



If you have a thirst for scientific knowledge, there are many websites that can start to quench that thirst. From news about scientific discoveries to resources for teaching science, you can find a wealth of scientific information on the web.

如果您渴望科学知识,那么有很多网站可以消除这种渴望。 从有关科学发现的新闻到用于科学教学的资源,您可以在网络上找到大量的科学信息。

美国国家科学院院刊(PNAS)论文集 (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of the USA)

PNAS publishes cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy that cover the biological, physical, and social sciences. The site contains the full text, figures, tables, equations, and references of all articles in PNAS dating back to 1990. PNAS is available by subscription weekly in print, and daily online before the printed version in the PNAS Early Edition. For individuals only in the online Early Edition format only, it costs $215/year. For more information about what’s included in the subscription and for more subscription rates, see their About page and their rates page. If you don’t want to subscribe, you can still access the tables of contents, abstracts, full-text search, and all content older than 6 months at no cost and without registration.

PNAS出版了涵盖生物,物理和社会科学领域的前沿研究报告,评论,评论,观点,座谈会论文以及学院的行动。 该站点包含1990年以来PNAS中所有文章的全文,图形,表格,方程式和参考。PNAS每周可通过印刷方式订阅 ,在PNAS早期版中的印刷版之前,每天均可在线订购 。 仅针对在线早期版本格式的个人,费用为每年215美元。 有关订阅中包含的内容以及更多订阅费率的更多信息,请参见其“ 关于”页面和其费率页面 。 如果您不想订阅,您仍然可以免费访问目录,摘要,全文搜索以及所有超过6个月的内容,无需注册。

Also, see the National Academy of Sciences website.



美国科学促进会(AAAS) (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS))

The American Association for the Advancement of Science, or “Triple A-S,” is an international, professional, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people. Their goals include enhancing communication among scientists, engineers, and the public, strengthening and diversifying the science and technology workforce, promoting and defending the integrity of science and its use, and fostering education in science and technology for everyone. The AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books, and reports. Science boasts an estimated total readership of one million.

美国科学发展协会 (简称“ Triple AS”)是一个国际性,专业的非营利组织,致力于为全世界造福所有人,以促进科学,工程和创新。 他们的目标包括加强科学家,工程师和公众之间的交流,加强和分散科学​​技术人员的力量,促进和捍卫科学及其使用的完整性,以及促进所有人的科学技术教育。 美国科学促进会(AAAS)出版《 科学 》杂志以及许多科学通讯,书籍和报告。 《科学》杂志的总读者人数估计为一百万。

Lessons and tools for educating K-12 kids can be found on their ScienceNetLinks site.


chrome扩展程序科学_扩展科学知识的最佳网站 ( is an online portal for the advanced teaching of science and scientific research. They provide a virtual conference room, lecture hall, laboratory, library, and a meeting venue for the presentation and transfer of scientific knowledge. The site enables scientists, lecturers, academics, students, and practitioners of all types to present and share scientific knowledge through the use of streaming audio and video, text documents and classic community functions such as chat, email, and blogs.

ScienceStage.com是一个在线门户网站,用于科学和科学研究的高级教学。 他们提供了一个虚拟会议室,演讲厅,实验室,图书馆以及一个用于展示和转让科学知识的会议场所。 该站点使各种类型的科学家,讲师,学者,学生和从业人员能够通过使用流音频和视频,文本文档以及经典的社区功能(例如聊天,电子邮件和博客)来展示和共享科学知识。


科学日报 (ScienceDaily)

ScienceDaily is one of the most popular science news sites on the web and covers breaking scientific news and the latest scientific discoveries. You can access over 65,000 research articles, 15,000 images, 2,500 encyclopedia entries, 1,500 book reviews, and hundreds of education videos for free, without subscription fees. The breaking news and feature articles, covering discoveries in almost every science topic from astrophysics to zoology, are updated several times a day, seven days a week. The world’s leading universities and research organizations use ScienceDailyto spread their scientists’ findings to a wider audience, and showcase the top science news stories.

《科学日报》是网络上最受欢迎的科学新闻网站之一,涵盖了重大科学新闻和最新科学发现。 您可以免费访问超过65,000篇研究文章,15,000张图像,2,500个百科全书条目,1,500个书评和数百个教育视频,无需付费。 每周7天每天更新几次重大新闻和专题文章,涵盖从天体物理学到动物学的几乎每个科学主题的发现。 世界领先的大学和研究机构使用《科学日报》将其科学家的发现传播给更广泛的受众,并展示顶尖的科学新闻故事。

You can sign up for ScienceDaily’s email newsletter and/or their RSS feed to receive notifications of important scientific discoveries.

