ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

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ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

Everyone should use a password manager, and third-party password managers like LastPass, 1Password, or Dashlane work better on an iPhone or iPad than you might think. You can directly autofill passwords on websites and apps using a share sheet action. It’s just hidden by default.

每个人都应该使用密码管理器,而LastPass1PasswordDashlane之类的第三方密码管理器在iPhone或iPad上的工作效果可能比您想象的要好。 您可以使用共享表单操作直接在网站和应用上自动填充密码。 默认情况下它只是隐藏的。

UPDATE: If you’re on iOS 12, there’s a new and improved password manager integration that’s incredibly easy to use. 

更新:如果您使用的是iOS 12,则有一个新的改进的密码管理器集成,它非常易于使用。

Your iPhone or iPad offers integrated password autofill, too…as long as you use Apple’s keychain for your passwords. Safari will prompt you and ask whether you want to save a password when you type one on a website, and so will some third-party apps. You can view these passwords from Settings > Accounts & Passwords > App & Website Passwords. However, the below tricks will help you use third-party password managers.

您的iPhone或iPad也提供集成的密码自动填充功能……只要您使用Apple的钥匙串来输入密码即可。 Safari会提示您,并在网站上键入密码时询问您是否要保存密码,某些第三方应用程序也会如此。 您可以从“设置”>“帐户和密码”>“应用程序和网站密码”查看这些密码。 但是,以下技巧将帮助您使用第三方密码管理器。

在Safari和Web视图中填写密码 (Fill Passwords in Safari and Web Views)

Third-party password managers work in Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and any other application that uses a “web view” that displays a web page. Unlike on desktop browsers, this autofill doesn’t happen automatically. You have to tap a button to autofill your credentials, which is good for security, anyway.

第三方密码管理器可在Safari,Chrome,Firefox和其他使用显示网页的“网络视图”的应用程序中使用。 与台式机浏览器不同,此自动填充功能不会自动发生。 无论如何,您必须点击一个按钮来自动填充您的凭据,这对安全性很有帮助。

To do this, navigate to the login page on the website where you want to fill a username and password  and tap the “Share” button. For example, in Safari, the Share button is at the bottom of the screen. In Chrome, tap the men button and then tap the “Share” button at the top left corner of the menu.

为此,请导航至网站上您要填写用户名和密码的登录页面,然后点击“共享”按钮。 例如,在Safari中,“共享”按钮位于屏幕底部。 在Chrome浏览器中,点击男性按钮,然后点击菜单左上角的“共享”按钮。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充
ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

You will first need to enable the share sheet action before you can use it. Once you’ve done this a single time, it will be easily available in the future. To do this, scroll to the right on the second row of icons and tap “More”.

首先,您需要先启用共享表操作,然后才能使用它。 一次完成此操作后,将来就可以轻松使用它。 为此,请滚动到第二行图标的右侧,然后点击“更多”。

Locate your password manager’s action and enable it. You may have to scroll down to find it. You can touch the grippy handle and move your finger to reorder actions in the list. For example, if you drag your password manager’s action to the top of the list here, it will appear at the left side of the action list on the sheet and be more easily accessible without any scrolling required.

找到密码管理器的操作并启用它。 您可能需要向下滚动才能找到它。 您可以触摸紧握的手柄并移动手指以重新排序列表中的动作。 例如,如果将密码管理器的操作拖到此处列表的顶部,它将显示在工作表上操作列表的左侧,并且无需任何滚动即可更轻松地访问。

If you don’t see the password manager’s action in this list, you will first need to install the password manager’s app from the App Store. As long as the app is installed, its action will appear as an option you can enable.

如果在此列表中没有看到密码管理器的操作,则首先需要从App Store安装密码管理器的应用程序。 只要安装了该应用程序,它的操作就会显示为您可以启用的选项。

Tap “Done” once you’re done.


ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充
ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

You can now tap your password manager’s icon on the share sheet to start autofilling. Your password manager will first authenticate you, just as if you opened its app. For example, LastPass can use Touch ID or Face ID for this.

现在,您可以在共享表上点击密码管理器的图标以开始自动填充。 您的密码管理器将首先对您进行身份验证,就像您打开其应用程序一样。 例如,LastPass可以为此使用Touch IDFace ID

Once it’s authenticated, you’ll be able to choose a login. It’ll show you logins that match the current website available in your web browser, so you can choose your preferred account if you have multiple ones. Tap the account and the credentials will be automatically filled on the current page.

通过身份验证后,您将可以选择登录名。 它会向您显示与您的网络浏览器中可用的当前网站匹配的登录名,因此,如果您有多个帐户,则可以选择自己喜欢的帐户。 点击该帐户,凭据将自动填充到当前页面上。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充
ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

在其他应用程序中填写密码 (Fill Passwords in Other Apps)

These password manager actions also work in some other apps, but only if that app’s developer has added a button to support third-party password managers.


If an app does support your password manager, you’ll see a keyhole or lock icon in or near its password field. Tap it and you’ll be able to choose your password manager action to autofill a username and password associated with the app, just as you could in your browser.

如果某个应用确实支持您的密码管理器,则您会在其密码字段中或附近看到钥匙Kong或锁形图标。 点击它,您将能够选择密码管理器操作,以自动填充与该应用程序关联的用户名和密码,就像在浏览器中一样。

ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充
ipad iphone开发_如何从iPhone或iPad上的密码管理器自动填充

If you don’t see this icon, you’ll have to either manually type in your username and password or copy and paste it from your password manager app.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/342151/how-to-autofill-from-a-password-manager-on-an-iphone-or-ipad/

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