

SitePoint already has a long list of articles on WordPress theme frameworks, but as you’ll see, there are dozens of frameworks out there, all with their own strengths and weaknesses, and catering to different styles of development.



WordPress主题框架简介 (Introduction to WordPress Theme Frameworks)

I was sitting in my office, scratching my head, thinking about WordPress theme frameworks. It is late I’ve been researching for this article for days, weeks, even months and wondering what to write, that is different and unique to the other writing styles about frameworks.

我坐在办公室里,挠头思考WordPress主题框架。 我已经花了几天,几周,甚至几个月的时间研究这篇文章,但想知道该写些什么,这与其他有关框架的写作风格是不同且独特的,这已经太晚了。

Lost in my thoughts I had a brain wave. It occurred to me that when people write about WordPress frameworks they tend to cover only the main ones, you know… the ones that the developers in your local WordPress Meetup community specialise in. frameworks like Genesis, Thesis or WooCommerce.

我的思想迷失了头脑。 在我看来,当人们撰写WordPress框架时,他们往往只涵盖主要框架,您知道……本地WordPress Meetup社区中的开发人员专门研究的框架,例如Genesis,Thesis或WooCommerce。

Why is that? Maybe they didn’t look hard enough, or maybe they didn’t want to write about frameworks that might just die off (or are no longer developed). Or maybe they had a tight deadline, and defaulted to the top ranking ones from the search engines. Who knows?

这是为什么? 也许他们看起来不够努力,或者他们不想写可能会消失(或不再开发)的框架。 也许他们的期限很紧迫,并且默认从搜索引擎中排名最高。 谁知道?

I want to be different! Yeah that’s right, sit back grab a coffee. I’m going to take you through a Definitive Guide to WordPress Frameworks.

我想变得与众不同! 是的,请坐下来喝杯咖啡。 我将带您通过WordPress框架权威指南。

Why definitive? Definitive by definition means “done or reached decisively and with authority. synonyms: conclusive, final, ultimate”.

为什么确定? 定义上的定义是指“有权威地果断或达成”。 同义词:结论性,最终性,最终性”。

I’m not going to stop at one, two, or even ten frameworks. As I said I’ve been researching this for some time. The list is massive. There are quite a few here that many of you may or may not have heard of. But that’s ok for the purpose sharing and learning from each other. You may find a framework here that you want to contribute too, or suggest one that’s not listed.

我不会停留在一个,两个甚至十个框架上。 正如我所说,我已经对此进行了一段时间的研究。 列表很大。 这里有很多您可能没有听说过的东西。 但这对于目的共享和彼此学习是可以的。 您也可以在这里找到一个您也想贡献的框架,或者建议一个未列出的框架。

Are you ready? Here we go!

你准备好了吗? 开始了!

什么定义了主题框架或什么是WordPress主题框架? (What Defines a Theme Framework or What Is a WordPress Theme Framework?)

Before diving into the list, I just need to cover some background into theme frameworks. After all, this may be the first article you’ve ever read about theme frameworks and I don’t want you to be left out. If you’re a veteran of frameworks you can skip down below to the long list of frameworks.

在进入列表之前,我只需要介绍主题框架的一些背景知识。 毕竟,这可能是您阅读过的有关主题框架的第一篇文章,但我不希望您被排除在外。 如果您是框架的资深人士,则可以跳到下面的长长的框架列表中。

A theme framework is essentially a Parent Theme in which a development team or individual developer would create to offer some functionality, that would make it easy to update, and reuse on many sites without effecting the design of individual sites.


A Child Theme would then be created to create the custom style sheet, but the functionality would be left up to the main framework.


On a side note, this doesn’t mean that every parent theme is in fact a framework. There are template providers out there that provide parent themes with many hundreds of child theme variations, but then don’t use that same code base on their next parent theme (they tell you it’s a framework, when technically it’s not).

顺便提一句,这并不意味着每个父主题实际上都是一个框架。 有一些模板提供程序可以为父主题提供数百个子主题变体,但是不要在其下一个父主题上使用相同的代码(从技术上讲,它们告诉您这是一个框架,而在技术上却不是)。

Over at the WordPress repository they break down three meanings for the term “Theme Frameworks” drop-in, stand-alone, and Parent Theme template, it’s pretty hard to define it any simpler and I suggest you have a read over it sometime.

在WordPress信息库中,它们分解了术语“ 主题框架 ”,独立,父主题模板的三种含义,很难对其进行简单定义,我建议您有空阅读一下。


For the purposes of this article I’m going to concentrate more on the last one, Parent Theme Templates. This is the most common form known to the greater development community and the general public.

出于本文的目的,我将更加专注于最后一个主题“父主题模板”。 这是更大的开发社区和公众所知道的最常见的形式。

不同类型的主题框架 (Different Types of Theme Frameworks)

Frameworks come in many forms, and tackle different aspects of business and design. Some are free and some paid.

