



Despite their names, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Private, and others are not the same thing as Bitcoin. They’re based on Bitcoin, and are piggybacking on its name, but they’re different things. Here’s how to know which Bitcoin variant is which.

尽管有他们的名字,但比特币现金,比特币黄金,比特币钻石,比特币私有和其他与比特币并不相同。 他们基于比特币,并且背负着它的名字,但是它们是不同的。 这是如何知道哪种比特币变种。

Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency based on open source code. Anyone can take the code, modify it, and release their own version. That’s exactly how these other coins were created.

比特币是一种基于开源代码的去中心化加密货币 。 任何人都可以获取代码,对其进行修改并发布自己的版本。 这就是其他硬币的创建方式。

什么是比特币的“硬叉”? (What is a “Hard Fork” of Bitcoin?)

In computer software, a “fork” occurs when developers take existing code, modify it, and then use it as the basis for their own project. That’s exactly what other projects with names like Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Gold (BTG) are. The developers took the main Bitcoin (BTC) code, known as “Bitcoin Core,” and modified it.

在计算机软件中,当开发人员获取现有代码,对其进行修改,然后将其用作自己项目的基础时,就会发生“分支”。 这正是其他项目的名称,如比特币现金(BCH)和比特币黄金(BTG)。 开发人员采用了主要的比特币(BTC)代码(称为“比特币核心”)并对其进行了修改。

They also chose to fork the Bitcoin blockchain, copying its transaction history and using it as the basis for their own blockchain. In other words, if you owned 10 Bitcoin at the time Bitcoin Cash was released, you’d end up with 10 Bitcoin and 10 Bitcoin Cash. However, that’s a one-way, one-time event. You can’t convert any Bitcoin Cash you own back to Bitcoin—not without selling your Bitcoin Cash at the market rate and then buying Bitcoin at its market rate. And, if you buy Bitcoin after the fork, you don’t get any free Bitcoin Cash.

他们还选择分叉比特币区块链 ,复制其交易历史并将其用作自己的区块链的基础。 换句话说,如果您在发布比特币现金时拥有10比特币,那么您最终将拥有10比特币和10比特币现金。 但是,这是一次单向的事件。 您不能将拥有的任何比特币现金转换回比特币-并非没有以市场价格出售比特币现金然后以市场价格购买比特币。 而且,如果您在分叉后购买了比特币,则不会获得任何免费的比特币现金。

Coins like Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Gold are known as “hard forks” because they create a permanent split in the block chain, as opposed to “soft forks” that only create a temporary split.


People often disagree on the design decisions made in the Bitcoin project, and these hard forks allow developers who disagree to modify Bitcoin in their preferred ways. They can bypass the usual process of gaining consensus in Bitcoin Core and implement their own ideas. These Bitcoin forks are altcoins—that is, non-Bitcoin cryptocurrencies—based on the Bitcoin code.

人们经常不同意比特币项目中做出的设计决策,而这些硬分叉允许不同意开发人员以其首选方式修改比特币的开发人员。 他们可以绕过在Bitcoin Core中获得共识的通常过程,并实现自己的想法。 这些比特币叉是基于比特币代码的altcoins,即非比特币加密货币。

Critics argue that these coins are piggybacking on Bitcoin’s name and that many are launched just to make a nice profit for the developers and early adopters. Supporters argue that they can improve on Bitcoin’s weaknesses.

批评人士认为,这些硬币都背负着比特币的名字,并且发行了许多硬币只是为了给开发商和早期采用者带来可观的利润。 支持者认为,他们可以改善比特币的弱点。

是什么使这些叉子具有任何价值? (What Makes These Forks Have Any Value?)


Like Bitcoin itself, these forks have value (or no value) based entirely on perception—they are worth however much people value them. Some Bitcoin purists believe that these forks have no value and are a distraction from Bitcoin, just as they believe altcoins are largely pointless. Other people believe that Bitcoin has too many problems and that these Bitcoin forks could be the future, just as some people believe that one or more altcoins will supplant Bitcoin as the premier cryptocurrency in the future.

就像比特币本身一样,这些分叉完全基于感知而具有价值(或没有价值)-无论人们如何重视它们,它们都值得。 一些比特币纯粹主义者认为,这些分叉毫无价值,并且会干扰比特币,就像他们认为山寨币毫无意义。 其他人认为比特币有太多问题,这些比特币叉可能是未来,就像有些人认为一种或多种山寨币将取代比特币成为未来的主要加密货币一样。

In the end, Bitcoin and all its forks are priced by the market—in other words, what people are willing to pay for them. You can see how valuable people think these coins are at the moment by looking at a website like Coinranking.com.

