



Many iPhone users are surprised to find that the default settings for the Do Not Disturb mode aren’t all that conducive to being undisturbed. Read on as we walk you through the configuration process and highlight why you would want to use one setting over another (and how Do Not Disturb differs from using the physical mute switch on iOS devices).

许多iPhone用户惊讶地发现,“请勿打扰”模式的默认设置并不会完全无干扰。 在我们逐步引导您完成配置过程时,请继续阅读,并重点说明为什么要使用一种设置而不是另一种设置(以及“请勿打扰”与在iOS设备上使用物理静音开关有何不同)。

免打扰和硬件静音之间的区别 (The Difference Between Do Not Disturb and Hardware Muting)

There are two mechanisms for silencing your iOS device, and it helps to understand the difference between the two as well as why you would want to use one over the other. First let’s look at the physical mute switch on the iPhone and iPad known formally as the “side switch” (it’s not formally called the mute switch because you can change the switch on the iPad to function as a rotation lock switch instead of a mute switch).

有两种机制可以使您的iOS设备静音,它可以帮助您了解两者之间的区别以及为什么要在另一个设备上使用它们。 首先,让我们看一下iPhone和iPad上的物理静音开关,正式称为“侧面开关”(未正式称为静音开关,因为您可以将iPad上的开关更改为旋转锁定开关而不是静音开关。 )。

This physical switch allows the user of the device to partially silence the device. When the switch is activated (as indicated by the small orange indicator visible when the switch is toggled as well as the crossed-out bell that flashes on the screen of the device) iOS will silence all incoming calls, alerts, notifications, sound effects, and game audio. It will not mute audio from any media such as music, podcasts, or videos (such as movies, TV shows, streaming video, and the like). The switch does not silence vibrations nor does it silence alarms. To that end, it’s a useful way to ensure that alerts don’t chime in the middle of a TV show you’re watching.

该物理开关允许设备的用户部分使设备静音。 **开关后(如在切换开关时可见的橙色小指示灯以及设备屏幕上闪烁的划出的响铃所指示),iOS将使所有来电,警报,通知,音效,和游戏音频。 它不会使来自任何媒体(例如音乐,播客或视频)(例如电影,电视节目,流式视频等)的音频静音。 该开关不会使振动静音,也不会使警报静音。 为此,这是确保警报不会在您正在观看的电视节目中间发出警报的一种有用方法。


Do Not Disturb mode, introduced in iOS 6, is a software-based solution that also silences phone calls, alerts, and notifications. The mode is accessed in current iOS iteration via the control center (swipe up from the application dock at the bottom of the screen to access it and then click on the moon icon, as seen above, in the control center).

iOS 6中引入的“请勿打扰”模式是基于软件的解决方案,还可以使电话,警报和通知静音。 在当前的iOS迭代中,可以通过控制中心访问该模式(从屏幕底部的应用程序停靠区向上滑动以进行访问,然后在控制中心中单击如上图所示的月亮图标)。

The difference between the two methods is that not only does Do Not Disturb silence them, but it also keeps the phone from lighting up (no risk of your phone blasting your eyes at night and waking you), but you also have more granular control over the setup. Whereas the hardware mute silences all calls, for example, the Do Not Disturb function will allow phone calls from contacts you specify. Just like with the physical mute switch, Do Not Disturb mode doesn’t silence alarms.

两种方法之间的区别在于,“请勿打扰”不仅可以使它们静音,而且还可以防止手机点亮(不冒着手机在夜间炸开眼睛并唤醒您的风险),而且您还可以更精细地控制手机设置。 硬件静音会使所有呼叫静音,例如,“请勿打扰”功能将允许来自您指定联系人的电话。 就像物理静音开关一样,“请勿打扰”模式不会使警报静音。

配置请勿打扰 (Configuring Do Not Disturb)

The settings for Do Not Disturb mode are located in the Settings menu on your iOS device under, appropriately enough, “Do Not Disturb.”



