



I love Snapchat, but I’d also be the first to admit the user interface design is…poor. If you’re using Snapchat for the first time and just feel lost, here are the basics.

我喜欢Snapchat,但我也将是第一个承认用户界面设计很差的人。 如果您是第一次使用Snapchat并感到迷路,请参考以下基本知识。

如何拍摄照片或视频快照 (How to Take a Photo or Video Snap)

When you first open Snapchat, you’ll see a screen that looks like this.



Obviously, it won’t have my face, but the screen will show what one of the cameras on your phone is looking at. There’s a lot going on here, so lets take things icon by icon.

显然,它不会遮住我的脸,但屏幕会显示您手机上的其中一个摄像头正在看什么。 这里发生了很多事情,所以让我们一个接一个地拿东西。

  • Tap the camera icon in the top right to swap between the front and the back camera.

  • Tap the lightning bolt icon in the top left to toggle the flash on and off. Snapchat can use the phone’s flash for Snaps taken with the regular camera and will turn the screen bright yellow for Snaps taken with the front camera.

    点按左上角的闪电图标以打开和关闭闪光灯。 Snapchat可以将手机的闪光灯用于使用常规相机拍摄的快照,并将屏幕变亮为用于使用前置摄像头拍摄的快照的屏幕。
  • Tap the chat icon in the bottom left or swipe to the left to get to the Chat screen, where you’ll see all the Snaps your friends have sent you and where you can send messages yourself.

  • Tap the three circles icon in the bottom right or swipe to the right to go to the Stories screen where you can see all your friends Stories.

  • Tap the Snapchat log on top of the screen or swipe down to go to the Settings screen.

  • Tap the small circle at the bottom of the screen or swipe up to get to your Memories.


The big circle icon in the middle is, as you’d expect, the shutter. So let’s talk about using that to take snaps.

如您所料,中间的大圆圈图标是快门。 因此,让我们谈谈使用该快照。

To actually take a photo Snap, tap tap that large circle. You can also hold it down to take a video snap. While you hold it down, Snapchat will record up to ten seconds of video.

要实际拍摄照片快照,请点按该大圆圈。 您也可以按住以拍摄视频快照。 当您按住它时,Snapchat最多可以录制十秒钟的视频。

如何编辑快照(以及添加贴纸,文本或其他内容) (How to Edit a Snap (and add Stickers, Text or Other Stuff))

Once you’ve taken a Snap, you’ll get taken to the Edit Snap screen.



This is where you edit your Snap, add text, and change how long it lasts. Once again, let’s take it icon by icon.

在这里,您可以编辑快照,添加文本并更改其持续时间。 再一次,让我们逐个图标使用它。

  • Tap the X icon in the top left to cancel the Snap.

  • Tap the timer icon in the bottom left to change how long a Snap is visible to your friends.

  • Tap the download icon in the bottom left to save the Snap to your Memories.

  • Tap the icon with the small plus in the bottom left to add the Snap to your Story.

  • In the top right, the four icons all control different ways you can customize your Snap.


Let’s talk about those four icons. Tap the pencil icon to start drawing with a pen on top of your Snap. You can change the color you’re using with the slider and undo a brush stroke with the little undo icon. Tap it again to go back to the Edit Snap screen.

让我们谈谈这四个图标。 点按铅笔图标以在Snap顶部开始用笔绘图。 您可以使用滑块更改使用的颜色,并使用小的撤消图标撤消笔触。 再次点击以返回到“编辑快照”屏幕。


You can also tap anywhere on the screen, or the T icon, to start adding text. Tapping the T icon again cycles between different text effects.

您也可以点击屏幕上的任意位置或T图标,开始添加文本。 再次点按T图标可在不同的文本效果之间循环。


Tap the Post-It note icon to add stickers to your Snaps. These can be system Emoji, Bitmoji, stickers you make yourself, or custom stickers released by Snapchat.

点击便利贴图标,将贴纸添加到快照中。 这些可以是系统表情符号,Bitmoji,您自己制作的贴纸或Snapchat发布的自定义贴纸。


Tap the scissors icon to make your own sticker from your snap. Use your finger to trace around whatever element you want. It will get turned into a sticker for you to place and use.

点击剪刀图标,从快照中制作自己的贴纸。 用手指在想要的任何元素周围跟踪。 它会变成贴纸供您放置和使用。


To move any sticker or text element around, tap and hold on it. You can then drag it wherever you want.

要四处移动贴纸或文字元素,请点击并按住它。 然后,您可以将其拖动到任意位置。


To resize a sticker or text element, two finger pinch as if you’re zooming in to make it bigger and two finger pinch as if you’re zooming out to make it smaller.



