您的设备不会进入睡眠状态,否则该功能将无法将选项卡移交给辅助Apple设备。

Now, let’s move over to the device where you want to open the Safari tab.


将选项卡切换到iPhone (Handoff Tabs to iPhone)

If you have a newer iPhone with the Home bar, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold for a second for the App Switcher to appear. If you’re using an older iPhone, double-press on the Home button.

如果您使用带有Home(状态)栏的新iPhone,请从屏幕底部向上滑动并按住一秒钟,以显示App Switcher。 如果您使用的是旧版iPhone,请双击“主页”按钮。


At the bottom of the screen, you’ll see a “Safari” bar with the device name where the tab is open. Tap on it to instantly open the web page in Safari on your iPhone.

在屏幕底部,您将在打开选项卡的地方看到带有设备名称的“ Safari”栏。 点击它可立即在iPhone上的Safari中打开网页。


将选项卡切换到iPad和Mac (Handoff Tabs to iPad and Mac)

When it comes to the Mac and the iPad, the handoff process works using the Dock. On your Mac, you’ll see a new Safari icon appear in a separate section at the beginning of the Dock. When you hover over it, it will show you the device where the Safari tab is open.

对于Mac和iPad,切换过程可以使用Dock进行。 在Mac上,您会看到新的Safari图标出现在Dock开头的单独部分中。 将鼠标悬停在它上面时,它将向您显示Safari标签打开的设备。

Click on the icon to instantly open the tab in Safari on your Mac.



On your Mac, this feature is browser-agnostic. Even if you’ve set your default browser to Chrome or Firefox, this feature will still work.

在Mac上,此功能与浏览器无关。 即使您已将默认浏览器设置为Chrome或Firefox,此功能仍然可以使用。

For your iPad, you’ll find the “Safari” icon at the right edge of the Dock, with a little badge at the top-right corner of the icon showing the source device. Tap on it to open the web page in Safari.

对于您的iPad,您会在Dock的右边缘找到“ Safari”图标,在图标的右上角有一个小徽章,显示了源设备。 点击它以在Safari中打开网页。


使用iCloud标签移动Safari标签 (Use iCloud Tabs to Move Safari Tabs)

The Handoff feature is great if you have multiple Apple devices handy. But what if you want to open a website that you were looking at a couple of days ago on one of your devices without having to pick it up.

如果您拥有多个Apple设备,则“切换”功能非常有用。 但是,如果您想在几天前使用其中一台设备打开一个正在浏览的网站而不必去接它该怎么办。

This is where the iCloud Tabs feature comes in. As long as all your devices are using the same Apple ID and you’ve enabled iCloud sync for Safari, you can use the iCloud Tabs feature.

这就是iCloud Tabs功能的所在。只要所有设备都使用相同的Apple ID,并且已为Safari启用iCloud同步,就可以使用iCloud Tabs功能。

iCloud Tabs let you pick up your browsing history where you left off. The feature resides inside the Safari tab switcher.

iCloud标签可让您从上次中断的地方获取浏览历史记录。 该功能位于Safari标签切换器内部。

On your iPhone or iPad, open the “Safari” app and tap on the Tabs button from the toolbar.

在您的iPhone或iPad上,打开“ Safari”应用,然后从工具栏中点击“标签”按钮。


Here, you’ll first see a list of all open tabs. Swipe to the bottom of the screen, and you’ll now see different sections for all of the devices connected to your Apple ID, with the respective tabs that are currently open on that device. Browse around and tap on a page to open it.

在这里,您首先会看到所有打开的标签页的列表。 滑动到屏幕底部,您现在将看到连接到Apple ID的所有设备的不同部分,以及该设备上当前打开的相应选项卡。 浏览并点击页面以打开它。


On your Mac, click on the Tabs button in the top-right corner.



Here, scroll to the bottom of the screen to find all your devices. Click on a web page to quickly open it.

在这里,滚动到屏幕底部以找到所有设备。 单击网页以快速打开它。


If you want to open the web page in a new tab, hold the “Command” key when you click on the web page link.

如果要在新选项卡中打开网页,请在单击网页链接时按住“ Command”键。

使用AirDrop移动Safari选项卡 (Use AirDrop to Move Safari Tabs)

The Handoff feature isn’t always reliable; sometimes it just doesn’t show up. This is where you can use the AirDrop feature (which was much improved in iOS 13, iPadOS 13, and macOS Catalina).

切换功能并不总是可靠的。 有时只是不显示。 您可以在此处使用AirDrop功能 (在iOS 13,iPadOS 13和macOS Catalina中得到了很大改进)。

On your iPhone or iPad, tap on the Share button while viewing a website in Safari.



Next, select the device you want to send it to.



On your Mac, click on the Share button from the Safari toolbar. Here, select the “AirDrop” option.

在Mac上,单击Safari工具栏中的“共享”按钮。 在这里,选择“ AirDrop”选项。


Now, select a device from the AirDrop menu. Once the web page is sent, click on the “Done” button to go back.

现在,从AirDrop菜单中选择一个设备。 发送网页后,单击“完成”按钮返回。


Using Safari as your default browser? Now is the time to master Safari tabs.

使用Safari作为默认浏览器? 现在该掌握Safari选项卡了

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666658/how-to-move-safari-tabs-between-iphone-ipad-and-mac/