windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸


windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

So you’ve just unpacked that spiffy new monitor, and it sits fresh and new on your desk putting your other little displays to shame. Now you have to give it some sartorial splendor: a kick-ass wallpaper from the online repository of your choice. But now comes the conundrum—what if you want to use different images on different screens?

因此,您刚刚打开了那台漂亮的新显示器的包装,就可以在桌上重新坐上新显示器,而其他的小显示器也很丢人。 现在,您必须给它提供一些出色的服装:您选择的在线存储库中的踢屁股壁纸。 但是现在出现了难题-如果要在不同的屏幕上使用不同的图像该怎么办?

Unfortunately, Windows 7’s default wallpaper handler is pretty primitive for multiple displays. (Windows 8 and 10 are much better, so check out these instructions if you’re using a later version of Windows.) In Windows 7, you have two options for using different wallpapers: you can create your own combined image, using your favorite image editor, or you can use a third-party tool like DisplayFusion or UltraMon.

不幸的是,Windows 7的默认墙纸处理程序对于多种显示来说是非常原始的。 (Windows 8和10更好,因此如果您使用的是Windows更高版本, 请查看这些说明 。)在Windows 7中,有两种使用不同墙纸的选项:您可以使用自己喜欢的墙纸创建自己的组合图像图像编辑器,或者您可以使用第三方工具,例如DisplayFusionUltraMon

First, we’ll look at the manual way to make your own multi-monitor wallpaper. If you want something a bit more automated (that requires extra software), or you want to rotate through many wallpapers on your two monitors, skip to the end, where we’ll discuss third-party options.

首先,我们将介绍制作您自己的多显示器墙纸的手动方法。 如果您想要一些自动化的东西(需要额外的软件),或者想在两台显示器上轮流浏览许多墙纸,请跳到最后,我们将讨论第三方选项。

手动方法:抓取图像编辑器 (The Manual Method: Grab an Image Editor)

In order to show a different wallpaper on each monitor, you need to trick Windows and merge your two wallpapers into one big image file. To do this, you’ll need some kind of image editor. Paint, Microsoft’s pack-in tool for Windows, isn’t really complex enough to handle the task; you’ll want something like GIMP, Paint.NET, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, or Corel Paintshop Pro.

为了在每个监视器上显示不同的墙纸,您需要欺骗Windows并将两个墙纸合并为一个大图像文件。 为此,您需要某种图像编辑器。 Paint是Microsoft用于Windows的打包工具,实际上还不足以处理任务。 您将需要GIMPPaint.NETPhotoshopPhotoshop ElementsCorel Paintshop Pro之类的东西

第一步:安排显示器 (Step One: Arrange Your Monitors)

Windows treats all the monitors on your desktop as one combined space, at least in terms of the wallpaper. You can adjust the position and spacing of the monitors’ virtual location on the Display Settings screen.

Windows至少将墙纸视为桌面上所有显示器的一个组合空间。 您可以在“显示设置”屏幕上调整显示器虚拟位置的位置和间距。

To do this, right-click an empty area on your desktop and click “Screen resolution.” You’ll be greeted with something like the following screen.

为此,请右键单击桌面上的空白区域,然后单击“屏幕分辨率”。 您将看到类似以下屏幕的内容。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Here, you can see the relative position of the monitors in the virtual space of the desktop. My setup uses two monitors, with one being slightly higher resolution than the other. You can move the monitors around to make them match your desk’s setup. The wallpaper will “stop” at any edges that extend past the usable space. For example, here’s how it looks with the secondary monitor on the lower-right side:

在这里,您可以看到显示器在桌面虚拟空间中的相对位置。 我的设置使用两台监视器,其中一台的分辨率略高于另一台。 您可以四处移动显示器,使它们与办公桌的设置相匹配。 墙纸将在超出可用空间的任何边缘“停止”。 例如,这是右下角的辅助显示器的外观:

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

And here’s the same setup with the secondary monitor on the upper-left side:


windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Note how the “empty” space appears wherever the larger monitor extends past the smaller one. This space isn’t accessible in Windows itself—you can’t move your mouse cursor or applications there—but it’s important to think about it for the purpose of managing the wallpaper.