To delete a sticker, drag it to the small trashcan icon in the top right.



You can place as many stickers as you like to customize your Snaps.



To add filters to your Snaps, swipe to the left or the right. Filters include everything from location specific geo-filters to information overlays and color effects.

要将滤镜添加到快照,请向左或向右滑动。 过滤器包括从特定位置的地理过滤器到信息叠加和色彩效果的所有内容。


Once you’re done editing your Snap, to send it, tap the blue arrow icon in the bottom right and you’ll get taken to your contact list.



Here you can select who you want to send your Snap to. The people you contact most frequently, and contacted you most recently, appear at the top of the list. Tap on a contact’s name to select them.

在这里,您可以选择要将快照发送给谁。 您最常联系的人以及最近与您联系过的人将显示在列表的顶部。 点击联系人姓名以选择他们。


To send the Snap out to the world, tap the blue arrow in the bottom right. And that’s it, you’ve sent your first Snap!

要将快照发送到世界,请点击右下角的蓝色箭头。 就是这样,您已经发送了第一个快照!

如何使用Snapchat发送消息 (How to Send a Message with Snapchat)

Snapchat also lets you send disposable text messages to your friends, which it calls “Chat”. From the main screen, tap the chat icon in the bottom left or swipe to the left to get to the Chat screen.

Snapchat还允许您将一次性短信发送给您的朋友,称为“聊天”。 在主屏幕中,点击左下角的聊天图标,或向左滑动以进入“聊天”屏幕。


The Chat screen looks like this.



This is a list of the most recent people you’ve contacted. If you want to send a message to one of them, tap on their name. Then you’ll get this screen.

这是您最近联系的人的列表。 如果要向其中一个发送消息,请点击他们的名字。 然后,您将获得此屏幕。


To send a message, just enter what you want to say and hit Send.


You can also send pictures from your phone through Snapchat Chat. Just tap the picture icon and select the photo you want to send.

您也可以通过Snapchat Chat从手机发送图片。 只需点击图片图标,然后选择要发送的照片。


Tap Edit if you want to add filters, text or emoji to your picture. Otherwise tap the blue arrows to send the picture.

如果要在图片中添加滤镜,文本或表情符号,请点击“编辑”。 否则,点击蓝色箭头发送图片。


To send a sticker, tap the emoji icon on the far right. You can send all the system emoji, Snapchat’s custom stickers, and Bitmoji.

要发送贴纸,请点击最右边的表情图标。 您可以发送所有系统表情符号,Snapchat的自定义贴纸和Bitmoji。


Snapchat also supports voice and video calling, although it isn’t very popular. Tap the telephone icon to start a voice call and the video icon to start a video call.

Snapchat也不太流行,但也支持语音和视频通话。 点按电话图标以发起语音呼叫,然后点按视频图标以发起视频呼叫。

If you just want to send a regular Snap, tap the circle in the center of the screen.


Messages sent through Snapchat Chat are a little different to regular Snaps. Chat messages don’t have a time limit. Once the recipient opens the message, they can read it for as long as they want. Once they leave the chat window, it vanishes unless they save it.

通过Snapchat聊天发送的消息与常规Snap有所不同。 聊天消息没有时间限制。 收件人打开邮件后,他们可以阅读任意长时间。 他们离开聊天窗口后,除非他们保存它,否则它将消失。


If you or the recipient taps and holds on any Chat message, it gets saved to the chat. Both people are able to see any saved messages so you will always know that someone has saved a message. This is so that you can send things like directions through Snapchat without them vanishing before the other person can navigate them.

如果您或收件人轻按并按住任何“聊天”消息,该消息将被保存到聊天中。 两个人都可以看到任何已保存的消息,因此您将始终知道有人已保存了消息。 这样一来,您就可以通过Snapchat发送诸如路线之类的信息,而不会被其他人导航之前消失。

Messages can be unsaved by the person who originally saved them by holding down on the message again. If both people have saved the message, then both people will have to un-save it for it to disappear.

最初保存消息的人可以再次按住该消息,从而无法保存消息。 如果两个人都保存了该消息,则两个人都必须取消保存该消息才能消失。

Like with regular Snaps, if the recipient screenshots a chat window, you’ll get a notification telling you. You can see a few of the notifications in my screenshots.

与常规快照一样,如果收件人对聊天窗口进行了屏幕截图,您将收到一条通知,告知您。 您可以在我的屏幕截图中看到一些通知。

There’s a lot more to Snapchat than this, but these are the basics of getting started. It’s a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’ll become second nature.

Snapchat不仅限于此,但这些是入门的基础。 起初有点令人困惑,但是一旦掌握了它,它将成为第二天性。

