


App builders that are looking to achieve a greater level of success will often look to areas that have yet to be explored. Augmented reality and virtual reality are opening up whole new worlds to app builders. For example, there are a number of app builders who are already looking to the NBA in this regard.
寻求获得更大成功的应用程序构建者通常会关注尚未探索的领域。 增强现实和虚拟现实为应用程序开发人员打开了全新的世界。 例如,有许多应用程序构建者已经在这方面寻求NBA的支持。
The NBA has established a reputation for themselves as a progressive league from a technological standpoint. Teams are already participating in competitive gaming, as numerous franchises have created their own e-sports teams. Now, the league is partnering with app builders to find out more about how they can leverage augmented reality and virtual reality to their benefit.
从技术的角度来看,NBA已经为自己建立了进步联盟的声誉。 众多的特许经营权已创建了自己的电子竞技团队,因此团队已经在参与竞争性游戏。 现在,该联盟正在与应用程序构建者合作,以了解更多有关如何利用增强现实和虚拟现实来谋取利益的信息。
At the 2019 All-Star Game, the NBA's plans for augmented reality and virtual reality started to come into focus. On All-Star Saturday night, various superstars were photographed. A wide range of futuristic cameras were used to take video as well. The players were snapped from every possible angle and the league is not leaving any stone unturned.
在2019年全明星赛上,NBA的增强现实和虚拟现实计划开始受到关注。 在全明星周六晚上,拍摄了许多超级巨星。 各种各样的未来派相机也被用来拍摄视频。 球员从各个可能的角度被抢夺,联盟也毫不动摇。
These photos and videos were captured so that they can be used by the AR app that the NBA has already rolled out. This app is designed to take the fan into the world of the players and provides a more behind the scenes look. Since this is a league that prides itself on having a global audience, these types of apps are only going to gain in popularity.
捕获这些照片和视频,以便可供NBA已推出的AR应用程序使用。 该应用程序旨在将粉丝带入玩家的世界,并提供更多幕后效果。 由于这是一个以拥有全球观众为傲的联盟,因此这些类型的应用程序只会越来越流行。
App builders will continue to work with league officials to find out more about the benefits of virtual reality and augmented reality. The NBA has already made serious inroads in both areas. In addition to the aforementioned augmented reality app, the league is providing weekly live broadcasts that are powered by NextVR and Intel.
应用程序构建者将继续与联盟官员合作,以了解更多有关虚拟现实和增强现实的好处。 NBA已经在这两个方面取得了重大进展。 除上述增强现实应用程序外,该联盟还提供由NextVR和Intel提供支持的每周实时广播。
This league is not about to rest on its laurels, though. Those who have had the chance to speak with league executives find that there are a plethora of plans for the future. These apps are just the beginning. This is the type of work that needs to be done, in order to break ground for other sports. The NBA prides themselves on remaining ahead of other leagues in this regard.
不过,这个联盟并不会因此而停滞不前。 那些有机会与联盟高管交谈的人发现,未来有很多计划。 这些应用仅仅是个开始。 为了为其他运动打下基础,这是需要完成的工作。 NBA以在这方面保持领先于其他联赛而自豪。
While augmented reality and virtual reality are already playing a major role in the NBA, it remains to be seen if these advancements will lead to serious changes for the other Big Four sports (MLB, NHL and NFL). As for the National Basketball Association, these advances are the product of forward thinking executives who have been working behind the scenes for years.
尽管增强现实和虚拟现实已经在NBA中扮演重要角色,但这些进步是否会导致其他四大运动(MLB,NHL和NFL)发生重大变化,还有待观察。 对于美国国家篮球协会来说,这些进步是具有远见卓识的高管们的产物,他们已经在幕后工作了多年。
The NBA has been examining the role that virtual reality is going to play for some time now. The technology was first utilized during a preseason game in 2014. The Golden State Warriors' 2015-2016 season opener was streamed in virtual reality as well. These innovations were a long time coming and the league put in the man hours necessary.
