
WordPress frameworks are becoming increasingly popular to build themes with. They allow for rapid development based on best practices, without the need to reinvent the wheel each time you design a new theme.

WordPress 框架越来越成为构建主题的工具。 它们允许根据最佳实践进行快速开发,而无需在每次设计新主题时都重新发明*。

什么是WordPress主题框架? (What are WordPress Theme Frameworks?)

A WordPress theme framework allows you to build WordPress themes the same way Volkswagen builds its cars. They use only a handful of platforms, on which they can build dozens of different models for their four major brands. Each car model has a common set of components like engine, power train or suspension. But when it comes to designing the interior and exterior, each brand gives its own flavor to make it unique.

WordPress主题框架允许您以与大众汽车制造汽车相同的方式构建WordPress主题。 他们仅使用少数几个平台,就可以在其四个主要品牌上构建数十种不同的模型。 每个汽车模型都有一组通用的组件,例如发动机,动力传动系或悬架。 但是,在设计内饰和外饰时,每个品牌都会赋予自己独特的风格,以使其与众不同。

For example, if you replace ‘engines’ with theme options, ‘power train’ with documentation and ‘suspension’ with SEO, you get the idea of these shared components. Frameworks lay the foundations for a theme, so you can focus on designing rather than programming. With some frameworks, 80% of your work has already been done before you begin, so you only have to worry about using the remaining 20% to make your theme unique.

例如,如果用主题选项替换'engines',用文档替换'power train'并用SEO替换'suspension',则可以理解这些共享组件。 框架为主题奠定了基础,因此您可以专注于设计而不是编程。 在某些框架下,开始之前您已经完成了80%的工作,因此您只需要担心使用剩余的20%来使主题变得独特。

Frameworks do have one major drawback, which is also seen with automobile platforms. They limit flexibility and creativity and the themes based on frameworks have the tendency to all look the same. Also, as a developer, it may take some time before fully understanding the framework.

框架确实有一个主要缺点,这在汽车平台上也很明显。 它们限制了灵活性和创造力,基于框架的主题趋向于全部相同。 另外,作为开发人员,可能需要一段时间才能完全理解框架。

If you put in enough time you will see that it is possible to make your theme stand out from the crowd. Just like we all want a unique design, most of us would rather drive an Audi A3 than a Volkswagen Golf. If you learn your chosen framework, at least you can always be assured that your foundation is properly built.

如果投入足够的时间,您会发现可以使您的主题脱颖而出。 就像我们都想要独特的设计一样,我们大多数人宁愿开奥迪A3,也不愿开大众高尔夫。 如果您学习了所选的框架,至少可以始终确保自己的基础已正确构建。

流行的WordPress主题框架 (Popular WordPress Theme Frameworks)

In this article I will show you some of the current popular WordPress theme frameworks. Three of them are paid and one of them is free, and each has its own distinctive qualities. I will also have a look at their support options and show you what some of the completed themes looks like.

在本文中,我将向您展示一些当前流行的WordPress主题框架。 其中三人是有薪的,其中之一是免费的,每人都有自己独特的素质。 我还将查看他们的支持选项,并向您展示一些已完成主题的外观。

1.创世记 (1. Genesis)


Genesis demo 1Genesis demo 2Genesis demo 3

创世纪演示1 创世纪演示2 创世纪演示3

Price: $59.95Support: Unlimited support included + active forums


Genesis is one of the most popular WordPress theme frameworks at the moment. It is developed by the team at Copyblogger Media, a professional marketing company who are highly regarded content marketers as well as offering a range of WordPress-related services. They’ve put their own experiences into this framework, which translates into some interesting features like:

创世纪是当前最受欢迎的WordPress主题框架之一。 它是由Copyblogger Media团队开发的, Copyblogger Media是一家专业的营销公司,该公司在内容营销方面享有很高的声誉 ,并提供一系列与WordPress相关的服务。 他们将自己的经验融入了该框架,并转化为一些有趣的功能,例如:

  • Detailed SEO options, where you specify the most detailed settings, with support for Schema.org


  • Responsive design, based on HTML5

  • Tons of (very pretty) pre-made child themes (for an additional payment) which you can base your own theme on

  • Developer friendly with lots of documentation to lower the learning curve

  • Unlimited support and updates


Genesis is definitely worth a try based on its pricing and support alone. It has many popular sites running on it, including the famous Problogger.net. The Genesis developer community is also very active, so it’s a great framework to start with if you are new to developing themes.