The default configuration for iOS 8 is as laid out in the following screenshot.

iOS 8的默认配置如以下屏幕快照所示。


Let’s break down each setting option and highlight why you may wish to enable or disable it based on your Do Not Disturb needs.


The first option “Manual” is a tad confusing at first glance. It’s a manual on-off switch for the Do Not Disturb function, not an actual settings toggle. It functions exactly the same, albeit much less conveniently, as the Do Not Disturb toggle found in the iOS Control Center we highlighted in the previous section of this article. It doesn’t change anything about manual mode, it only toggles Do Not Disturb on and off.

第一选项“手动”乍一看有点令人困惑。 这是“请勿打扰”功能的手动开关,不是实际的设置开关。 它的功能完全相同,只是使用起来不那么方便,这与我们在本文上一部分中突出显示的iOS控制中心中的“请勿打扰”切换相同。 它不会更改手动模式的任何内容,只会打开和关闭“请勿打扰”。


The second option, “Scheduled,” allows you to set a block of time that Do Not Disturb will be automatically enabled. You can only set one continuous block of time (e.g. 8PM to 8AM) unfortunately as the settings don’t allow for multiple blocks of time throughout the day (e.g. both while you’re sleeping each night plus a quiet-time during office hours).

第二个选项“计划的”允许您设置一个时间段,将自动启用“请勿打扰”。 遗憾的是,您只能设置一个连续的时间段(例如,晚上8点至上午8点),因为设置不允许一天中有多个时间段(例如,您每天晚上睡觉时都加上办公室时间的安静时间) 。


If you select the “Allow Calls From” you can make adjustments to how Do Not Disturb handles incoming phone calls. By default only people in your “Favorites” contact list (which is empty until you populate it by flagging contact entries as “Favorites”) will set off the ringer while the phone is in Do Not Disturb. You can change the setting to everyone, no one, or you can specify a group from your contacts list as the allowed-caller list.

如果选择“允许来自的呼叫”,则可以调整“请勿打扰”处理来电的方式。 默认情况下,仅当“收藏夹”联系人列表中的人为空(直到您通过将联系人条目标记为“收藏夹”将其填充)时,电话才会处于“请勿打扰”状态。 您可以将设置更改为所有人,无人,也可以将联系人列表中的组指定为允许的呼叫者列表。


The final configuration option the one that leaves most people contemplating whether or not Do Not Disturb is broken. By default Do Not Disturb is active only if your device is locked. The assumption is that if your device is unlocked and you’re using it that you don’t mind being disturbed. If you activate Do Not Disturb to quiet your phone during a meeting, however, and then you open it to check something any alert that comes in while your phone is unlocked will sound off in all its glory. Most people will find it useful to toggle the setting to “Always” as seen in the screenshot above so that Do Not Disturb quiets the phone whether you have the screen open to take a peek at a text message or not.

最终配置选项使大多数人考虑“请勿打扰”是否损坏。 默认情况下,仅当您的设备被锁定时,“请勿打扰”才处于活动状态。 假设是,如果您的设备已解锁并且正在使用它,则您不介意受到干扰。 但是,如果在会议期间**“请勿打扰”以使电话静音,然后再打开电话以检查某事,则在解锁电话时出现的所有警报都会响起所有声音。 多数人会发现,将设置切换为“始终”非常有用,如上面的屏幕快照所示,无论您是否打开屏幕来查看短信,“请勿打扰”都会使手机静音。

With a better understanding of how the mute switch and the Do Not Disturb mode on your phone work you’ll never be disturbed from your meeting, Netflix marathon, or slumber again. Have a pressing iPhone question? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer it.

更好地了解手机上的静音开关和“请勿打扰”模式后,您再也不会受到会议,Netflix马拉松或沉睡的困扰。 有紧迫的iPhone问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至[email protected],我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213089/how-to-configure-do-not-disturb-on-your-iphone-and-ipad/