一段时间以来,NBA一直在研究虚拟现实将扮演的角色。 该技术在2014年的季前赛比赛中首次使用。金州勇士队的2015-2016赛季揭幕战也在虚拟现实中进行了直播。 这些创新需要很长时间才能出现,因此联盟投入了必要的工时。
NextVR and Intel have remained by the league's side for the entirety of this experiment. Turner Sports and ESPN are also working with the league to find out more about what their broadcasts will look like once they are ready to utilize augmented reality and virtual reality on a more regular basis. With any luck, these technologies will become commonplace.
在整个实验过程中,NextVR和英特尔一直处于联盟的一边。 特纳体育和ESPN还将与联盟合作,以了解他们准备好更定期地使用增强现实和虚拟现实后其广播节目的情况。 运气好的话,这些技术将变得司空见惯。
One of the league's primary areas of focus is a crucial one. When they take the time to meet with app builders, one of the first questions that is asked is focused on accessibility. Augmented reality and virtual reality apps are not always usable across all platforms. Since the NBA has a global audience to consider, this is an area that is going to examined by app builders and league executives alike.
联盟关注的主要领域之一是至关重要的领域。 当他们花时间与应用程序构建者会面时,首先要提出的问题之一就是可访问性。 增强现实和虚拟现实应用程序并非始终可在所有平台上使用。 由于NBA具有全球受众考虑,因此应用程序构建者和联盟高管都将对此领域进行研究。
There are a growing number of devices being used by NBA fans all around the world. If augmented reality and virtual reality are going to continue to play a key role in the NBA going forward, accessibility is everything. As technologies continue to emerge, the league must decide how they are going to be distributed to the general public.
全世界NBA球迷正在使用越来越多的设备。 如果增强现实和虚拟现实将继续在未来的NBA中扮演关键角色,那么可访问性就是一切。 随着技术的不断发展,联盟必须决定如何将其分发给普通大众。
The NBA bet big on these technologies by investing in them early and now they are reaping the benefits. Every form of technology is not always going to succeed. This is something that NBA executives and
NBA通过尽早投资这些技术来押注这些技术,现在他们正在收获收益。 每种形式的技术都不会总是成功。 这是NBA高管和app builders are acutely aware of. The top organizations do not wait for a technology to mature before they decide to start learning about it.应用构建者敏锐意识到的。 *组织不会等技术成熟后才决定开始学习它。
This is what separates the best organizations from those that struggle to establish a forward thinking point of view. No fan of a professional sports league wants to watch an organization learn in front of them. The NBA is playing a crucial role by establishing a strong foothold with both of these technologies. They are also creating an environment where these technologies can be used more readily.
这就是将最佳组织与那些努力建立前瞻性思维观点的组织区分开来的原因。 职业体育联盟的任何拥护者都不希望看到组织在他们面前学习。 NBA通过在这两种技术上建立牢固的立足点而发挥着至关重要的作用。 他们还创造了可以更轻松地使用这些技术的环境。
Intel and NextVR are in contact with the league on a daily basis. Games are filmed for the augmented reality and virtual reality apps. Longer features are also being created for the fans to enjoy. It is safe to say that these advancements are just the beginning of something great.
英特尔和NextVR每天都与联盟联系。 为增强现实和虚拟现实应用拍摄了游戏。 还创建了更长的功能,以供粉丝欣赏。 可以肯定地说,这些进步只是伟大事物的开始。
The league has yet to release any numbers when it comes to user engagement but NBA fans around the world who are unable to head to the arena are already benefiting. It remains to be seen what the future holds for the league but one thing is clear: they are already taking the proper steps to get the most out of AR and VR technology.
关于用户参与度,联盟尚未发布任何数据,但是无法前往球馆的全球NBA球迷已经从中受益。 联盟的未来还有待观察,但有一点很明确:他们已经在采取适当的步骤,以充分利用AR和VR技术。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/451198/
