



Sketchup (formerly Google Sketchup) is 3D modeling software that’s easy to use and has an extensive database of user-created models available for download. You can use it to sketch (or import) models to assist with all kinds of projects—furniture building, video game creation, 3D printing, interior design, and whatever else you can think of.

Sketchup(以前称为Google Sketchup)是易于使用的3D建模软件,并且具有可下载的用户创建模型的广泛数据库。 您可以使用它来草绘(或导入)模型以协助各种项目-家具建造,视频游戏创建,3D打印,室内设计以及您能想到的其他任何项目。

什么是Sketchup? (What Is Sketchup?)

SketchUp is an intuitive 3D modeling application that lets you create and edit 2D and 3D models with a patented “Push and Pull” method. The Push and Pull tool allows designers to extrude any flat surface into 3D shapes. All you have to do is click an object and then start pulling it until you like what you see.

SketchUp是一个直观的3D建模应用程序,可让您使用获得专利的“推拉”方法创建和编辑2D和3D模型。 推拉工具允许设计人员将任何平面挤压成3D形状。 您所要做的就是单击一个对象,然后开始拉动它,直到您喜欢所看到的为止。

SketchUp is a program used for a wide range of 3D modeling projects like architectural, interior design, landscape architecture, and video game design, to name a few of its uses.


The program includes drawing layout functionality, surface rendering, and supports third-party plugins from the Extension Warehouse. The app has a wide range of applications, including in the worlds of architecture, interior design, landscaping, and video game design. Sketchup has also found success with people who want to create, share, or download 3D models for use with 3D printers.

该程序包括图纸布局功能,表面渲染,并支持Extension Warehouse中的第三方插件。 该应用程序具有广泛的应用程序,包括建筑,室内设计,美化环境和视频游戏设计领域。 Sketchup在想要创建,共享或下载3D模型以用于3D打印机的人们中也获得了成功。

Sketchup was created in 1999 by @Last Software. In 2006, Google acquired SketchUp after @Last Software created a plugin for Google Earth that caught the eye of the tech giant. In 2012, Trimble Navigation (now Trimble Inc.) acquired Sketchup from Google and expanded the app by launching a new website that hosts plugins and extensions.

Sketchup由@Last Software创建于1999年。 2006年,@ Last Software为Google Earth创建了一个吸引了科技巨头关注的插件之后,Google收购了SketchUp。 2012年,Trimble Navigation(现为Trimble Inc.)从Google手中收购了Sketchup,并通过启动一个托管插件和扩展程序的新网站来扩展了该应用程序。

Sketchup有哪些不同版本? (What Are the Different Versions of Sketchup?)

SketchUp comes in three different versions to suit different needs:


  • SketchUp Make: SketchUp Make is a freeware version that you can download after signing up for a free account. Make is free-to-use for home, personal and educational use and it begins with a free 30-day trial of SketchUp Pro. Although Make is no longer updated following the November 2017 release, you can still download the installer to use on your computer.

    SketchUp Make: SketchUp Make是一个免费版本,您可以在注册免费帐户后下载。 Make免费提供给家庭,个人和教育用途,并且从SketchUp Pro的30天免费试用开始。 尽管在2017年11月发行版之后不再对Make进行更新,但是您仍然可以下载安装程序以在计算机上使用。

  • SketchUp Pro: SketchUp Pro ($695) is the premium version of the software. It contains added functionality like the ability to import and export different file formats, access to a 2D documentation software, layout tools, and a Style Builder that lets you create custom edge styles for models.

    SketchUp Pro: SketchUp Pro (695美元)是该软件的高级版本。 它包含其他功能,例如导入和导出不同文件格式的功能,访问2D文档软件,布局工具以及样式生成器的功能,该样式生成器可让您为模型创建自定义的边缘样式。

  • SketchUp Free: The successor to Make, SketchUp Free was released in November 2017 as a web-based application. To use it, you must sign up for a free Timble ID with a valid email address. SketchUp Free lacks a lot of the features Pro has, but if you’re just building and viewing 3D models for personal use (or looking for something that can print to your 3D printer), this is a great place to start.