您可以注册《科学日报 》的电子邮件通讯和/或其RSS供稿,以接收有关重要科学发现的通知。


科学新闻 (Science News)

Science News is an award-winning, news magazine that publishes concise, accurate, timely articles about all areas of science and covers important and emerging scientific research. You can subscribe to Science News in print, online digital format, and on the Kindle and iPad. It’s also distributed in audio form on in a 1-month subscription or 12-month subscription. You can also search for Science News on the Audible site to find single issues you can purchase.

《科学新闻》是一本屡获殊荣的新闻杂志,其发表有关科学所有领域的简明,准确,及时的文章,并涵盖重要的和新兴的科学研究。 您可以以印刷,在线数字格式以及在Kindle和iPad上订阅《 科学新闻》 。 它也以音频形式在Audible.com上以1个月订阅12个月订阅的形式分发。 您也可以在Audible网站上搜索Science News ,以查找可以购买的单个期刊。


纽约时报科学新闻 (New York Times Science News)

The New York Times has a special Science page that covers current scientific events about the environment and space and the cosmos.

纽约时报有一个特殊的“ 科学”页面 ,该页面涵盖了有关环境,空间和宇宙的最新科学事件。


新星 (NOVA)

NOVA is the most watched documentary series on public television and the highest rated science series on television and has won many major television awards, some multiple times. It’s a science show for “curious people exploring interesting questions.” Each show covers a single topic shown to be of great interest to viewers in an uninterrupted, hour-long program. If you’re still hungry for more information about the topic, each show has a website to accompany it that offers articles, interviews, personal essays, slide shows, 360° panoramas and interactive features.

NOVA是公共电视上收看率最高的纪录片系列,也是电视上收视率最高的科学系列,并多次获得许多主要电视奖项。 这是针对“好奇的人探索有趣的问题”的科学展览。 每个节目都涵盖一个主题,观众可以通过一个不间断的,长达一个小时的节目来极大地关注他们的兴趣。 如果您仍然想了解有关该主题的更多信息,则每个节目都有一个网站提供相应的文章,访谈,个人随笔,幻灯片,360°全景图和互动功能。


事情怎么样 (HowStuffWorks)

HowStuffWorks provides explanations for thousands of topics, allowing you to explore how the natural world works, as well as topics in engineering, space, military technology, and physics, among many others.


You can get daily notifications about the newest articles through their RSS feed, as well as finding out about articles on specific topics. HowStuffWorks is also available as an iPad app, an iPhone app, and an Android app.

您可以通过其RSS feed获得有关最新文章的每日通知,以及查找有关特定主题的文章。 HowStuffWorks也可以作为iPad应用程序iPhone应用程序Android应用程序使用


国家公共广播电台(NPR) (National Public Radio (NPR))

National Public Radio (NPR) creates and distributes news, information, and music to a network of almost a thousand independent stations. They have a special science page on their website with scientific news and information about many topics, such as the environment, energy, space, technology, and research news.

国家公共广播电台(NPR)将新闻,信息和音乐创建并分发到由近千个独立电台组成的网络中。 他们在网站上设有一个特殊的科学页面,其中包含科学新闻和有关许多主题的信息,例如环境,能源,空间,技术和研究新闻。

Subscribe to their science podcast RSS feed to be notified about podcasts covering the latest health and science news that you can download in MP3 format. You can also build your own custom podcast of various topics, music, personalities, and other NPR programs.

订阅他们的科学播客RSS提要,即可获得有关播客的通知,其中包括您可以MP3格式下载的最新健康和科学新闻。 您还可以针对各种主题,音乐,个性和其他NPR程序构建自己的自定义播客

Stay informed by downloading apps for Android, iPhone, and iPad, access a mobile site in the browser on your phone or tablet. Follow NPR on Twitter and be a fan of NPR on Facebook.