请注意,无论较大的监视器越过较小的监视器,“空白”空间将如何显示。 Windows本身无法访问此空间-您无法在其中移动鼠标光标或应用程序-但出于管理墙纸的目的考虑这一点很重要。

Set up your monitors however you’d like on this screen, then click “Apply.” It’s possible to arrange them in vertical rows or horizontal columns, anchored at the corners or “floating” on the sides for more precision. For the purposes on this guide, just stick to the corners as above; it’ll be simpler.

根据需要在此屏幕上设置监视器,然后单击“应用”。 可以将它们排列成垂直行或水平列,锚定在角上或“浮动”在侧面,以提高精度。 出于本指南中的目的,请按照上述说明操作; 它会更简单。

第二步:查找一些图像 (Step Two: Find Some Images)

You can choose more or less any image you want for your wallpaper, but you generally want the image to match the native resolution of your monitor. Of course, You can always resize or crop a large wallpaper with your image editor to get it to match your monitor’s size. We just don’t recommend choosing a wallpaper smaller than the monitor it will go on. If you need to resize or crop, do that now.

您可以或多或少选择墙纸所需的任何图像,但通常希望该图像与显示器的原始分辨率相匹配。 当然,您始终可以使用图像编辑器调整大小或裁剪大墙纸,以使其与显示器的大小匹配。 我们只是不建议选择比要使用的显示器的墙纸。 如果您需要调整大小或裁剪,请立即执行。

For our example, I’ve chosen two images from one 2560×1440 image to match my larger monitor and one 1920×1200 image to match my smaller one.

在我们的示例中,我从Interfacelift.com上选择了两张图像: 一张2560×1440图像匹配我的较大显示器, 另一张1920×1200图像匹配我的较小显示器。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸
My two selected images for my dual-monitor wallpaper. Note that the right image is longer, since the monitors have a different aspect ratio.
我为双显示器墙纸选择了两个图像。 请注意,由于监视器的纵横比不同,因此正确的图像会更长。

Once you have both images at the right resolution, continue to the next step.


第三步:创建自定义图像 (Step Three: Create a Custom Image)

Now things get tricky. Open your image editor of choice. We’re going to use Photoshop as our example, but if you’re more comfortable with something else, you should be able to match these instructions to most similar programs.

现在事情变得棘手了。 打开您选择的图像编辑器。 我们将以Photoshop为例,但如果您对其他内容比较满意,则应该能够将这些说明与大多数类似程序进行匹配。

Create a new blank image the size of your total desktop resolution. For a standard side-by-side setup, that’s the width of both monitors put together times the height of the biggest monitor—in my case, 4480 (2560 + 1920) x 1440 pixels.

创建一个总桌面分辨率大小的新空白图像。 对于标准的并排设置,这是两台显示器的宽度总和乘以最大显示器的高度的倍数(在我的情况下为4480(2560 + 1920)x 1440像素)。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Now open the two images you downloaded in the section above as separate images.


windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Copy and paste the images from their own windows into your custom workspace, and arrange them in the same way that your monitors were arranged in step one. In my case, I’ll put the smaller image in the upper-left corner and the larger image filling the remaining space on the right.

将图像从它们自己的窗口复制并粘贴到您的自定义工作区中,并按照在第一步中布置显示器的相同方式进行布置。 就我而言,我将较小的图像放在左上角,将较大的图像填充在右边的剩余空间中。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Note how the “blank” space in my Photoshop work area matches the “blank” space from the desktop resolution screen. Your two images should be ideally sized, but make sure there aren’t any remaining pixels on any edges.

请注意,我的Photoshop工作区中的“空白”空间如何与桌面分辨率屏幕上的“空白”空间匹配。 您的两个图像应具有理想的大小,但请确保在任何边缘上都没有剩余像素。

Save the image file as a JPG (for a smaller size) or a PNG (for better quality) in any folder you like.


第四步:启用新墙纸 (Step Four: Enable Your New Wallpaper)

You’re almost there! It’s time to set your new image as your wallpaper. Right-click an empty area of the desktop and click “Personalize.” Click “Desktop Background” at the bottom of the window.