仅凭其价格和支持,Genesis绝对值得一试。 它上运行着许多受欢迎的网站,包括著名的Problogger.net。 Genesis开发人员社区也非常活跃,因此如果您不熟悉主题开发,那么这是一个很好的框架。

2.论文 (2. Thesis)


Thesis demo 1Thesis demo 2 (full customization + motivation)Thesis demo 3

论文演示1 论文演示2 (完全定制+动机) 论文演示3

Price: $197 for the recommended version, Professional.Support: Unlimited support (Professional plan and up) + active community


Thesis is a advanced WordPress theme framework, offering more control over design and functions. But with the increased flexibility comes a higher learning curve if you want to write your own code. Luckily they also offer a drag-and-drop layout tool with a visual template editor, so non-developers can create custom designs without the need for leaving the dashboard.

论文是高级WordPress主题框架,可提供对设计和功能的更多控制。 但是,如果您想编写自己的代码,那么随着灵活性的提高,学习曲线也会更高。 幸运的是,他们还提供了带有可视模板编辑器的拖放式布局工具,因此非开发人员无需离开仪表板即可创建自定义设计。

The main Thesis features are:


  • Boxes, which are kind of like template plugins which you can use to add a ton of integrations for newsletters, Facebook Like boxes etc.

    Box,类似于模板插件,可用于为新闻通讯,Facebook Like Box等添加大量集成。
  • Focus on typography, giving you almost unlimited control over your fonts

  • Easy integration of search engine goodies like Authorship and Google Webmaster Tools

  • Ability to really dive into the code with the Thesis API

    能够通过Thesis API真正深入研究代码

Thesis is the perfect framework for the more advanced theme developer. Its pricing is quite high compared to the other frameworks, especially if you want a few base skins to work with (as these are not included in the cheaper $87 Basic license). The Professional license comes with unlimited support and updates as well as a few extra Boxes and skins. Don’t expect to skip ahead by using one of these base skins though, since in my opinion these are quite ugly to be honest.

论文是高级主题开发人员的理想框架。 与其他框架相比,它的价格相当高,尤其是如果您希望使用一些基础皮肤(因为便宜的$ 87基本许可证中不包含这些基础皮肤)。 专业版许可证附带无限支持和更新,以及一些额外的包装盒和皮肤。 不过,不要指望使用这些基本皮肤之一来跳过,因为我认为这些实在很难看。

3. WooFramework +画布主题 (3. WooFramework + Canvas Theme)


Canvas demo 1Canvas demo 2Canvas demo 3 (Canvas + WooCommerce)

画布演示1 画布演示2 画布演示3 (画布+ WooCommerce)

Price: $97Support: 1 year of support and updates + community support


WooThemes is one of the leading theme shops in the WordPress world. They build all of their themes on their own framework, called ‘WooFramework’. The framework can’t be bought on its own, so they developed a base theme called Canvas. This will serve as the foundation of your own theme, with Canvas being quite a decent theme already.WooFramework and Canvas combined offer the following important features:

WooThemes是WordPress世界中领先的主题商店之一。 他们将所有主题构建在自己的框架“ WooFramework”上。 该框架不能单独购买,因此他们开发了一个名为Canvas的基本主题。 这将成为您自己的主题的基础,Canvas已经是一个不错的主题。WooFramework和Canvas结合在一起提供了以下重要功能:

  • WooCommerce ready

  • Portfolio functionality with advanced display options

  • One-click updates from within the dashboard

  • Very solid foundation, being the framework WooThemes builds its own themes on (of which they sell many thousands a year)


The Canvas theme is loved by many developers around the world. It is already attractive itself, which makes it easier to start with. It already includes some popular features like portfolio functionality and custom shortcodes. The only downside is that you only pay for one year of support and updates, while with the other paid frameworks this is unlimited.

