



The HomePod isn’t just a pretty speaker. You can also perform a few tasks with it, like set alarms and timers. Here’s how.

HomePod不仅仅是一个漂亮的演讲者。 您还可以使用它执行一些任务,例如设置警报和计时器。 这是如何做。

RELATED: How to Set Up the Apple HomePod

相关: 如何设置Apple HomePod

Before you get started, keep in mind that alarms and timers on the HomePod aren’t nearly as customizable as they are with Alexa and Google Assistant. It’s pretty barebones compared to other smart speakers, but it’ll a good job if all you want is basic functionality.

在开始之前,请记住,HomePod上的警报和计时器的可定制性远不如Alexa和Google Assistant那样可定制。 与其他智能扬声器相比,这简直是准系统,但是如果您只想要基本功能,那就很好了。

设置闹铃 (Set an Alarm)

There are two ways you can set alarms on your HomePod: Using “Hey Siri” and setting one up with your voice, or doing it through the Home app on your iPhone.

您可以通过两种方式在HomePod上设置闹钟:使用“ Hey Siri”并设置声音,或者通过iPhone上的Home应用程序进行设置。

RELATED: How to Fix a Blank White Screen When Setting Up the HomePod

相关: 设置HomePod时如何修复空白屏幕

When using your voice, all you have to say is “Hey Siri, set an alarm for 7am” or “Hey Siri, wake me up at 7am”. You can also set repeating alarms by saying something like “Hey Siri, set an alarm for 7am every weekday”.

使用语音时,您需要说的是“嘿Siri,设置闹钟时间为早上7点”或“嘿Siri,在早上7点醒来我”。 您还可以通过说“嘿,Siri,在每个工作日的上午7点设置闹钟”来设置重复闹钟。

Unfortunately, you can’t set an alarm to play music or anything like that—just the default alarm tone that comes with the HomePod.


When an alarm goes off, you can simply tap the touchpad on the top of the HomePod or say “Hey Siri, stop”.


When you set an alarm, you can manage them from the Home app by first long-pressing or 3D Touching your HomePod under “Favorite Accessories”.



Then tap on “Alarms” in the bottom-left corner.



From there, you’ll see the alarm that you set using Siri and you can make changes to it here just like alarms on your iPhone: by tapping on “Edit” and selecting the alarm. You can also create alarms here by tapping on the “+” button in the top-left corner.

从那里,您将看到使用Siri设置的闹钟,您可以在此处对其进行更改,就像在iPhone上的闹钟一样:点击“编辑”并选择闹钟。 您还可以在此处通过点击左上角的“ +”按钮来创建警报。


设定计时器 (Set a Timer)

As for setting timers, you can only do so using your voice, as there’s no interface in the Home app for creating or managing timers on the HomePod.



To set a timer, all you have to say is “Hey Siri, set a 10 minute timer”.


From there, you can check in on how much time is left by saying “Hey Siri, how much time is left on the timer?” or you can cancel the timer at any point by saying “Hey Siri, cancel the timer”.

从那里,您可以说“嘿Siri,计时器还剩多少时间?”来检查剩余时间。 或者您可以随时说“嘿Siri,取消计时器”来取消计时器。

