如何正确设置PlayStation VR

如何正确设置PlayStation VR
Iren Key/Shutterstock 钥匙扣/快门

The PlayStation VR (PSVR) headset plugs into PS4 and creates a bona fide virtual reality experience. But like all VR headsets, it needs lots of cables. We’ll show you how to plug everything in and set up your room to get the most out of your PSVR.

PlayStation VR(PSVR)耳机插入PS4并创建真正的虚拟现实体验。 但是,像所有VR头戴式耳机一样,它需要很多电缆。 我们将向您展示如何插入所有电源并设置房间以充分利用PSVR。

The PlayStation VR lets gamers take on new challenges in new worlds, but the first challenge is getting the thing set up. It’s more cumbersome than challenging, but don’t worry! We’re here to lend a hand.

PlayStation VR让游戏玩家可以在新世界中应对新挑战,但首要挑战是进行准备。 这比挑战更麻烦,但是请放心! 我们在这里伸出援手。

一,一些要求 (First, Some Requirements)

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Sony recommends a play space of 10 ft. x 10 ft. An area of 6 ft. x 6 ft. might suffice, but results aren’t guaranteed. You might be able to trick your PSVR into working in a smaller space by angling the PlayStation Camera slightly downward—more on that later.

索尼建议使用10英尺x 10英尺的游戏空间。6英尺x 6英尺的区域可能足够,但不能保证结果。 您可以通过稍微向下倾斜PlayStation摄像机来诱使PSVR在更小的空间中工作,稍后再介绍。

While not required for most games, PlayStation Move controllers are highly recommended. They are an additional expense, but one you’re unlikely to regret.

虽然大多数游戏都不需要,但强烈建议使用PlayStation Move控制器。 这是一笔额外的费用,但您不太可能后悔。

Now, get all of those boxes opened and cables unwrapped. It’s time to get started.

现在,打开所有这些包装盒并解开电缆。 现在该开始了。

如何设置PSVR (How to Set Up the PSVR)

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

First, unplug the HDMI cable from the back of the PS4 and connect it to the port labeled “HDMI TV” on the back of the PSVR Processor Unit (the box that came with the PSVR headset). This sends the signal to your TV.

首先,从PS4背面拔下HDMI电缆,然后将其连接到PSVR处理器单元(PSVR耳机随附的盒子)背面标有“ HDMI TV”的端口。 这会将信号发送到您的电视。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Now, connect the PlayStation Camera to the AUX port on the PS4. It’s labeled, and it’s the only port the PlayStation Camera cable fits.

现在,将PlayStation摄像机连接到PS4的AUX端口。 它带有标签,并且是PlayStation Camera电缆适合的唯一端口。

Connect a new HDMI cable to the port labeled “HDMI PS4” on the back of the Processor Unit—ours is pink, but yours will be black.

将新的HDMI电缆连接到处理器单元背面标有“ HDMI PS4”的端口-我们的是粉红色的,但是您的将是黑色的。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Connect the other end of the cable to the HDMI port on the back of the PS4. This sends the video from your PS4 to the PSVR.

将电缆的另一端连接到PS4背面的HDMI端口。 这会将视频从您的PS4发送到PSVR。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Connect the USB cable to the back of the Processor Unit, and then to the PS4. This allows the two to communicate with each other.

将USB电缆连接到处理器单元的背面,然后再连接到PS4。 这允许两者相互通信。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Connect the AC power cord to the AC adapter, plug the cable into the back of the Processor Unit, and plug it into an outlet.


如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Next, connect the PSVR headset cable to the front of the Processor Unit, matching the symbols on the cables to the correct ports.


如何正确设置PlayStation VR

Now, put the PlayStation Camera on top of your TV using the provided bracket. Make sure it’s placed in the center and angled slightly downward—more so if you’re in a particularly small room.

现在,使用提供的支架将PlayStation摄像机放在电视顶部。 确保将其放置在中心并稍微向下倾斜-如果您在特别小的房间中,则更应如此。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR

You can now connect the included stereo headphones to the PSVR headset and turn everything on. Remember to press the power button on the PSVR headset, as it won’t automatically turn on with your PlayStation.

现在,您可以将随附的立体声耳机连接到PSVR耳机,然后打开所有设备。 切记按下PSVR耳机上的电源按钮,因为它不会随PlayStation一起自动打开。

如何放置相机 (How to Position the Camera)

The PlayStation VR uses a single camera when tracking movement, and its positioning is important. The height of the camera, as well as the angle at which it sits, has a huge impact on its field of view and what it’s capable of seeing.

PlayStation VR在跟踪运动时使用单个摄像机,因此其位置很重要。 相机的高度以及它的坐姿对它的视野和能看到的东西都有很大的影响。

Place the camera around the same height as your head, so you can see the PSVR headset when you’re wearing it. If the camera is pointing upward, it might struggle to identify the DualShock or PlayStation Move controllers in your hands. This is why it’s recommended you angle the camera slightly downward.