通过下载适用于Android,iPhone和iPad的应用程序随时了解最新信息,并在手机或平板电脑上的浏览器中访问移动网站。 在Twitter上关注NPR,并在Facebook上成为NPR的粉丝。


科学公共图书馆(PLoS) (Public Library of Science (PLoS))

The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is a nonprofit publisher of high-quality, high-profile scientific and medical journals in which scientists and physicians can publish their most important work. Because the sharing of research encourages progress, the journals are freely available to the public under the open access model with no fees for access. The journals can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, and used (with attribution as specified by the Creative Commons Attribution License).

科学公共图书馆(PLoS)是高质量,高知名度的科学和医学期刊的非盈利性出版商,科学家和医师可以在其中发表其最重要的著作。 由于共享研究成果可以促进进步,因此在开放访问模式下免费向公众公开期刊,而无需收取任何费用。 可以读取,下载,复制,分发和使用这些日记帐(具有知识共享署名许可所指定的出处)。

The PLoS also publishes a blog providing an insider’s view of what’s going on at PLoS.



生物医学中心 (BioMed Central)

BioMed Central is a science, technology, and medicine (STM) publisher of 241 peer-reviewed, open access journals. The original research articles published by BioMed Central are freely and permanently accessible online to the public immediately upon publication.

BioMed Central是241家经过同行评审的开放获取期刊的科学,技术和医学(STM)出版商。 由BioMed Central发表的原始研究论文一经发表,便可以立即免费在线永久地向公众开放。

chrome扩展程序科学_扩展科学知识的最佳网站 ( provides the ability to search over 55 scientific databases and 200 million pages of government science information and research results using one query. 17 scientific and technical organizations from 13 federal agencies contribute content to The site is also a gateway to over 2100 other scientific websites. Wikipedia and Eureka News results related to your search terms are included in the search results.

Science.gov提供使用一个查询来搜索55多个科学数据库以及2亿页*科学信息和研究结果的功能。 来自13个联邦机构的 17个科学技术组织为Science.gov提供内容。 该网站还是通往2100多个其他科学网站的门户。 与您的搜索词相关的Wikipedia和Eureka News结果包含在搜索结果中。

If you want to automatically receive updates regarding newly available information on in specific areas of interest, you can register for their ALERTS feature. You can also follow the site on Twitter. To view on your mobile device, visit the mobile site,

如果您想自动接收特定感兴趣领域中有关Science.gov上新可用信息的更新,可以注册其ALERTS功能 。 您也可以在Twitter上关注该站点。 要在您的移动设备上查看,请访问移动网站。


国家地理–科学与空间 (National Geographic – Science and Space)

National Geographic supports exploration and discovery and groundbreaking scientific fieldwork and critical expeditions through grant programs and public projects. Their Science and Space site covers topics in archaeology, technology, space, the prehistoric world, the Earth, and health and the human body.

《国家地理杂志》通过赠款计划和公共项目来支持勘探,发现以及具有开创性的科学野外工作和重要探险。 他们的“科学与太空”站点涵盖了考古,技术,空间,史前世界,地球以及健康与人体等主题。


了解科学 (Understanding Science)

The Understanding Science website is a fun, free resource that aims to accurately communicate what science is and how it really works. It provides “an inside look at the general principles, methods, and motivations that underlie all of science.” They provide resources and strategies for K-16 teachers so they can improve their scientific understanding and reinforce the nature of science in their scientific teachings. The website also provides an informative reference that allows students and the general public to accurately understand the nature of science.

理解科学网站是一个有趣且免费的资源,旨在准确地传达科学是什么以及科学如何真正发挥作用。 它提供了“对构成整个科学基础的一般原理,方法和动机的内部了解”。 他们为K-16教师提供资源和策略,以便他们可以提高对科学的理解,并在科学教学中加强科学的本质。 该网站还提供了丰富的参考资料,使学生和公众可以准确地了解科学的本质。


儿童科学新闻 (Science News for Kids)

Science News for Kids is a website launched in 2003 by the Society for Science & the Public (SSP), who also publishes the Science News magazine. It’s meant to be a youth edition of and companion to the magazine and to inform, educate, and inspire kids to understand and appreciate science and the vital role it plays in human advancement.

《儿童科学新闻》是由科学与公众协会(SSP)于2003年建立的网站,该协会还出版了《 科学新闻 》杂志。 它的目的是成为该杂志的青年版,并作为该杂志的伴侣,并告知,教育和启发孩子们理解和欣赏科学及其在人类进步中所起的重要作用。

Kids can stay up-to-date with the latest in science news by signing up for the SNK E-Blast email newsletter which lists the headline, summary, and URL of every Science News for Kids article being published every week.