框架有多种形式,可以处理业务和设计的不同方面。 有些是免费的,有些是付费的。

There are major frameworks which are generic, in the fact that they don’t target any one specific niche but cover broad multifunctional aspects of any industry, helping web designers and developers world wide offer advanced websites with quicker turnaround and build costs, by leveraging these code frameworks.


Some of these frameworks have been built over many years with countless thousands of hours of development, to build out extensive, extremely well documented and supported frameworks.


Some advanced features of these frameworks are the allowance for frontend drag and drop editors, backend drag and drop, shortcodes, built for many devices and layouts.


It’s no wonder why web businesses love using frameworks.


My current favourite framework is the SEO Design Framework, built to help rank you better.


为什么要使用框架? (Why Use a Framework?)

It’s a good question, why use a WordPress framework?


While you may think that you may never actually need to build your own framework, you may have already used a framework without really realizing it. Frameworks like Genesis and WooFramework, Thesis, are now so common that you could almost be forgiven (or at least forgive a newbie) that it was part of WordPress core.

尽管您可能认为自己可能实际上并不需要构建自己的框架,但是您可能已经在没有真正实现框架的情况下使用了它。 诸如Genesis和WooFramework,Thesis之类的框架现在非常普遍,以至于您几乎可以原谅(或至少原谅新手),它是WordPress核心的一部分

Let’s take this example. Noel Tock built websites for the hospitality industry niche. Building his own framework was a benefit to him, so he could deliver great projects to his customers and continually add value and optimize it for performance, without the bloat of other functions that his customers will never need.

让我们来看这个例子。 诺埃尔·托克(Noel Tock)为酒店业的利基市场建立了网站。 建立自己的框架对他来说是一个好处,因此他可以为客户交付出色的项目,并不断增加价值并对其进行优化以提高性能,而不会出现客户永远不需要的其他功能。

This helped him to speed up development, and offer a more long lasting solution to his clients. Added benefits can go as far as saving his team support and training time for new staff and clients.

这有助于他加快开发速度,并为客户提供更持久的解决方案。 额外的好处可以节省更多的团队支持和新员工和客户的培训时间。

There are many benefits that he had to consider like SEO and development best practice. But he had the benefit that he didn’t have to go and get a bunch of plugins to add much needed items like rich snippets, social comments, and mobile first design. As well as build email lead generation forms and so on.

他必须考虑很多好处,例如SEO和开发最佳实践。 但是他的好处是,他不必去买一堆插件来添加急需的项目,例如丰富的摘要,社交评论和移动优先设计。 以及建立电子邮件销售线索生成表格等。

He gave the clients flexibility of a semi custom design, and could easily create new designs just by editing a new style.css and functions.php file.


For him this has evolved into a SaaS solution, and his framework turned into the service Happy Tables.

对他来说,这已经演变成一个SaaS解决方案,并且他的框架变成了Happy Tables服务。

Have I got you thinking? What’s your niche? And how about a framework for your vertical?

我在想你吗? 你的利基是什么? 垂直框架又如何呢?

的优点和缺点 (Advantages and Disadvantages)

There are many advantages to using a WordPress theme framework. From many of the popular ones, you don’t have to go far to see a hive of activity of developers, and designers, in forums, and communities helping the bamboozled.

使用WordPress主题框架有许多优点。 在许多流行的应用程序中,您无需走太远,就可以看到开发人员和设计师在论坛和社区中活跃起来的蜂巢。

The strength of the code, is generally of higher calibre, meeting WordPress coding standards, and can easily be put through its passes, with testing plugins and services, like WP Test, Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) and Theme Check.

该代码的强度通常更高,可以满足WordPress编码标准,并且可以通过测试插件和服务(例如WP TestTheme Authenticity Checker(TAC)Theme Check )轻松地通过测试。

Some key points that are an advantage would be;


  • easier development long term

  • built-in functionality (less dependency on plugins)

  • code quality

  • upgrades


Some disadvantages are;


  • learning curve

  • hooks and filters capabilities

  • code bloat

  • limitations (if it’s not your own)

  • cost

  • updates and support


WordPress主题框架列表 (List of WordPress Theme Frameworks)

In no particular order:


教程和文章 (Tutorials and Articles)

As mentioned in the opening of this article, SitePoint has a growing list of resources covering a variety of WordPress theme frameworks, here are a few of our most popular to get you started:


结论 (Conclusion)

To gather this long list, I reached out to several WordPress communities for guidance, and an opportunity to share the not so common, and if you are serious about WordPress and want in, I suggest you join too.


Thanks goes out to the LinkedIn Community for their input into many of the frameworks above.


It’s almost impossible to cover every framework, new ones appear quite frequently.


If you find a framework not listed above, and it is based on the definitions of a framework, a real framework, not a one-size fits-all theme, then by all means, please list it in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-theme-frameworks/
