



If you’ve got a Google Chromecast, why not make mornings easier by turning your TV into a dashboard that shows you things like local weather and traffic, news, and even your to-do list?

如果您有Google Chromecast,为什么不将电视变成显示诸如当地天气和交通,新闻甚至您的待办事项清单之类的仪表板,让早晨变得更轻松呢?

Google’s Chromecast platform has become a bona fide hit in the home theater market, thanks to it’s cheap entry point and easy accessibility from almost any smartphone. The gadgets are awesome at simple audio and video streaming, but there are a few more things you can use them for as well, like turning your television into a web-connected dashboard to start your day. It’s a fantastic use of the tech that you already have, and a good habit to get yourself into before work or school.

谷歌的Chromecast平台价格低廉,而且几乎可从任何智能手机轻松访问,因此在家庭影院市场上已成为真正的热门。 这些小工具在简单的音频和视频流传输方面很棒,但是您还可以使用它们做更多事情,例如将电视变成连接到网络的仪表板以开始新的一天。 这是对您已经拥有的技术的绝佳使用,并且是一种上班或上学前的好习惯。

The Android app we’ll be using to do this is called (appropriately) Dashboard Cast. It lets you configure a set of widgets designed to use a TV’s generous display size to put as much relevant information in a single place as possible. Just set up the widgets however you like, press the Cast button, and send the app’s output to any Chromecast-equipped display.

我们将用于执行此操作的Android应用称为(适当地) Dashboard Cast 。 它使您可以配置一组小部件,这些小部件旨在使用电视的大尺寸显示尺寸将尽可能多的相关信息放在单个位置。 只需根据需要设置窗口小部件,按“投射”按钮,然后将应用程序的输出发送到任何配备有Chromecast的显示器即可。

My customized dashboard, with weather, calendar, note, RSS, and map widgets.

The implementation is pretty simple, but Dashboard Cast has the tools you’ll need to put news, weather, web content via RSS feeds, and customized reminders on the screen. The default widgets at the time of writing are:

实施非常简单,但Dashboard Cast具有您需要的工具,可通过RSS提要将新闻,天气,Web内容以及自定义的提醒显示在屏幕上。 撰写本文时的默认小部件为:

  • Clock: tells the time


  • Weather: gathers National Weather Service data for your phone’s location


  • RSS widget: scrolling text and images from any RSS feed


  • Calendar: shows upcoming events from your personal Google calendar


  • Stock: updating info from manually-inputted stock picks


  • Map: a live updating Google map, complete with weather and traffic data if available, for any point in the world


  • Music: streaming music from any online MP3, OGG, or M4A stream or playlist. Also includes BBC music stations.

    音乐:来自任何在线MP3,OGG或M4A流或播放列表的流音乐。 还包括BBC音乐台。

  • Note: text notes input directly into the app


The presentation may be simple, but it offers enough options to allow a surprising amount of customization. If you want a Spartan all-white look, that’s easy enough, but you can also cycle photo backgrounds, as well as use custom colors and transparencies for the various widgets. You can even load up your own background images from Google Photos, Flickr, or Imgur.

该演示可能很简单,但是它提供了足够的选项以允许进行惊人的定制。 如果您想要Spartan全白色外观,那很容易,但是您也可以循环照片背景,以及为各种小部件使用自定义颜色和透明胶片。 您甚至可以从Google相册,Flickr或Imgur加载自己的背景图片。


The coolest feature in Dashboard Cast is the ability to automatically cast to a television based on an alarm. In the left-hand settings column, tap the “Alarm” option, and then set the time that you wake up in the morning. The app begins casting at the appointed time—if your television is set to to automatically turn on when it receives the appropriate input, it will be waiting for you just like your coffee maker.

Dashboard Cast中最酷的功能是能够基于警报自动投射到电视。 在左侧的设置列中,点击“警报”选项,然后设置您早上起床的时间。 该应用程序将在指定的时间开始投放-如果您将电视设置为在接收到适当的输入后自动打开,它将像您的咖啡机一样等待着您。


Dashboard Cast is free with ads, and you can pay $2.50 to remove them. Unfortunately, it’s only available for Android—hardly surprising, since Chromecast is a Google platform. But if you’re an iOS user, there’s a somewhat more cumbersome alternative using the Chrome browser on a laptop or desktop.

Dashboard Cast免费提供广告,您可以支付$ 2.50删除它们。 不幸的是,由于Chromecast是Google平台,因此仅适用于Android,这不足为奇。 但是,如果您是iOS用户,则在笔记本电脑或台式机上使用Chrome浏览器会有些麻烦。


Any version of Chrome can cast a full tab to a Chromecast-compatible device. To emulate the experience that Dashboard Cast provides, you can set up an old-fashioned “home page” with more or less the same information, and then manually cast it to your television in the morning. Web dashboard services like NetVibes, ProtoPage, uStart, and igHome are ideal for this: set them up, cast them, and then enjoy the information streaming to your TV.

任何版本的Chrome均可将完整标签页投射到与Chromecast兼容的设备上。 为了模拟Dashboard Cast提供的体验,您可以设置带有或多或少相同信息的老式“主页”,然后在早晨手动将其投射到电视上。 诸如NetVibesProtoPageuStartigHome之类的Web仪表板服务非常适合此操作:设置它们,进行投射,然后将信息流传输到电视上。

It’s less than ideal compared to the “set it and forget it” operation of the Dashboard Cast Android app, but it works. Hopefully, the makers of Dashboard Cast will port it to iOS in the future, or someone else will create something similar.

与Dashboard Cast Android应用程序的“设置并忘记它”操作相比,它不理想,但是它可以工作。 希望Dashboard Cast的制造商将来将其移植到iOS,否则其他人将创建类似的东西。

Image credit: ABB Photo/Shutterstock

图片来源: ABB照片/快门