通过注册SNK E-Blast电子邮件通讯,孩子们可以了解最新的科学新闻,其中列出了每周出版的每篇《儿童科学新闻》文章的标题,摘要和URL。


科学变得简单 (Science Made Simple)

Children learn by asking questions. Some questions you, as a parent or teacher, will be able to answer, some you may not. The Science Made Simple website can help you answer those questions. They offer a newsletter that costs $11.95 for 10 issues of downloadable PDF files, and you can try risk free. If you are not happy with the first issue, they will refund your money.

孩子们通过提问来学习。 作为父母或老师,您可以回答一些问题,而您可能无法回答。 Science Made Simple网站可以帮助您回答这些问题。 他们提供一份新闻通讯,每10期可下载PDF文件的价格为11.95美元,您可以免费试用。 如果您对第一期不满意,他们将退还您的钱。

The newsletter is designed for kids from about ages 5 to 13 and has several different sections written at different levels of difficulty and depth. Each issue starts with a question children might ask about the world around them. The newsletter continues with an easy section for the younger children followed by a general discussion of the basic science needed to answer the question. More detailed information is also included about related science topics for further education. The basic science concepts in the newsletter can be reinforced using the included fun, safe, kid-tested projects.

该通讯专为5至13岁的儿童而设计,并以不同的难度和深度编写了几个不同的章节。 每个问题都以一个孩子可能会问及周围世界的问题开始。 该通讯继续为年幼的儿童提供一个简单的章节,然后是回答该问题所需的基础科学的一般性讨论。 还包括有关继续教育的相关科学主题的更详细的信息。 简讯中的基本科学概念可以通过包含的有趣,安全,经过孩子测试的项目得到加强。


酷科学 (Cool Science)

Cool Science is a website published by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) that provides scientific information for people of all ages. There’s a database of resources for educators, from lesson plans and detailed curricula to tutorials, animations and laboratory exercises. Educators can also subscribe to the Educational Resource Locator RSS feed to stay updated on new resources as they become available.

酷科学是由霍华德·休斯医学研究所(HHMI)发布的网站,可为各个年龄段的人提供科学信息。 这里有一个教育者资源数据库,从课程计划和详细课程,到教程,动画和实验室练习。 教育者还可以订阅“ 教育资源定位器” RSS feed,以在新资源可用时保持最新状态。

There’s also a section of the site that allows curious kids to explore on their own answers to questions they might have.


The Biointeractive section of the site provides free resources for science teachers and students.

该网站的“ 生物互动”部分为理科教师和学生提供免费资源。

If you have questions about medicine, human biology, animals, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, or evolution, the Ask a Scientist section connects you with some of the top scientists in the country connected with HHMI to get your questions answered.

如果您对医学,人类生物学,动物,生物化学,微生物学,遗传学或进化有疑问,“ 询问科学家”部分会将您与该国与HHMI相关的一些*科学家联系起来,以解答您的问题。


有关科学家联盟(UCS) (Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS))

The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) is a science-based, nonprofit alliance of more than 400,000 citizens and scientists working on improving the environment and making the world a safer place. The UCS members include parents and businesspeople, teachers and students, and many types of scientists. Through independent scientific research and citizen action, they work to develop innovative, practical solutions for safeguarding our future and the future of our planet.

关注科学家联盟(UCS)是一个基于科学的非营利性联盟,由40万公民和科学家组成,致力于改善环境并使世界变得更安全。 UCS的成员包括父母和商人,老师和学生以及许多类型的科学家。 通过独立的科学研究和公民行动,他们致力于开发创新,实用的解决方案,以维护我们的未来以及地球的未来。

To receive updates on news, event information, and urgent action alerts, you can sign up to receive free email updates. Providing your city, state, and zip code ensures that you receive information specific to your community. If you would rather not get updates through email, you can subscribe to their RSS feed. For a tax-deductible fee, you can also join UCS to aid them in the advancement of science-based solutions.

要接收新闻,事件信息和紧急行动警报的更新,您可以注册以接收免费的电子邮件更新 。 提供您的城市,州和邮政编码可确保您接收到特定于社区的信息。 如果您不想通过电子邮件获得更新,则可以订阅其RSS feed 。 您也可以加入UCS来获得免税费用,以帮助他们推进基于科学的解决方案。


专业的科学组织 (Professional Scientific Organizations)

In addition to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) mentioned earlier, there are other professional organizations dedicated to scientific professional and educational development.

