什么是“ parentalcontrolsd”,为什么它在我的Mac上运行?

什么是“ parentalcontrolsd”,为什么它在我的Mac上运行?

Something called parentalcontrolsd is running on your Mac—at least, that’s what you found when you checked Activity Monitor. Maybe it’s using up CPU cycles, or maybe it’s just there and you want to know why. To begin: this is part of macOS, so don’t worry about it being malware.

Mac上正在运行一种名为parentalcontrolsd的东西-至少是在选中Activity Monitor时发现的。 可能是用尽了CPU周期,或者可能只是在那里 ,您想知道原因。 首先:这是macOS的一部分,所以不必担心它是恶意软件。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, configd, mdnsresponder, UserEventAgent, nsurlstoraged, commerce, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列的解释活动监视器中发现的各种Craft.io,比如kernel_taskhiddmdsworkerINSTALLDWindowServer发蓝launchd会备份opendirectoryd的powerdcoreauthdconfigdmdnsresponderUserEventAgentnsurlstoraged商业 ,和许多其他的 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Today’s process, parentalcontrolsd, was pointed out to us by a Twitter follower. If you haven’t guessed, the process is related to Parental Controls on your Mac, which lets parents manage the time spent and applications used by their kids. The “d” at the end of the process means this is a daemon, which is a process that runs in the background of your Mac enabling certain system functions. To quote the man page for the process, which you can find yourself by typing man parentalcontrolds in the Terminal:

Twitter的关注者向我们指出了今天的过程parentalcontrolsd。 如果您还没有猜到,则该过程与Mac上的“家长控制”有关 ,父母可以通过该控件管理孩子所花费的时间和使用的应用程序。 进程末尾的“ d”表示这是一个守护程序,该进程在Mac的后台运行,启用某些系统功能。 要引用该过程的手册页,您可以通过在终端中输入man parentalcontrolds来找到自己:

parentalcontrolsd is used by Parental Controls to manage and track restricted users.


Anyone who reads man pages regularly knows that very few processes have that specific of a task outlined. In theory, this shouldn’t be a process that gives you any trouble, but theory is one thing and reality is anther.

定期阅读手册页的任何人都知道,很少有流程具有概述的特定任务。 从理论上讲,这不应该给您带来任何麻烦,但是理论是一回事,而现实是另一回事。

为什么在未启用家长控制的情况下运行parentalcontrolsd (Why parentalcontrolsd Runs When You Haven’t Enabled Parental Controls)

This daemon should not be running if you don’t have parental controls enabled. So if you’re the only person who uses your Mac, and you don’t recall setting up Parental Controls, you might be wondering why this daemon is running at all.

如果您没有启用家长控制,则该守护程序不应运行。 因此,如果您是唯一使用Mac的人,并且不记得设置“家长控制”,您可能想知道为什么该守护程序完全在运行。

The most common reason: you’ve set up a guest account on macOS. Parental Controls is enabled by default for your guest accounts, meaning parentalcontrolsd will run on your Mac.

最常见的原因:您已经在macOS上设置了一个来宾帐户 。 默认情况下,您的来宾帐户启用了家长控制功能,这意味着parentalcontrolsd将在您的Mac上运行。

You can disable Parental Controls for your Guest account by heading to System Preferences > Users & Groups.


什么是“ parentalcontrolsd”,为什么它在我的Mac上运行?

Click the “Guest” account in the sidebar, then make sure that the “Enable parental controls” option isn’t checked. In most cases this should stop parentalcontrolsd from running at all.

点击边栏中的“访客”帐户,然后确保未选中“启用家长控制”选项。 在大多数情况下,这应该完全停止parentalcontrolsd的运行。

如果parentalcontrolsd正在耗尽CPU和内存 (If parentalcontrolsd Is Using Up CPU and Memory)

Multiple Mac users have report parentalcontrolsd burning up CPU cycles, occasionally to the point where the entire computer slows down. Often the users reporting these problems never set up Parental Controls.

多个Mac用户报告了parentalcontrolsd消耗了CPU周期,偶尔到整个计算机速度变慢的地步。 通常,报告这些问题的用户从未设置家长控制。

If this is happening to you it’s worth first making sure that Parental Controls aren’t enabled for any account on your Mac, including the Guest account as outlined above. Restart your Mac after doing this.

如果您遇到这种情况,则应首先确保未为Mac上的任何帐户(包括如上所述的来宾帐户)启用父母控制功能。 执行此操作后,重新启动Mac。

Next, head to /Library/Application Support/Apple/ in the Finder, and look for the “ParentalControls” folder.

接下来,转到Finder中的/ Library / Application Support / Apple /,然后查找“ ParentalControls”文件夹。

什么是“ parentalcontrolsd”,为什么它在我的Mac上运行?

Go ahead and delete this folder, then restart your Mac. The process monitors this folder for changes, meaning a corrupt or stuck file here could cause the process to hang; deleting the folder entirely can fix that.

继续并删除此文件夹,然后重新启动Mac。 进程监视此文件夹的更改,这意味着此处损坏的文件或卡住的文件可能导致进程挂起。 完全删除文件夹可以解决该问题。

Photo credit: guteksk7/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: guteksk7 / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/341041/what-is-parentalcontrolsd-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/