smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

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smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

Windows 10 includes SmartScreen, a feature that helps protect your PC from downloaded malware and malicious websites. The “SmartScreen” process—with the filename “smartscreen.exe”—that you see in Task Manager is responsible for this feature.

Windows 10包含SmartScreen,该功能可帮助保护您的PC免受下载的恶意软件和恶意网站的侵害。 您在任务管理器中看到的“ SmartScreen”进程(文件名为“ smartscreen.exe”)负责此功能。

RELATED: What Is This Process and Why Is It Running on My PC?

相关: 此过程是什么?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,介绍在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是SmartScreen? (What is SmartScreen?)

smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

RELATED: How the SmartScreen Filter Works in Windows 8 and 10

相关 文章SmartScreen筛选器在Windows 8和10中的工作方式

SmartScreen was added for Windows 8, and it’s been improved in Windows 10. Whenever you download an application or file, the SmartScreen filter checks it against a Microsoft database. If the file has been seen before and is known to be safe—for example, if you download the installer for Chrome or iTunes—SmartScreen will allow it to run. If it’s been seen before and is known to be dangerous malware, SmartScreen blocks it. If it hasn’t been seen before and Windows isn’t sure whether it’s safe, Windows prevents the app from starting and warns you it may be dangerous, but lets you bypass this warning.

SmartScreen是为Windows 8添加的,在Windows 10中已得到改进。无论何时下载应用程序或文件, SmartScreen筛选器都会根据Microsoft数据库对其进行检查。 如果文件曾经被查看过并且被认为是安全的(例如,如果您下载了Chrome或iTunes的安装程序),SmartScreen将允许其运行。 如果以前看过它并且知道它是危险的恶意软件,则SmartScreen会阻止它。 如果以前从未看到过它,并且Windows不确定它是否安全,则Windows会阻止该应用程序启动并警告您可能很危险,但可以绕开此警告。

This service is also used in Microsoft Edge and Store apps to block malicious web content. However, the operating system SmartScreen process helps protect you no matter what application you use to download files. It helps even if you use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser, or download the files with another application.

Microsoft Edge和商店应用程序中也使用此服务来阻止恶意Web内容。 但是,无论您使用什么应用程序下载文件,操作系统SmartScreen进程都会帮助保护您。 即使您将Google Chrome或Mozilla Firefox用作浏览器,或使用其他应用程序下载文件,它也会有所帮助。

RELATED: What Is "Antimalware Service Executable" and Why Is It Running on My PC?

相关文章: 什么是“可执行的反恶意软件服务”?为什么它在我的PC上运行?

SmartScreen is just another layer of security in addition to Windows Defender, which is represented by the Antimalware Service Executable process on your PC. Having a security system with multiple layers helps keep your PC safer, even if you use another antivirus program and a web browser with its own anti-malware features.

SmartScreen只是Windows Defender之外的另一安全层,它由PC上的Antimalware Service Executable进程表示。 即使您使用其他防病毒程序和具有自己的反恶意软件功能的Web浏览器,拥有多层安全系统也可以使您的PC安全。

为什么使用CPU和内存? (Why Is It Using CPU and Memory?)

smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

Most of the time, the SmartScreen process sits in the background and uses almost no system resources. You may see it hovering at 0% CPU and just a few megabytes of memory used in the Task Manager. Windows may automatically close the process at times when it isn’t being used, so you may not even always see it running in the background.

大多数情况下,SmartScreen进程位于后台,几乎不使用任何系统资源。 您可能会看到它徘徊在0%的CPU和任务管理器中仅使用的几兆内存上。 Windows可能会在不使用该进程时自动关闭该进程,因此您甚至可能不会总是看到它在后台运行。

However, if you have SmartScreen enabled and you download a new application or file, SmartScreen kicks into gear. Windows launches it if it isn’t already running and you’ll see it use a bit of CPU and memory resources as it computes a hash of the file, sends that to Microsoft’s servers, and waits for a response to see if the file is safe. If it is deemed safe, Windows launches the application or file normally.