将摄像机放在与头部相同的高度上,以便在佩戴PSVR耳机时可以看到它。 如果摄像机指向上方,则可能难以识别手中的DualShock或PlayStation Move控制器。 这就是为什么建议您将相机稍微向下倾斜的原因。

This helps if you have a small room, as well. Imagine the camera’s field of view is a flashlight shining into your room; the camera’s field of view is similarly cone-shaped. You’ll be able to stand closer to your TV because the camera’s field of view is now lower than before. A lower field of view is beneficial in smaller rooms in which you have to stand closer than recommended to the TV. This is because the lowest point the camera can see is now closer to the TV than it usually would be. As shown in the image below, angling the camera downward moves the red-shaded area closer.

如果您的房间较小,这也有帮助。 想象一下,照相机的视野是一个手电筒照进您的房间。 相机的视场类似地是锥形的。 由于摄像头的视场现在比以前低,因此您将可以更靠近电视。 在较小的房间中,您必须站得比建议的电视要近些,这样,较低的视野是有益的。 这是因为摄像头可以看到的最低点现在比平时更靠近电视。 如下图所示,将相机向下倾斜可将红色阴影区域移近。

如何正确设置PlayStation VR
Owlchemy Labs

It’s recommended that you stand at least seven feet from your TV, but if you slightly angle the camera downward, that distance can be reduced.


Don’t stand too close, though—there’s a sweet spot to be found. The camera can see slightly upward, but if you stand too close, the camera won’t be able to see your head.

但是,不要站得太近-有个不错的地方。 相机可以稍微向上看,但是如果您站得太近,相机将无法看到您的头部。

Make sure the PlayStation Camera isn’t placed in direct sunlight as strong light sources interfere with its ability to track objects. Keep the camera away from lamps or anything emitting infrared. Cover any light sources during play if they can’t be eliminated.

确保PlayStation摄像机没有放置在直射的阳光下,否则强光源会干扰其跟踪物体的能力。 使相机远离灯或任何发出红外线的物体。 如果无法消除,请在比赛中遮盖所有光源。

改善PSVR体验的提示 (Tips for a Better PSVR Experience)

如何正确设置PlayStation VR
Christian Bertrand/Shutterstock 克里斯蒂安·贝特朗/ Shutterstock

Now that you’re up and running, it’s time to tweak your setup. Sure, out of the box, PSVR usually works well enough, but unless you’re playing in a dark 12 ft. x 12 ft. cave, things won’t be perfect.

现在您已经启动并运行了,该调整一下设置了。 当然,开箱即用的PSVR通常可以很好地工作,但是除非您在12英尺x 12英尺的黑暗洞穴中玩耍,否则一切都不会完美。

Thankfully, there are a few ways you can make everything run more smoothly the next time you strap that headset on:


  • Clear your play area. This is particularly important if the space you have isn’t large. Move any lamps, vases, or other breakables within striking distance and make sure there isn’t anything near your feet. When you wear the headset, you lose visibility of your surroundings, so you will hit or trip over things if they’re too close.

    清除游戏区。 如果您的空间不大,这尤其重要。 在明显的距离内移动任何灯具,花瓶或其他易碎物品,并确保脚附近没有任何东西。 戴上耳机时,您将看不到周围的环境,因此如果距离太近,您可能会撞到或绊倒。

  • Good headset fit is crucial. Use the adjustment mechanism to ensure the headset fits snugly without clamping too hard. Reposition it if the image is blurry.

    良好的耳机适配至关重要。 使用调节机构以确保耳机紧密贴合而不会过分用力。 如果图像模糊,请重新放置。

  • Manually set the interpupillary distance (IPD) if things are still blurry. Go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Measure Eye-to-Eye Distance and follow the instructions.

    如果仍然模糊,请手动设置瞳Kong间距(IPD)。 转到设置>设备> PlayStation VR>测量眼对眼距离,然后按照说明进行操作。

  • Make sure the tracking lights are set up correctly. Go to Settings > Devices > PlayStation VR > Adjust Tracking Lights and follow the on-screen prompts.

    确保跟踪灯设置正确。 转到设置>设备> PlayStation VR>调整跟踪灯,然后按照屏幕上的提示进行操作。

  • Clean the PSVR lenses. They’re going to get dirty, no matter how hard you try to keep them clean. Clean them with a microfiber cloth. Don’t use anything wet or abrasive—you don’t want to damage the lenses or coating.

    清洁PSVR镜头。 无论您如何努力保持清洁,它们都会变脏。 用超细纤维布清洁它们。 请勿使用任何潮湿或磨蚀性的物品,因为您不想损坏镜片或涂层。

  • Charge everything, all the time. DualShock 4 controllers usually hold a charge well, but PlayStation Move controllers…not so much. Make sure they’re charged before you want to use them to avoid disappointment. We’ve been there, and it’s no fun.

    随时随地充电。 DualShock 4控制器通常可以很好地充电,但是PlayStation Move控制器……不多。 在使用它们之前,请确保已对它们充电,以免令人失望。 我们去过那里,这很无聊。

  • Take frequent breaks. You might not want to when you’re in the thick of the action, but a break every 30 or 45 minutes is wise—if only to mop the sweat from your forehead.

    经常休息一下。 您可能不想这样做,但是每30或45分钟休息一下是明智的-如果只是为了擦拭额头上的汗水。

Above all, have fun. That’s what gaming’s all about, right?

最重要的是,玩得开心。 那就是游戏的全部吧?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/427788/how-to-properly-set-up-playstation-vr/