    SketchUp免费版:后继之作, SketchUp的免费在2017年11月被发布了作为一个基于Web的应用程序。 要使用它,您必须使用有效的电子邮件地址注册免费的Timble ID。 SketchUp Free缺少Pro的许多功能 ,但是如果您只是构建和查看供个人使用的3D模型(或寻找可以打印到3D打印机的东西),那么这是一个很好的起点。

打通Sketchup 3D模型库 (Hit Up the Sketchup 3D Warehouse)

Now that you’ve got SketchUp installed it’s time to get started by searching through the 3D Warehouse, where you can view and download pretty much anything ever created on the platform.

现在,您已经安装了SketchUp,是时候开始搜索3D模型库了 ,您可以在其中查看和下载该平台上创建的几乎所有内容。

3D Warehouse is a database of user-created models available for anyone to access. Just head on over to their website and start searching through the seemingly endless warehouse of models. I wasn’t joking when I said you could find pretty much anything on here. They have everything from simple buildings to an entire medieval city!

3D模型库是用户创建的模型的数据库,任何人都可以访问。 只需转到他们的网站,然后开始搜索看似无穷无尽的模型库即可。 我说你在这里可以找到很多东西的时候,我不是在开玩笑。 他们拥有从简单的建筑到整个中世纪城市的一切

Here are a few interesting things you can find using the Warehouse:


That’s just an eclectic selection, but you can find models to help with whatever project you’ve got going.


如何使用Sketchup? (How Do I Use Sketchup?)

Once you’ve registered for a Timble ID and opened either the desktop web-based app, you’re ready to get started with your first model.

一旦注册了Timble ID并打开了基于Web的桌面应用程序,您就可以开始使用第一个模型了。

I’ll be using the web-based application as this is the direction Timble is heading for free users, but functionality between either version is the same if you’re a free subscriber.


Upon opening the application, you’re greeted with your first model, Josh. Josh enjoys long walks in the mountains, playing soccer, kickball, disc golf, and well… any sport or backyard game out there. He’s just a placeholder, and you can get rid of him if you want. Or leave him around and enjoy his company.

打开应用程序后,您会看到第一个模型Josh。 乔什(Josh)在山上散步很长,踢足球,踢足球,打高尔夫球,等等……那里的任何体育运动或后院游戏。 他只是一个占位符,如果需要,您可以摆脱他。 或者离开他,享受他的陪伴。


From the toolbar on the lefthand side, you can click on any of these three tools to start drawing a model of your own. You can use the pencil to draw lines, the arc tool to make arc/circles, and the square tool to make squares.

从左侧的工具栏中,您可以单击这三个工具中的任何一个来开始绘制自己的模型。 您可以使用铅笔绘制线条,使用圆弧工具绘制圆弧/圆,使用方形工具绘制正方形。


If drawing isn’t your thing, then you can always head over to the 3D Warehouse and import a model that already exists. On the righthand toolbar, click the “Objects” button (three blocks) and then click the 3D Warehouse button at the top. Type in the description of a model for which to search and then click on the object you want to import.

如果绘图不是您的事,那么您始终可以转到3D模型库并导入已经存在的模型。 在右侧工具栏上,单击“对象”按钮(三个块),然后单击顶部的3D模型库按钮。 输入要搜索的模型的描述,然后单击要导入的对象。


If you already have a model file on your computer, you can drag-and-drop it into the window to achieve the same results.


Depending on the size of the model, it may take a moment to load. Afterward, all you have to do is position the object, and you’re ready to work with it.

根据模型的大小,可能需要一些时间才能加载。 之后,您要做的就是放置对象,并准备使用它。


While the free version does lack some features, you’re still able to export any model into either PNG or STL format by clicking the folder at the top of the window, clicking “Export,” and then choosing whichever format you prefer.



Now that you have the basics down and know what kinds of things there are in the warehouse, you’ll be able to start working on some models of your own and uploading them for everyone else to enjoy.


