



Snapchat’s “Lenses” feature can make all kinds of silly alterations to your Snaps. If you’ve ever seen a photo of a friend with cute, cartoon-esque dog ears or “face-swapping” with someone else, it was a Snapchat Lens.

Snapchat的“镜头”功能可以对您的快照进行各种愚蠢的改动。 如果您曾经见过一个朋友的照片,该照片上有一个可爱的卡通式狗耳朵,或者与其他人“面子交换”,那是Snapchat镜头。

Snapchat’s interface can be a little confusing, so if you aren’t sure how to use these lenses, we’re here to help.


Each Lens has a different effect that’s automatically applied in real time to your photos. They generally shift, change, or add something to your face. Some lenses exaggerate the size of your nose while others turn you into different animals.

每个镜头都有不同的效果,该效果会实时自动自动应用于您的照片。 它们通常会移动,更改或添加到您的脸上。 有些镜片会夸大您的鼻子的大小,而另一些则会使您变成不同的动物。

At any one time, there are between about ten and fifteen different lenses available in Snapchat. New Lenses are constantly being added and old ones removed and then brought back. Theme lenses are often added for special events and companies can pay Snapchat to have a lens included to promote their product.

在任何时候,Snapchat中大约有十到十五个不同的镜头可用。 新的镜头不断被添加,旧的镜头被移除然后又带回来。 通常会在特殊活动中添加主题镜头,公司可以向Snapchat支付费用,以包括用于促销其产品的镜头。

Despite being one of the best things about Snapchat, Lenses are hidden behind a touch gesture. While almost everything else in Snapchat’s interface is handled by buttons, there isn’t one for Lenses.

尽管是Snapchat最好的东西之一,Lenses却隐藏在触摸手势之后。 尽管Snapchat界面中的几乎所有其他内容都由按钮处理,但Lenses却没有。

To apply a Lens to your image, open Snapchat. Many of the lenses require a face in the photo, so it’s simplest to use the front-facing camera.

要将Lens应用于图像,请打开Snapchat。 许多镜头在照片中都需要有脸,因此使用前置摄像头最简单。


Before you take a Snap, tap on your face. Snapchat will apply its face-detection algorithms. Assuming it detects your face, Snapchat will bring up the Lenses for you to choose from. In low light or from odd angles, it may take Snapchat a while to recognize you as a person. It can also make hilarious mistakes and recognise everyday objects or photos as people.

拍摄快照之前,请轻拍您的脸。 Snapchat将应用其面部检测算法。 假设它检测到您的脸,Snapchat会调出Lenses供您选择。 在昏暗的光线下或从奇异的角度看,Snapchat可能需要一段时间才能将您识别为人。 它还可以犯一些滑稽的错误,并将日常物体或照片识别为人。


Swipe through the circular icons to browse through all the lenses available. Tap a circle to apply it.

在圆形图标中滑动,以浏览所有可用的镜头。 点按一个圆圈以应用它。


Some of the lenses, like the face-swap one, require two people in the photo. Others will also change your voice or add music. There’s very little consistency between Lenses, and Snapchat is always adding more that do new things.

其中一些镜头,例如面部交换镜头,需要两个人在照片中。 其他人也会更改您的声音或添加音乐。 Lenses之间几乎没有一致性,而且Snapchat总是会添加更多新功能。


Once you’ve found the Lens you want to use, take a Snap as normal. All the Lenses work as either photos or videos. Then you can edit your Snap, send it to your friends or add it to your Story.

找到要使用的镜头后,请照常拍摄快照。 所有镜头都可以用作照片或视频。 然后,您可以编辑Snap, 将其发送给您的朋友或将其添加到您的Story中

