python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

python 创建线程打印

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Photoshop may be the professional standard for high quality photo prints, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay hundreds of dollars for printing software. Freeware program Google Picasa can create excellent quality photo prints that’ll only cost you a download.

Photoshop可能是高质量照片打印的专业标准,但这并不意味着您必须为打印软件支付数百美元。 免费软件Google Picasa可以创建高质量的照片打印件,而您只需下载即可。

Picasa and other freeware graphics programs are hardly news to savvy geeks, although with a little patience, they can produce quality prints few could tell apart from thousand dollar graphics suites. Stay tuned for links to various graphics programs, and a simple how-to on getting the perfect print settings for your photos.

尽管有一点耐心,Picasa和其他免费软件图形程序对精明的极客们来说并不是什么新闻,但它们可以产生高质量的印刷品,除了数千美元的图形套件之外,其他印刷品几乎无法分辨。 请继续关注指向各种图形程序的链接,以及获取最佳照片打印设置的简单方法。

下载免费软件 (Downloading Free Software)

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

There are a number of programs available that will print photos, some varying in quality. Printing is actually a fairly basic thing, as your operating system and printer driver already do most of the work. Here’s a short list of various graphic programs that are good for a bit of light printing.

有许多可以打印照片的程序,其中一些质量会有所不同。 由于操作系统和打印机驱动程序已经完成了大部分工作,因此打印实际上是相当基本的事情。 以下是各种图形程序的简短列表,这些图形程序适合进行少量打印。

While any of these pieces of freeware will open, edit, and print images, Google Picasa is one of the most feature rich and easy to use. Let’s take a look at how to print quality photographs in Picasa.

这些免费软件中的任何一个都可以打开,编辑和打印图像,而Google Picasa是功能最丰富且易于使用的功能之一。 让我们看一下如何在Picasa中打印高质量的照片。

Editing & Printing with Picasa


python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Picasa’s basic photo editing tools make it ideal for adjusting the colors of your images, cropping, and doing basic fixes for red eye, brightness, and contrast. Combined with its photo library management, Picasa is a fine alternative to programs like Photoshop Elements, which usually retails for about $100 dollars.

Picasa的基本照片编辑工具使其非常适合调整图像的颜色,裁剪并为红眼,亮度和对比度进行基本修复。 结合其照片库管理功能,Picasa可以很好地替代Photoshop Elements等程序,该程序通常零售价约为100美元。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

In addition to these features, Picasa is a solid program for printing photographs. This is the print window, as opposed to the edit window in the previous screenshot.

除了这些功能,Picasa是打印照片的可靠程序。 这是打印窗口,与上一个屏幕截图中的编辑窗口相反。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印
python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印
python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

will bring up this print window, where you can print multiple copies of your selected photographs, with settings for the basic sizes illustrated above, like Wallet prints, 3.5”x5”, 4”x6”, 5”x7”, standard photo print (8″x10″), and full 8.5”x11” page. You can also chose to crop or shrink your image to fit it to your print size, as well as choose multiple copies per image with this menu.

将会弹出该打印窗口,您可以在其中打印所选照片的​​多份副本,并具有上述基本尺寸的设置,例如钱包照片,3.5” x5”,4” x6”,5” x7”,标准照片打印( 8” x10”),以及完整的8.5” x11”页面。 您也可以选择裁切或缩小图像以使其适合打印尺寸,以及使用此菜单为每个图像选择多份。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印
python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Click the to bring up your printer options once you’ve brought up your print window.


python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

While your screen may not look exactly like this, what you will get is your printer driver’s dialog box. Here, you’re given the choice to adjust the various settings used to vastly change the end quality of photo prints. Accepting the default settings, we’ll print this image on standard typing paper with ordinary settings.

尽管您的屏幕可能看起来并不完全像这样,但是您将获得打印机驱动程序的对话框。 在这里,您可以选择调整各种设置,以极大地改变照片打印的最终质量。 接受默认设置,我们将使用常规设置在标准打字纸上打印该图像。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印
python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

The button will send your image to your printer with the default settings. Let’s take a look.