除了前面提到的美国科学促进协会(AAAS) ,还有其他致力于科学专业和教育发展的专业组织。


加州大学旧金山分校Osher迷你医学院 (UCSF Osher Mini Medical School for the Public)

The UCSF Osher Mini Medical School for the Public is a freely available series of programs presented by UCSF’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine that allow you to learn about health and the health sciences directly from UCSF faculty members and other nationally-recognized experts.

UCSF Osher微型公众医学院是由UCSF的Osher中西医结合中心提供的一系列免费课程,使您可以直接从UCSF教职人员和其他国家认可的专家那里了解健康和健康科学。


高校讲座,出版物,播客和在线课程 (College and University Lectures, Publications, Podcasts, and Online Courses)

The following sites provide lectures, publications, podcasts, and even free online college courses from some of the top universities and colleges.


  • Cornell University Library – e-Print archive – Open access to 774,879 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics

    康奈尔大学图书馆– arXiv.org电子打印档案 –可以访问774,879种物理,数学,计算机科学,定量生物学,定量金融和统计方面的电子出版物

  • Princeton University – Archived Lectures – Streaming videos of past lectures

    普林斯顿大学–演讲存档 –过去演讲的视频流

  • Princeton University – Podcasts – Recordings of public lectures and events held at Princeton University

    普林斯顿大学–播客 –在普林斯顿大学举行的公共讲座和活动的记录

  • HarvardScience – Online publication of the Harvard Office of News and Public Affairs devoted to all matters related to science at the various schools, departments, institutes, and hospitals of Harvard University

    哈佛科学 –哈佛大学新闻与公共事务办公室的在线出版物,专门研究哈佛大学各个学校,系,研究所和医院中与科学有关的所有事项

  • ClassX – Interactive Lecture Streaming from Stanford University

    斯坦福大学的ClassX –互动讲座流

  • Virtual Professors – Free Online College Courses – The most interesting free online college courses and lectures from top university professors and industry experts


国家技术报告图书馆(NTRL) (National Technical Reports Library (NTRL))

The NTRL V3.0 was created by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce to provide access to one of the world’s largest repositories of scientific and technical information produced by the Federal Government over the past 75 years. The mission of the NTIS is to promote American innovation and economic growth by collecting and disseminating scientific, technical and engineering information. As a non-appropriated federal agency, the NTIS operates on a cost-recovery basis. The NTRL V3.0 was developed by the Federal Science Repository Service (FSRS) as an IP-authenticated, subscription-based platform based on the open-source Fedora/SOLR architecture. It provides access to over 2.2 million titles with over 700K digitized full-text technical reports. With updates on a weekly basis these numbers continuously grow as new content is acquired, and existing bibliographic content is digitized. The content of the NTRL V3.0 is arranged by 39 major subject categories and 375 sub-categories. Subscribers to the NTRL V3.0 include major domestic and international universities, federal agencies, businesses, and the library community.

NTRL V3.0由美国商务部的机构国家技术信息服务 (NTIS)创建,以提供对过去75年间联邦*生产的世界上最大的科技信息资源库之一的访问权限。 NTIS的任务是通过收集和传播科学,技术和工程信息来促进美国的创新和经济增长。 作为未授权的联邦机构,NTIS以成本回收为基础运作。 NTRL V3.0由联邦科学资料库服务 (FSRS)开发,它是基于IP认证的基于订阅的平台,基于开源Fedora / SOLR体系结构。 它提供超过220万种数字化全文技术报告,可访问超过220万种图书。 随着每周更新,这些数字随着获取新内容和现有书目内容被数字化而持续增长。 NTRL V3.0的内容按39个主要主题类别和375个子类别进行排列。 NTRL V3.0的订阅者包括主要的国内外大学,联邦机构,企业和图书馆界。

The NTRL V3.0 Newsletter is a complimentary digital publication, published monthly to provide a snapshot of the content of the NTRL V3.0 by subject or theme. Sign-up for your free subscription today to stay informed of new content added to the NTRL V3.0.

NTRL V3.0通讯是免费的数字出版物,每月出版一次,以按主题或主题提供NTRL V3.0内容的快照。 立即注册免费订阅,以随时了解NTRL V3.0中添加的新内容。


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