



You’re setting up a Mac firewall, or just checking what’s running using Activity Monitor, when you notice something cryptic is running: mDNSResponder. What is this process, and should you be worried? No: this is a core part of macOS.

您正在设置Mac防火墙,或者只是在发现某些神秘的东西正在运行时使用Activity Monitor查看正在运行的东西:mDNSResponder。 这是什么过程,您应该担心吗? 否:这是macOS的核心部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, configd, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_taskhiddmdsworkerINSTALLDWindowServer发蓝launchd会备份opendirectoryd的powerdcoreauthdconfigd ,和其他许多人。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是mDNSResponder? (What Is mDNSResponder?)

Today’s process, mDNSResponder, is a core part of the Bonjour protocol. Bonjour is Apple’s zero-configuration networking service, which basically means it’s how Apple devices find each other on a network. Our process, mDNSResponder, regularly scans your local network looking for other Bonjour-enabled devices.

当今的过程mDNSResponder是Bonjour协议的核心部分。 Bonjour是Apple的零配置网络服务,从根本上讲,这就是Apple设备在网络上相互查找的方式。 我们的过程mDNSResponder定期扫描您的本地网络,以查找其他启用Bonjour的设备。

Why look for other devices? To make networking simple. One example of this working is iTunes’ library sharing. Open iTunes and you can see and browse other iTunes libraries over your local network. Bonjour is the reason this works: the protocol allows two computers on the same network to easily find each other, meaning the list of shared iTunes libraries is always up-to-date.

为什么要寻找其他设备? 使联网变得简单。 iTunes的库共享就是这种工作的一个例子。 打开iTunes,您可以通过本地网络查看和浏览其他iTunes库。 Bonjour起作用的原因是:该协议允许同一网络上的两台计算机轻松地相互查找,这意味着共享iTunes库的列表始终是最新的。


Bonjour enables more than just iTunes’ sharing—it helps populate the list of “Shared” devices in Finder. Bonjour also populates the picture sharing in Photos, the list of Airplay-compatible devices, and quickly finding printers. Because the same process runs on Windows, Bonjour can also be used to quickly connect to Windows computers running software like iTunes—this is how sharing iTunes libraries between PCs and Macs works.

Bonjour不仅可以实现iTunes共享,还可以帮助在Finder中填充“共享”设备的列表。 Bonjour还会在照片, Airplay兼容设备列表中填充图片共享,并快速找到打印机。 由于在Windows上运行相同的过程,因此Bonjour也可用于快速连接到运行iTunes之类的软件的Windows计算机-这就是在PC和Mac之间共享iTunes库的工作方式。

Third party software can also use Bonjour: for example, you can stream audio from iTunes to Kodi, even if you’re running Kodi on Windows, if you have Bonjour installed. A simple program called Bonjour Browser allows you to quickly browse all of the Bonjour-enabled devices on your network.

第三方软件也可以使用Bonjour:例如,即使您已在Windows上运行Kodi(如果已安装Bonjour),也可以将iTunes的音频流传输到Kodi 。 一个名为Bonjour Browser的简单程序可让您快速浏览网络上所有启用Bonjour的设备。

If you use a Mac firewall, you’re going to see popups about mDNSResponder. Blocking this process from accessing the network prevents Bonjour from working, which makes it harder to use your local network. In some circumstances, disabling Bonjour may prevent you from connecting to the Internet altogether, so it’s probably best to just allow mDNSResponder to access your network.

如果您使用Mac防火墙,则将看到有关mDNSResponder的弹出窗口。 阻止此过程访问网络将阻止Bonjour工作,这将使您使用本地网络更加困难。 在某些情况下,禁用Bonjour可能会阻止您完全连接到Internet,因此最好只允许mDNSResponder访问您的网络。

From the most part, you shouldn’t notice mDNSResponder taking up a lot of CPU or memory. If you do, restarting your Mac should solve the problem in most cases.

在大多数情况下,您应该不会注意到mDNSResponder占用了大量CPU或内存。 如果这样做,在大多数情况下,重新启动Mac应该可以解决该问题。

等等,苹果没有删除mDNSResponder吗? (Wait, Didn’t Apple Remove mDNSResponder?)

You might think that Apple removed mDNSResponder from macOS years ago, and you’re sort of correct. According to Ars Technica, Apple briefly ditched mDNSResponder for Yosemite in 2014, only to discover that a lot of things break without it. Apple brought back mDNSResponder a year later for El Capitan, which apparently fixed 300 different macOS bugs in one swift motion. This makes us suspect that mDNSResponder won’t be disappearing from macOS again any time soon.

您可能认为苹果几年前已从macOS中删除了mDNSResponder,这是正确的。 根据Ars Technica的说法,苹果在2014年为优胜美地短暂抛弃了mDNSResponder,却发现没有它,很多事情都会崩溃。 一年后,苹果公司为El Capitan带回了mDNSResponder,显然可以Swift解决300个不同的macOS错误。 这使我们怀疑mDNSResponder不会很快从macOS中消失。

Photo credit: guteksk7/

图片来源: guteksk7 /