最后,比特币及其所有分叉都是由市场定价的,换句话说,人们愿意为之付出的代价。 通过访问类似Coinranking.com的网站,您可以了解当前人们认为这些代币的价值如何。

比特币现金 (BCH) (Bitcoin Cash (BCH))


Bitcoin Cash was designed for low fees and quick transaction times. The name pitches it as a sort of “electronic cash” thanks to these features. Bitcoin Cash embraces a larger block size, which means the network can support more transactions. It’s currently the most valuable Bitcoin hard fork.

比特币现金旨在降低费用和缩短交易时间。 由于这些功能,该名称使它成为一种“电子现金”。 比特币现金具有更大的区块大小,这意味着网络可以支持更多交易。 它是当前最有价值的比特币硬分叉。

This sounded particularly compelling in December 2017, when Bitcoin’s high transaction fees topped out at over $40. It’s still a meaningful difference in April 2018, however. Bitcoin transaction fees are down to $1.15 or so, while Bitcoin cash fees are below $0.04.

这在2017年12月听起来特别引人注目,当时比特币的高额交易费超过40美元。 但是,2018年4月仍然是有意义的差异。 比特币交易费降至$ 1.15左右,而比特币现金费低于$ 0.04

Bitcoin proponents argue that Bitcoin Cash’s changes are unnecessary, that SegWit (Segregated Witness) has already helped bring transaction fees down, and that the Lightning network will bring cheap, near instant payments to Bitcoin in the future.

比特币的支持者认为,比特币现金的变化是不必要的,隔离见证(SegWit)已经帮助降低了交易费用 ,并且闪电网络将在未来为比特币带来廉价,近乎即时的付款。

Critics have pointed out that Bitcoin Cash seems designed be confusing. Both bitcoin.com and the Twitter account @Bitcoin are both used to push Bitcoin Cash. But Bitcoin Cash (BCH) isn’t the same thing as the original Bitcoin (BTC.) The Bitcoin Cash website argues that Bitcoin Cash is the “real Bitcoin,” but the larger Bitcoin community doesn’t agree.

批评人士指出,比特币现金似乎设计得令人困惑。 bitcoin.com和Twitter帐户@Bitcoin都用于推送比特币现金。 但是,比特币现金(BCH)与原始的比特币(BTC)不一样。比特币现金网站认为,比特币现金是“ 真正的比特币 ”,但是更大的比特币社区对此并不认同。

Bitcoin Cash is the fourth most valuable coin after Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple as of April 16, 2018. You can buy Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase just as easily as you can buy Bitcoin.


This was the first big hard fork and took place on August 1, 2017, inspiring other hard forks of Bitcoin.


比特币黄金 (BTG) (Bitcoin Gold (BTG))


Bitcoin Gold tackles another problem some see with Bitcoin: the increasing centralization of Bitcoin mining that requires specialized hardware and makes it impossible for the average person to mine. Specialized hardware known as application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) is required to mine profitably. And those mining companies can wield power over the network thanks to their massive size.

比特币黄金解决了比特币的另一个问题:比特币采矿业日益集中化,这需要专门的硬件,普通人无法开采。 为了获利,需要称为专用集成电路(ASIC)的专用硬件。 而且,由于规模庞大,这些矿业公司可以通过网络使用电力。

The Bitcoin Gold hard fork tackles this problem by swapping out the SHA-256 mining algorithm in Bitcoin for another algorithm called Equihash. This is still a proof-of-work algorithm that requires an immense amount of electricity and computing power, but it’s made to be much more difficult for ASIC-based optimization. Bitcoin Gold is designed so that average people—or at least average people with powerful graphics processors (GPUs)—can mine Bitcoin on their PCs once again, making the network more decentralized.

比特币黄金硬叉通过将比特币中的SHA-256挖掘算法替换为另一种称为Equihash的算法来解决此问题。 这仍然是一种工作量证明算法,需要大量的电量和计算能力,但是对于基于ASIC的优化而言,要困难得多。 比特币黄金的设计目的是使普通人(或至少具有强大图形处理器(GPU)的普通人)可以在其PC上再次开采比特币 ,从而使网络更加分散。

As of April 16, 2018, Bitcoin Gold was the 26th most valuable coin and the third most valuable Bitcoin hard fork after Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin Diamond, according to Coinranking.com.


