什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

If you spend any time in Task Manager, you may have noticed something called “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation”, and wondered why it sometimes goes a bit nuts with system resource usage. Here’s what it does and what you can do if that happens.

如果您花任何时间在Task Manager中,您可能会注意到“ Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation”(Windows音频设备图隔离),并想知道为什么有时它会占用系统资源。 这是它的作用,如果发生这种情况,您可以做什么。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,解释了在任务管理器中发现的各种过程,例如Runtime Brokersvchost.exedwm.exectfmon.exerundll32.exeAdobe_Updater.exe以及许多其他过程。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是“ Windows音频设备图隔离”过程? (What Is the “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” Process?)

Sporting an awesome-sounding name that doesn’t really tell you anything, “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” is an official part of Windows. The process serves as the primary audio engine in Windows 10. It handles digital signal processing, including the advanced audio enhancement effects provided by Windows.

“ Windows音频设备图隔离”的名称听起来真是名不虚传,它是Windows的正式组成部分。 该过程充当Windows 10中的主要音频引擎。它处理数字信号处理,包括Windows提供的高级音频增强效果。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

“Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” is separated from the standard Windows Audio service. Isolating the services like this allows developers of hardware audio products include their own audio enhancement service without having to replace the Windows Audio service itself. This, in turn, leads to better stability. Windows Audio is so deeply hooked into Windows that a crash is often likely to take down the whole system rather than just your sound. By isolating the digital signal processing–the part more likely to experience a crash–to a separate service, crashes are more contained.

“ Windows音频设备图隔离”与标准Windows音频服务分开。 通过这样隔离服务,硬件音频产品的开发人员就可以包括自己的音频增强服务,而不必替换Windows Audio服务本身。 反过来,这导致更好的稳定性。 Windows音频与Windows息息相关,以至于崩溃经常会破坏整个系统,而不仅仅是声音。 通过将数字信号处理(更可能发生崩溃的部分)隔离到单独的服务中,可以更好地控制崩溃。

This type of isolation also ensures that Windows always provides you a way to turn off audio enhancements in the OS, regardless of what type of hardware you’re using. For whatever reason, audio hardware manufacturers very often don’t give you that option themselves.

这种类型的隔离还确保Windows始终为您提供一种在操作系统中关闭音频增强功能的方法,无论您使用哪种硬件。 无论出于何种原因,音频硬件制造商通常不会自己给您这种选择。

You should also note that with some audio hardware, manufacturers may actually replace the “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” with their own digital signal processing service. Here’s a look at the service used by a Creative SoundBlaster Recon3D.

您还应该注意,对于某些音频硬件,制造商实际上可能会用自己的数字信号处理服务来代替“ Windows音频设备图隔离”。 这是Creative SoundBlaster Recon3D使用的服务。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

Of course, if you don’t have “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” running on your system, you won’t have much need to troubleshoot it!

当然,如果您的系统上没有运行“ Windows音频设备图隔离”,则无需进行任何故障排除!

为什么有时会消耗这么多系统资源? (Why Does It Sometimes Consume So Many System Resources?)

Unfortunately, poorly written audio enhancement drivers can cause more than just the occasional crash. Some people have trouble with enhancements causing significantly higher use of system resources, consuming your CPU or memory or even thrashing your hard drive. Under normal conditions, you should see “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” using 0% of your CPU, minimal memory, and no disk activity. These numbers may spike when audio effects are being applied, but not much and they should return to the baseline quickly. If you see “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” routinely using more of any of these three resources, then you may have a problem.

不幸的是,写得不好的音频增强驱动程序可能导致的不仅仅是偶然的崩溃。 有些人无法通过增强功能来提高系统资源的利用率,从而消耗您的CPU或内存,甚至损坏硬盘驱动器。 在正常情况下,您应该使用0%的CPU,最少的内存并且没有任何磁盘活动看到“ Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation”。 当应用音频效果时,这些数字可能会激增,但数量不会太多,它们应该Swift返回基线。 如果您经常使用这三种资源中的任何一种来看到“ Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation”,则可能有问题。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

The good news is that it’s likely easy to resolve since part of the reason for isolating this type of processing is giving you an easy way to turn it off. You can certainly try whatever software your hardware manufacturer supplies and see if you can disable some of the advanced audio effects. You can also do it right in Windows for devices that support it. Open up the Sound properties dialog by right-clicking the speaker icon in your Notification area and then clicking “Sound.” You can also open up your Control Panel and run the Sound applet there. Same thing.

