sci-hub谷歌插件_Google Home Hub具有隐藏屏幕设置菜单

sci-hub谷歌插件_Google Home Hub具有隐藏屏幕设置菜单


sci-hub谷歌插件_Google Home Hub具有隐藏屏幕设置菜单

You can adjust the brightness or set an alarm on your Google Home Hub with a voice command. But if you’re trying to be quiet or there’s a lot of background noise, you can also do these things using a hidden Screen Settings menu.

您可以使用语音命令在Google Home Hub上调整亮度或设置闹钟。 但是,如果您想保持安静或有很多背景噪音,也可以使用隐藏的“屏幕设置”菜单执行这些操作。

Getting to the screen settings menu is easy. The most difficult part is probably just knowing that it exists. Just swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

进入屏幕设置菜单很容易。 最困难的部分可能只是知道它的存在。 只需从屏幕底部向上滑动即可。

sci-hub谷歌插件_Google Home Hub具有隐藏屏幕设置菜单

Once you do, a small menu appears (much like what you see when swiping from the top for Smart home settings).


sci-hub谷歌插件_Google Home Hub具有隐藏屏幕设置菜单

You’ll find in order from left to right:


  • Brightness: This lets you turn the screen brightness up and down. But it also activates and deactivates the Ambient EQ feature. Setting the brightness to a particular level from 1-10 deactivates Ambient EQ; setting it to zero activates Ambient EQ.

    亮度:这可以让您调高或调低屏幕的亮度。 但是,它也可以**和禁用Ambient EQ功能。 将亮度设置为1-10的特定级别会禁用环境EQ; 将其设置为零将**环境均衡器。

  • Volume: This provides another way to turn the volume up and down, though you can also use your voice or the physical buttons on the top back of the hub. This is great for if the buttons stop working.

    音量:尽管您还可以使用声音或集线器顶部背面的物理按钮,但是这提供了另一种提高和降低音量的方法。 如果按钮停止工作,这非常有用。

  • Do Not Disturb: When you enable this, you won’t receive calls or notifications. Once you turn this off again, you’ll see your missed notifications. This setting won’t stop Alarms from sounding, though.

    请勿打扰:启用此功能后,您将不会接听电话或通知。 再次关闭此功能后,您会看到错过的通知。 但是,此设置不会阻止警报响起。

  • Alarms: You can set new alarms from here.


  • Settings Gear: This provides information about your Wi-Fi connection and some legal notices.


Having access to these settings without the need for voice is a good thing, especially if your hub is in a spot where accessing the physical volume buttons is inconvenient. It would just be nice if the introduction video mentioned that the screen settings menu exists.

无需语音即可访问这些设置是一件好事,尤其是如果您的集线器位于不方便访问物理音量按钮的位置。 如果介绍视频提到屏幕设置菜单存在,那就太好了。