但是,如果启用了SmartScreen,并且下载了新的应用程序或文件,则SmartScreen将会投入使用。 如果它尚未运行,Windows会启动它,您会看到它使用一点CPU和内存资源,因为它计算文件的哈希值,将其发送到Microsoft的服务器,然后等待响应以查看文件是否为安全。 如果认为安全,则Windows将正常启动该应用程序或文件。

The SmartScreen filter is used in addition to the usual antivirus checks, which are performed by the Antimalware Service Executable process if you’re using the default Windows Defender as your antivirus program.

如果您使用默认的Windows Defender作为防病毒程序,则除常规的防病毒检查外,还会使用SmartScreen筛选器,这些检查由Antimalware Service Executable进程执行。

The amount of CPU and memory used should be fairly small and the entire process should be very quick, although larger files will take longer to examine than smaller files. This check is only performed the first time you open a downloaded program or file, so it doesn’t just waste resources every time you open an application.

尽管较大的文件比较小的文件需要更长的检查时间,但使用的CPU和内存量应该很小,整个过程应该非常快。 仅在您第一次打开下载的程序或文件时执行此检查,因此它不仅会在每次打开应用程序时浪费资源。

我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

You can’t fully disable the SmartScreen process. Even if you turn off the SmartScreen feature in Windows, the SmartScreen process still launches when you sign into your PC. However, it uses no CPU resources and only a few megabytes of memory. You can forcibly end this process from the Task Manager, but Windows just launches it again automatically when it’s needed.

您不能完全禁用SmartScreen进程。 即使关闭Windows中的SmartScreen功能,登录PC时SmartScreen进程仍会启动。 但是,它不占用CPU资源,仅占用几兆字节的内存。 您可以从任务管理器中强制结束此过程,但是Windows会在需要时自动再次启动它。

You can prevent the SmartScreen process from using CPU and memory resources in the background by disabling the SmartScreen feature.


We do not recommend this, though! SmartScreen is a useful security feature that can help protect your PC from malware. Even if you have other security software installed, SmartScreen can protect you from something your main security program might miss. It only uses a tiny amount of system resources, anyway.

不过,我们不建议这样做! SmartScreen是一项有用的安全功能,可以帮助保护您的PC免受恶意软件的侵害。 即使您安装了其他安全软件,SmartScreen也可以保护您免受主要安全程序可能遗漏的威胁。 无论如何,它只使用少量的系统资源。

RELATED: How to Disable the SmartScreen Filter In Windows 8 or 10

相关: 如何在Windows 8或10中禁用SmartScreen筛选器

If you do want to disable the SmartScreen filter, head to Windows Defender Security Center > App & Browser Control, and then set “Check apps and files” to “Off” in Windows 10.

如果确实要禁用SmartScreen筛选器 ,请转到Windows Defender安全中心>“应用程序和浏览器控制”,然后在Windows 10中将“检查应用程序和文件”设置为“关”。

smartscreen 关_什么是“ SmartScreen”?为什么在我的PC上运行它?

是病毒吗? (Is It a Virus?)

RELATED: What's the Best Antivirus for Windows 10? (Is Windows Defender Good Enough?)

相关: 什么是Windows 10最佳防病毒软件? (Windows Defender是否足够好?)

We haven’t seen any reports of malware imitating the SmartScreen or smartscreen.exe process. This process is a part of Windows 10 and helps protect your PC from malware, although no security solution is perfect. However, If you’re concerned you may have malware running on your system, it’s always a good idea to run a scan with your preferred antivirus program just to check that everything is okay.

我们还没有看到任何模仿SmartScreen或smartscreen.exe进程的恶意软件报告。 该过程是Windows 10的一部分,可帮助保护您的PC免受恶意软件的侵害,尽管没有完美的安全解决方案。 但是,如果您担心自己的系统上可能正在运行恶意软件,最好使用首选的防病毒程序运行扫描,以检查一切是否正常。


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