The Bitcoin Gold fork took place on November 12, 2017.


比特币钻石 (BCD) (Bitcoin Diamond (BCD))


Bitcoin Diamond mixes together a number of features to create a “better Bitcoin,” including Segwit and the Lightning network (from Bitcoin), larger block sizes (from Bitcoin Cash), and a GPU-optimized mining algorithm (similar to Bitcoin Gold). It also promises some privacy by encrypting the values of each transaction. People can’t see how much currency is being sent in any given transaction by examining the public blockchain.

比特币钻石将多种功能结合在一起,以创建“更好的比特币”,包括隔离见证和闪电网络(来自比特币),更大的区块大小(来自比特币现金)以及GPU优化的挖掘算法(类似于比特币黄金)。 它还通过加密每个交易的值来保证一定的私密性。 人们无法通过检查公共区块链来查看在任何给定交易中发送了多少货币。

This is the 16th most valuable coin and second most valuable Bitcoin hard fork and as of April 16, 2018, beating Bitcoin Gold.


The Bitcoin Diamond fork took place on November 24, 2017.


比特币专用 (BTCP) (Bitcoin Private (BTCP))


This is a hard fork of Bitcoin, but it’s also a merge with the Zclassic cryptocurrency. It’s a “fork-merge.” In other words, anyone who owned either Bitcoin (BTC) or ZClassic (ZCL) received Bitcoin Private at a 1:1 ratio. So, if you had 10 Bitcoin and 10 Zclassic, you ended up with 20 Bitcoin Private as well.

这是比特币的硬分叉,但它也是与Zclassic加密货币的合并。 这是“叉子合并”。 换句话说,拥有比特币(BTC)或ZClassic(ZCL)的任何人都会以1:1的比例获得比特币私有。 因此,如果您有10个比特币和10个Zclassic,那么您最终也会获得20个比特币私有。

Where Bitcoin allows people to view transactions on the public blockchain, Bitcoin Private is focused on privacy. As the project’s website puts it, “payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient and other transactional metadata remain unidentifiable.”

比特币允许人们查看公共区块链上的交易,而比特币私有则专注于隐私。 正如该项目的网站所说,“付款在公共区块链上发布,但发件人,收件人和其他交易元数据仍然无法识别。”

This is the 37th most valuable coin and fourth most valuable Bitcoin hard fork as of April 16, 2018.


The Bitcoin Private fork took place on February 28, 2018.


这些来自更多的硬叉 (There Are More Hard Forks Where These Came From)

Unsurprisingly, these hard forks were all released in mid-to-late 2017 or early 2018, around the time of Bitcoin’s historical highs in December 2017. Lots of people want to get in on the hype. There are many, many other hard forks out there with names like Bitcoin Rhodium, Super Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Silver, too. You’ll probably see lots of hard forks released throughout 2018.

毫不奇怪,这些硬分叉都是在2017年中后期或2018年初发布的 ,大约在2017年12月比特币的历史高位之时。许多人都希望参与炒作。 还有很多其他硬分叉,也有比特币铑,超级比特币和比特币白银之类的名字。 您可能会看到在整个2018年发布了许多硬分叉。

If it’s all becoming a blur at this point, that’s the idea. People will keep creating Bitcoin hard forks as long as Bitcoin is popular, attempting to add their own ideas to Bitcoin or just strike it rich by hoping their coin takes off. Slapping the “Bitcoin” name on something seems like a surefire people to get people to pay attention to your idea, while an altcoin without “Bitcoin” in the name may not grab as much attention. Just as anyone can create their own altcoin, anyone can create their own Bitcoin fork.

如果此时一切都变得模糊,那就是主意。 只要比特币很受欢迎,人们就会继续创建比特币硬分叉,尝试将自己的想法添加到比特币中,或者只是希望自己的硬币腾飞而使比特币富起来。 在某些东西上贴上“ Bitcoin”名称似乎是一个让人不由自主地吸引人们注意您的主意的东西,而名称中没有“ Bitcoin”的山寨币可能不会引起太多关注。 正如任何人都可以创建自己的山寨币一样,任何人都可以创建自己的比特币叉。

While we don’t recommend you put money into Bitcoin, we think you should be especially careful before putting money into Bitcoin hard forks or altcoins.


Image Credit: Adrian Today/Shutterstock.com.

图片来源: Adrian Today /Shutterstock.com。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/349263/whats-the-difference-between-bitcoin-bitcoin-cash-bitcoin-gold-and-others/
