android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

android 设备名称

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

Android TV is Google’s attempt at taking over the living room, and with some units being available for under $99, it’s not unheard of for users to have more than one box. The problem is, when multiple devices identify themselves identically on the network, how are you supposed to know which is which? Changing the device name is super simple, and something that you’ll definitely want to do if you have more than one identical Android TV box in your house.

Android TV是Google接管客厅的尝试,有些设备的价格低于99美元,用户拥有一个以上的盒子并非闻所未闻。 问题是,当多个设备在网络上相同地标识自己时,您应该如何知道哪个是哪个? 更改设备名称非常简单,如果您家中有多个相同的Android电视盒,则肯定要执行此操作。

为什么要更改Android TV的名称? (Why Change Your Android TV’s Name?)

A while back, a bunch of sites put the Nexus Player on sale for something like $50. At that price, it’s a little more than a Chromecast, but adds a ton of additional functionality. Given that, it’s not unlikely that some users bought a couple of units for different rooms in the house.

不久前,许多网站都以约50美元的价格出售Nexus Player。 在这个价格,它比Chromecast的多一点,但增加了一的附加功能。 鉴于此,一些用户不太可能会为房子中的不同房间购买几个单元。

So, in that scenario, let’s say you have one in the living room and one in the bedroom. You’re lying in bed looking at your phone when you come across a rad video on YouTube that you want to share with your significant other. You hit the “cast” button, only to see “Nexus Player” and “Nexus Player”—but which one is which? Yep, there’s no way to tell.

因此,在这种情况下,假设您在客厅有一个,在卧室有一个。 当您在YouTube上观看要与他人分享的rad视频时,您躺在床上看着手机。 您按下“播放”按钮,只看到“ Nexus Player”和“ Nexus Player”,但是哪个是哪个? 是的,没有办法说出来。

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

To make your life much simpler, you should just rename them to specify where they are. The good news is that it’s stupid-simple. Let’s do it.

为了使您的生活更加简单,您只需将其重命名以指定位置。 好消息是它很愚蠢。 我们开始做吧。

如何重命名您的Android TV播放器 (How to Rename Your Android TV Player)

The first think you’ll want to do is jump into the Settings menu by heading to the bottom row of icons and selecting the gear icon.


android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

From there, just head all the way to the end of the of the first row and head into the “About” section.


android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

The “Device name” is found in this menu, though exactly where it is in the list will vary depending on the device. Just scroll down until you find it.

在此菜单中可以找到“设备名称”,尽管它在列表中的确切位置会因设备而异。 向下滚动直到找到它。

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

One you’ve located it, go ahead and click on it. This will open a menu asking if you if you’d like to change the name. Select “Change.”

找到一个人,继续并单击它。 这将打开一个菜单,询问您是否要更改名称。 选择“更改”。

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

You’ll then be presented with a handful of different pre-set options, like “Media Room,” “Family Room,” and the like. If one of those fits your situation, go ahead and select it. You’ll be taken back to the “About” menu and the new device name will be displayed. You’re done.

然后,您会看到一些不同的预设选项,例如“媒体室”,“家庭室”等。 如果其中一种适合您的情况,请继续进行选择。 您将被带回到“关于”菜单,并且将显示新的设备名称。 你完成了。

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

If none of the preset options are good enough for you, scroll all the way to the bottom of the list, where you’ll see a “Enter Custom Name…” option. Select that.

如果没有一个适合您的预设选项,请一直滚动到列表底部,您将在其中看到“输入自定义名称...”选项。 选择那个。

android 设备名称_如何更改您的Android TV的设备名称

The on-screen keyboard will show up, allowing you to name your device whatever you like. Once you’re finished renaming it, just hit “Next”. That’s it.

屏幕上的键盘将会出现,您可以根据自己的喜好命名设备。 重命名后,只需单击“下一步”。 而已。

Once the device has been renamed, the new name will show up almost immediately in the cast menu. Gone are the days of guessing which box is the correct once when you want to watch YouTube or Netflix. You’re welcome.

设备重命名后,新名称几乎会立即在投射菜单中显示。 当您想观看YouTube或Netflix时,猜测哪个框是正确的日子已经一去不复返了。 别客气。


android 设备名称