你快到了! 现在是时候将新图像设置为墙纸了。 右键单击桌面上的空白区域,然后单击“个性化”。 点击窗口底部的“桌面背景”。

Click “Browse.” Select the folder you saved the image to in step three. Click the specific image if there are more than one in the folder.

点击“浏览”。 在第三步中选择将图像保存到的文件夹。 如果文件夹中有多个图像,请单击特定图像。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Here, you’ll see that in addition to selecting a specific background image, you can select how it’s applied. We have a lot of options here, but for applying different images to different monitors, what we want is “Tile.” (There are other ways to do this, but “Tile” is typically the easiest for multiple disparate setups.)

在这里,您将看到,除了选择特定的背景图像之外,您还可以选择其应用方式。 我们在这里有很多选择,但是要将不同的图像应用于不同的显示器,我们想要的是“平铺”。 (还有其他方法可以执行此操作,但是“瓷砖”通常对于多种不同的设置最为简单。)

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Below is the newly-made combined wallpaper applied to my multi-monitor desktop. You can see that the single combined image spans perfectly across both monitors. Close it up, you’re done…but you might want to keep a copy of your original images, in case you ever change your monitor setup and need to create a new customized multiple-monitor image.

以下是应用于我的多显示器桌面的新组合墙纸。 您会看到单个组合图像跨两个监视器完美地覆盖。 关闭它,您已经完成了……但是您可能想要保留原始图像的副本,以防万一您更改显示器设置并需要创建新的自定义多显示器图像。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

自动化方法:使用第三方工具 (The Automated Method: Use a Third-Party Tool)

The above process isn’t exactly intuitive—Windows has had the same generally poor attitude towards multiple-monitor wallpaper for a long time now. If you’re uncomfortable with the steps above, or you just don’t want to use an image editor, there are a few third-party tools that make it much easier.

上面的过程并不十分直观-Windows很长时间以来一直对多显示器墙纸持同样的态度。 如果您对上述步骤不满意,或者只是不想使用图像编辑器,可以使用一些第三方工具来简化操作。

windows10墙纸_如何在Windows 7中的多台显示器上使用不同的墙纸

Here are a few we recommend:


  • UltraMon: my personal favorite, because it sounds like a Digimon. It offered taskbars on multiple monitors, which isn’t available in Windows 7 by default. The software includes easy options to select individual images for specific monitors, or span a single large image across them. It costs $39.95.

    UltraMon :我个人最喜欢的,因为它听起来像数码宝贝。 它在多个监视器上提供了任务栏,默认情况下Windows 7中不提供该任务栏。 该软件包括一些简单的选项,可以为特定的显示器选择单个图像,或在它们之间显示单个大图像。 售价39.95美元。

  • DisplayFusion: very similar to UltraMon, with a few added features like a mobile remote control. It’s a bit cheaper, too, at $25. It’s also available with packaged programs from Binary Fortress.

    DisplayFusion :与UltraMon非常相似,具有一些附加功能,例如移动遥控器。 它的价格也便宜一点,为25美元。 Binary Fortress的打包程序中也提供了它。

  • Dual Monitor Tools: a freeware program that includes a dual wallpaper manager.

    Dual Monitor Tools :包含双重墙纸管理器的免费软件程序。

  • MultiWall: another freeware program that also has a “crawler” for downloading and applying wallpaper from certain websites.

    MultiWall :另一个免费软件程序,也具有“抓取工具”,用于从某些网站下载和应用墙纸。

If you enjoy frequently switching things up, keep a folder full of high-resolution wallpapers for use with one of these tools. Several of them even allow you yo cycle through images on a timer.

如果您喜欢频繁地进行切换,请保留一个装有高分辨率墙纸的文件夹,以与这些工具之一一起使用。 其中几个甚至可以让您在计时器上循环浏览图像。

Image Credits: Oliver Buettner/InterfaceLift, Davidvash/InterfaceLift

图片来源: Oliver Buettner / InterfaceLift, Davidvash / InterfaceLift