Canvas主题受到全世界许多开发人员的喜爱。 它本身已经很有吸引力,因此更容易入门。 它已经包含了一些流行的功能,例如产品组合功能和自定义短代码。 唯一的缺点是,您只需支付一年的支持和更新费用,而对于其他付费框架,则是无限的。

4.龙门 (4. Gantry)


Gantry demo 1Gantry demo 2Gantry demo 3

龙门演示1 龙门演示2 龙门演示3

Price: FreeSupport: 1 year of paid support for $99 a year + 2 active Google Groups

价格:免费支持:为期1年的付费支持(每年99美元)+ 2个活跃的Google网上论坛

Gantry is a framework by another popular theme shop, RocketTheme. They offer some beautiful themes themselves, and made their framework available under the GPL license. They have documented Gantry very well, and actively improve it based on their experiences and community input. It can easily compete with the other frameworks. Some of its most important features are:

Gantry是另一个受欢迎的主题商店RocketTheme的框架。 他们自己提供了一些精美的主题,并根据GPL许可提供了其框架。 他们已经很好地记录了Gantry,并根据他们的经验和社区意见积极地对其进行了改进。 它可以轻松地与其他框架竞争。 它的一些最重要的功能是:

  • Responsive design based on Twitter Bootstrap

    基于Twitter Bootstrap的响应式设计
  • Extensive customization options, like blank widgets to allow for better positioning

  • Tons of included widgets and built-in fields

  • Support for LESS CSS and the popular 960-grid system

    支持LESS CSS和流行的960网格系统

Gantry is not the easiest of frameworks to work with, but it does allow for extreme customization. Just look at the demos above, all of the themes are very different yet built on the same platform. As previously mentioned, the documentation is great and the Gantry Google Groups are populated with many developers who can help you in your quest to learn more.

龙门并不是最容易使用的框架,但它确实允许进行极端的自定义。 只需看一下上面的演示,所有主题都大相径庭,但构建在同一平台上。 如前所述,文档很棒,Gantry Google网上论坛聚集了许多开发人员,他们可以帮助您了解更多信息。

Paid support is available, but only if you buy a commercial license at RocketTheme itself. At $99 a year it’s not cheap, but there is an option to buy a shorter support period for a smaller amount. If you’re still not sure whether you want to work on a framework at all, Gantry may be a good fit to test the waters.

提供付费支持,但前提是您必须在RocketTheme本身购买商业许可证。 每年99美元的价格并不便宜,但是可以选择以更短的时间购买更短的支持期限。 如果仍然不确定是否要在某个框架上工作,那么Gantry可能很适合测试。

其他主题框架 (Other Theme Frameworks)

The WordPress Codex has a long list of theme frameworks not mentioned in this article, I’ve only covered the more popular frameworks I’ve seen developers and designers using.

WordPress Codex有很多本文未提及的主题框架,我只介绍了开发人员和设计师使用的更流行的框架。

If you’re interested in even more theme frameworks, I’d highly recommend you take a look at the WordPress Codex page on Theme Frameworks. The WordPress Codex is also the definitive place to learn about theme development best practice.

如果您对更多主题框架感兴趣,强烈建议您看一下主题框架上WordPress Codex页面 。 WordPress Codex还是学习主题开发最佳实践的权威场所。


SitePoint also covered WordPress theme frameworks back in 2011, it’s interesting to see how things have evolved since then!

SitePoint 早在2011年就涵盖了WordPress主题框架 ,很有趣的是,自那时以来事情如何发展!

结论 (Conclusion)

There are many more frameworks available than just these four, although these are among the most popular. There are many competing theme framework projects, many of which look very interesting. In the end it is all a matter of keeping up with current trends, best practices and listening to your audience. Some frameworks suit designers more than developers. Some are more lightweight than others, and some have more support and community options. In the end the best framework for you is the one that best fits your needs and workflow.

除了这四个框架之外,还有更多可用的框架,尽管它们是最受欢迎的框架。 有许多相互竞争的主题框架项目,其中许多看起来都很有趣。 最后,所有这些都是要跟上当前趋势,最佳做法并听取观众的意见。 有些框架比开发人员更适合设计师。 有些比其他的更轻巧,有些具有更多的支持和社区选择。 最后,最适合您的框架就是最适合您的需求和工作流程的框架。

Please comment below and tell me what your favorite framework is. Feel free to suggest different frameworks and share your experiences.

请在下面发表评论,并告诉我您最喜欢的框架是什么。 随意提出不同的框架并分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/4-popular-wordpress-theme-frameworks/