好消息是,它很容易解决,因为隔离此类处理的部分原因是为您提供了一种轻松的方法来将其关闭。 您当然可以尝试使用硬件制造商提供的任何软件,并查看是否可以禁用某些高级音频效果。 您也可以在Windows中为支持它的设备直接执行此操作。 右键单击“通知”区域中的扬声器图标,然后单击“声音”,以打开“声音属性”对话框。 您也可以打开控制面板并在其中运行“声音”小程序。 一样。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

On the “Playback” tab of the “Sound” window, select the device that you suspect may be causing issues and then click “Properties.”


什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

On the “Enhancements” tab of the device’s Properties dialog, you’ll see a list of enhancements supported by the device. What you see depends entirely on the device you’re using. Here, we’re looking at a webcam/microphone that’s built into a monitor. We’d suggest you start by just selecting the “Disable all enhancements” option and see if that resolves your problem.

在设备的“属性”对话框的“增强功能”选项卡上,您将看到设备支持的增强功能列表。 您看到的内容完全取决于您使用的设备。 在这里,我们正在看监视器中内置的网络摄像头/麦克风。 我们建议您首先选择“禁用所有增强功能”选项,然后看看是否可以解决您的问题。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

If disabling all the enhancements does fix the problem, then you know you’re on the right track and you can go back and try disabling each specific enhancement in turn to narrow down the cause. If disabling all the enhancements for a device doesn’t solve your problem, then you should re-enable them and move on to test another device.

如果禁用所有增强功能确实可以解决问题,则说明您处在正确的轨道上,可以回去尝试依次禁用每个特定的增强功能,以缩小原因范围。 如果禁用某个设备的所有增强功能不能解决问题,则应重新启用它们,然后继续测试另一台设备。

我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

You can’t really disable “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” without also disabling the main Windows Audio service as well, and disabling them wouldn’t buy you much except for no sound on your system. You can’t even temporarily end the task. If you try, Windows will pop up a notification asking if you’d like to open the Audio Troubleshooter instead.

您不能在不同时禁用主要Windows Audio服务的情况下真正禁用“ Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation”,并且禁用它们不会为您带来很多好处,除非系统上没有声音。 您甚至无法暂时结束任务。 如果尝试这样做,Windows会弹出一个通知,询问您是否要打开“音频疑难解答”。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

And the truth is, running through the troubleshooter couldn’t hurt. It’s unlikely to solve your problem if you’ve already tried disabling enhancements, but you never know. You can also get to the troubleshooters by hitting Start, typing “troubleshooting,” and then hitting Enter.

事实是,通过疑难解答程序运行不会受到伤害。 如果您已经尝试禁用增强功能,则不可能解决您的问题,但您永远不会知道。 您还可以通过单击“开始”,键入“疑难解答”,然后单击Enter进入疑难解答。

这个过程可能是病毒吗? (Could This Process Be a Virus?)

“Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” itself is an official Windows component and very likely not a virus. While we haven’t seen reports of any viruses hijacking this process, it is always possible we’ll see one in the future. If you’d like to be sure, you can check out the process’ underlying file location. In Task Manager, right-click “Windows Audio Device Graph Isolation” and choose the “Open File Location” option.

“ Windows音频设备图隔离”本身是Windows的正式组件,很可能不是病毒。 尽管我们还没有发现任何病毒劫持此过程的报告,但总有可能在将来看到它。 如果您想确定的话,可以签出该流程的基础文件位置。 在任务管理器中,右键单击“ Windows音频设备图隔离”,然后选择“打开文件位置”选项。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

If the file is stored in your Windows\System32 folder, then you can be fairly certain you are not dealing with a virus.

如果文件存储在Windows \ System32文件夹中,则可以确定您没有在处理病毒。

什么是“ Windows音频设备图形隔离”,为什么它在我的PC上运行?

That said, if you still want a little more peace of mind–or if you see that file stored anywhere other than the System32 folder–scan for viruses using your preferred virus scanner. Better safe than sorry!

就是说,如果您仍然想让自己更加安心-或者看到该文件存储在System32文件夹以外的其他位置,请使用首选的病毒扫描程序扫描病毒。 安全胜过遗憾!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/273764/what-is-windows-audio-device-graph-isolation-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-pc/