ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

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ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

Your iPhone or iPad normally uses the DNS servers provided by whatever Wi-Fi network you use. But you can set a custom DNS server and use Google Public DNS, OpenDNS, or any other DNS server you prefer.

您的iPhone或iPad通常使用您使用的任何Wi-Fi网络提供的DNS服务器。 但是您可以设置自定义DNS服务器并使用Google Public DNS,OpenDNS或您喜欢的任何其他DNS服务器。

Each Wi-FI network you connect to has its own separate DNS server setting. If you want to use your custom DNS server on several different Wi-Fi networks, you’ll have to change this setting once for each Wi-Fi network.

您连接到的每个Wi-FI网络都有其自己的独立DNS服务器设置。 如果要在多个不同的Wi-Fi网络上使用自定义DNS服务器,则必须为每个Wi-Fi网络更改一次此设置。

Open the Settings app and tap “Wi-Fi” to get started.

打开“设置”应用,然后点击“ Wi-Fi”以开始使用。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

On the Wi-Fi screen, tap the information button (that’s the “i” in a circle) to the right of the network you want to configure. To change the current Wi-Fi network’s settings, tap the “i” button next to the Wi-Fi network you’re currently connected to at the top of the screen.

在Wi-Fi屏幕上,点击您要配置的网络右侧的信息按钮(即圆圈中的“ i”)。 要更改当前的Wi-Fi网络设置,请在屏幕顶部点击您当前连接的Wi-Fi网络旁边的“ i”按钮。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

Scroll down on the information screen and tap the “Configure DNS” option in the “DNS” section.

在信息屏幕上向下滚动,然后在“ DNS”部分中点击“配置DNS”选项。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

Next, tap the “Manual” option at the top of the screen, and then tap the red minus sign icons to the left of the automatically configured DNS servers to remove them from the list.


ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

Tap the “Add Server” button, and then type the IP address of each DNS server you want to use on its own line. For example, add the primary DNS server on the first line and the secondary on the second line.

点击“添加服务器”按钮,然后在自己的行中键入要使用的每个DNS服务器的IP地址。 例如,在第一行中添加主DNS服务器,在第二行中添加辅助DNS服务器。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPhone或iPad上更改DNS服务器

Tap “Save” when you’re done. Remember, you’ll need to repeat this process for every Wi-Fi network on which you want to use a custom DNS server.

完成后,点击“保存”。 请记住,您需要针对要在其上使用自定义DNS服务器的每个Wi-Fi网络重复此过程。

Your iPhone or iPad remembers this setting, even after you disconnect from and reconnect to the network. However, if you have iOS forget the network, you’ll have to set it up from scratch again. And, if you ever want to undo this change, just return to the above screen, tap the “Automatic” option, and tap “Save”. Your iPhone or iPad will revert to the default DNS settings for that network.

即使断开网络连接并重新连接到网络,iPhone或iPad也会记住此设置。 但是,如果您的iOS忘记了网络,则必须再次从头开始进行设置。 并且,如果您要撤消此更改,只需返回到上面的屏幕,点击“自动”选项,然后点击“保存”。 您的iPhone或iPad将恢复为该网络的默认DNS设置。

If your current DNS server just isn’t working well and you want something better, Google Public DNS (IP addresses and and OpenDNS (IP addresses and are some commonly recommended DNS servers we like.

如果您当前的DNS服务器运行不正常,并且您想要更好的东西,则通常推荐使用Google Public DN S(IP地址8.8.8.8和8.8.4.4)和OpenDNS (IP地址208.67.222.222和208.67.220.220)。我们喜欢的服务器。

You can also change the DNS server for all devices on your network by changing the DNS server on your router. Before you change the DNS server separately for each device on your home network, consider just changing it once on your router instead.

您还可以通过更改路由器上的DNS服务器更改网络上所有设备的DNS服务器。 在为家庭网络中的每个设备分别更改DNS服务器之前,请考虑只在路由器上对其进行一次更改。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/261701/how-to-change-the-dns-server-on-your-ios-device/

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