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Canceling your Peacock TV subscription is as simple as changing from a premium plan to NBC’s free option. But if you want to delete your account entirely, you’re going to have to fill out a form. Here’s everything you need to know.

取消您的Kong雀电视订阅就像从高级计划更改为NBC的免费选项一样简单。 但是,如果您想完全删除帐户,则必须填写表格。 这是您需要了解的所有内容。

Unlike streaming platforms such as Disney+, Hulu, and Netflix that kick you out of the service when you unsubscribe, Peacock doesn’t immediately offer you a way to leave the free plan. After a bit of digging, we found that you have to request your data be removed from NBCUniversal’s servers.

Disney +HuluNetflix等流媒体平台在您退订时将您拒之门外, Peacock不会立即为您提供退出免费套餐的方法。 经过一番挖掘,我们发现您必须请求将数据从NBCUniversal的服务器中删除。

Starting several pages inside of Peacock’s Help Center, you will find a guide that details the request process for the deletion of personal information from NBCUniversal. Doing so will also delete your Peacock profile. To proceed, you need to view the company’s Privacy Page.

Peacock帮助中心内的几页开始,您会找到一个指南,其中详细介绍了从NBCUniversal删除个人信息的请求过程。 这样做还将删除您的Kong雀个人资料。 要继续,您需要查看公司的“ 隐私页面”


Peacock now wants you to read a bunch of legal jargon that relates to your rights to your digital information. Scroll down and click on the deletion request link (if you’re a U.S. resident) or email your request to [email protected] if you’re outside of the country.

Kong雀现在希望您阅读一堆与您对数字信息的权利有关的法律术语。 向下滚动并单击删除请求链接 (如果您是美国居民),或者如果您在国外,则将您的请求通过电子邮件发送到[email protected]


Finally, you will be taken to the NBCUniversal Individual Rights Request Portal. Here, you can request your Peacock account be deleted or ask the company to provide any of your personal information that it has on file.

最后,您将被带到NBCUniversal个*利请求门户 。 在这里,您可以请求删除您的Kong雀帐户,或要求公司提供其已存档的任何个人信息。


Choose the “Delete My Information” button, select “Peacock” from the “Select Applicable Brand(s)” drop-down box, enter your name, email address, and the state you reside in, prove that you’re not a robot, and then click the “Submit” button.



Neither Peacock nor NBCUniversal state how long it will take for a response or your account to be deleted. You should hopefully receive confirmation of deletion within several weeks to a month.

Peacock和NBCUniversal均未说明回复或删除您的帐户需要多长时间。 希望您应该在几周到一个月内收到删除确认。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681859/how-to-delete-your-peacock-account/