该按钮将使用默认设置将图像发送到打印机。 让我们来看看。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Here’s a color unedited shot of an actual print of this image on regular typing paper. The colors are slightly more saturated in your web browser, but the result is still fairly good.

这是该图像在常规打字纸上实际打印的未经编辑的彩色照片。 您的网络浏览器中的颜色稍微偏饱和,但结果仍然相当不错。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Still, multiple attempts with higher quality paper stocks and different settings can improve a photo print exponentially, even with basic photo printing solutions like Picasa. Let’s return to our printer settings and try again with a generic glossy photo paper for inkjets.

尽管如此,即使使用像Picasa这样的基本照片打印解决方案,多次尝试使用更高质量的纸张原料和不同的设置也可以成倍提高照片打印质量。 让我们返回打印机设置,然后尝试使用通用的光面照片纸进行喷墨。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

This driver dialog box has several presets for various kinds of prints, including basic photo prints. Above and on the right, there are settings that calibrate the ink nozzles for printing on various kinds of photo paper. This printer, being an HP machine, has built in presets for HP papers. Setting it to “Other” photo papers, we can make some other minor adjustments to improve quality.

该驱动程序对话框具有多种预设,可用于各种类型的打印,包括基本的照片打印。 在右侧和右侧,有一些设置可以校准墨水喷嘴,以便在各种照片纸上进行打印。 该打印机是HP机器,内置了HP纸张预设。 将其设置为“其他”相纸,我们可以进行一些其他小的调整以提高质量。

Keep in mind, as you print, that your printer dialog may not be set up exactly like this one. You’ll have similar options, even though they may not be as obvious. You’ll want to do a check of the following before you print:

在打印时,请记住,可能不会完全按照此对话框设置打印机对话框。 即使它们可能不那么明显,您也会有类似的选择。 在打印之前,您需要检查以下内容:

  • Paper stock: Are you using regular typing paper or photo paper?

  • Photo paper style: Are you using Glossy, Matte, Lustre, Semigloss, etc?

  • Print quality: The speed and resolution of the quality of your print. Usually broken into settings like “Economy, Normal, Best.”

    打印质量:打印质量的速度和分辨率。 通常分为“经济,正常,最佳”之类的设置。
  • Paper Size: Most commonly 8.5”x11”, 8”x10”, and 4”x6” sizes.

    纸张尺寸:最常见的尺寸是8.5“ x11”,8“ x10”和4“ x6”。
  • Orientation: Whether your print is turned horizontally (Landscape) or vertically (Portrait).

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

With proper photo settings and photo paper, our sample image comes out a success. This is another color unedited photograph of an actual photo print of this sample image, printed from Picasa. with the right papers, right photos, and right settings, rich details and colors are possible even with freeware photo software.

有了适当的照片设置和照片纸,我们的样本图像就成功了。 这是从Picasa打印的该示例图像的实际照片打印的另一张未经编辑的彩色照片。 使用正确的纸张,正确的照片和正确的设置,即使使用免费的照片软件,也可以实现丰富的细节和色彩。

python 创建线程打印_如何使用免费软件创建高质量的照片打印

Here’s an color unedited comparison of the two photo prints. The left is printed on regular typing paper, with the right printed on glossy photo stock. This is a solid example of the difference in quality of ordinary paper versus photo paper. Keep in mind, a little patience,  trial, and error can give you the proper settings and great prints, even with software that won’t cost you anything at all.

这是两个照片打印的未经颜色比较。 左边印在普通打字纸上,右边印在光面照相纸上。 这是普通纸与照片纸质量差异的可靠例子 请记住,一点耐心,尝试和错误都可以为您提供正确的设置和出色的打印效果,即使使用完全不会花费您任何费用的软件。

Image Credit: Jackson’s Chameleon 2 in public domain.

图片提供: 公共领域的 Jackson's Chameleon 2


python 创建线程打印