wordpress 迁移_WordPress迁移变得容易

wordpress 迁移

In this article, we’re going to cover the various ways you can migrate your website to WordPress.


If the fear of content migration is keeping you from transferring from an old website to a new one, or the phrase ‘data migration’ sends chills up your spine, then you’ve landed on the right page. In this article, I plan on tackling the most common concerns about WordPress website migration and providing all the necessary information and pointers to help eradicate your fears.

如果担心内容迁移会阻止您从旧网站转移到新网站,或者短语“数据迁移”使您不寒而栗,那么您来了正确的页面。 在本文中,我计划解决有关WordPress网站迁移的最常见问题,并提供所有必要的信息和指针,以帮助消除您的担忧。

Migrations are something that many site owners do not feel very comfortable with, and for good reason. But, despite the fact that the task is really tedious and requires a vast amount of resources to be done properly, data migration is not a rocket science. At its simplest, it can be summed up as matching the database fields of the source website with the database fields of the target site (for the purposes of this article, the existing site will be called the source site and the new site will be called the target site).

迁移是很多网站所有者都不满意的事情,这是有充分理由的。 但是,尽管任务确实很繁琐,并且需要大量资源来正确完成,但数据迁移并不是一门科学。 简单来说,可以将其概括为将源网站的数据库字段与目标网站的数据库字段进行匹配(就本文而言,现有网站将被称为源网站,而新网站将被称为目标网站)。

Website owners have two methods of content migration at their disposal:


  • Manual (copying and pasting every piece of content)

  • Automated (with the help of online converters)


手动数据迁移 (Manual Data Migration)

If a website is migrated manually, the posts from the source website database need to be added to the database of the target website. For instance, the database of a Drupal website from the ‘node’ table should be recorded in the wp_posts table of WordPress. Each content type can contain different custom fields (text, media, and so on), which are also part of the content and are then saved in different tables (such as field_data_field_url, field_data_field_teaser). This is displayed in the image below:

如果手动迁移网站,则需要将源网站数据库中的帖子添加到目标网站的数据库中。 例如,来自“节点”表的Drupal网站的数据库应记录在WordPress的wp_posts表中。 每种内容类型可以包含不同的自定义字段(文本,媒体等),它们也是内容的一部分,然后保存在不同的表中(例如field_data_field_url,field_data_field_teaser)。 显示在下图中:

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In the case of manual migration, a user should find the corresponding table for each content type. The example provided below shows that the post with ID 99 in the author field contains ‘Trip Gabriel’, as you’d expect, this would need to exist in the target WordPress website. Each content type may contain any number of custom fields, and in the process of conversion the above-mentioned scenario, should be repeated n-times.

在手动迁移的情况下,用户应为每种内容类型找到对应的表。 如下面所提供的示例所示,作者字段中ID为99的帖子包含“ Trip Gabriel”,正如您所期望的那样,它必须存在于目标WordPress网站中。 每个内容类型可以包含任意数量的自定义字段,并且在转换过程中,上述场景应重复n次。

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Now the question is, how do you add this data to a WordPress website? You’ll need to save the content in wp_posts table, as shown in the image below:

现在的问题是,如何将这些数据添加到WordPress网站? 您需要将内容保存在wp_posts表中,如下图所示:

wordpress 迁移_WordPress迁移变得容易

In order to set custom fields in WordPress, you’ll need to use the wp-postmeta table:


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Sometimes, custom fields contain images or other media. In this case, the media should be imported manually from the source site (in our Drupal example, that would be in /sites/default/files) to WordPress (wp-content/uploads/).

有时,自定义字段包含图像或其他媒体。 在这种情况下,应该将媒体从源站点手动导入(在我们的Drupal示例中,将在/ sites / default / files中)导入WordPress(wp-content / uploads /)。

Professionals who undertake manual data migration all the time are well versed in the art of handling the various challenges associated with this process. But what about the rest of us? That’s where automated data migration comes in handy.

始终进行手动数据迁移的专业人员都精通处理与该过程相关的各种挑战的技术。 但是我们其余的人呢? 在此方便进行自动数据迁移。

自动数据迁移 (Automated Data Migration)

Automating the process of data migration can save numerous hours, allowing website owners to concentrate on running their business, instead of taking care of migration hassles. It can involve little to no manual effort, significantly slashing the time and resources required.

自动化数据迁移过程可以节省大量时间,使网站所有者可以专注于开展业务,而不必担心迁移麻烦。 它几乎不需要人工就可以完成,从而大大节省了时间和资源。

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The main difference between manual and automated methods of data conversion is the time spent on the process. For instance, if you have a site of 10, 25 or even 50 pages – then don’t even waste your time talking about automation. Buckle down and start copying and pasting!

手动和自动数据转换方法之间的主要区别是在过程上花费的时间。 例如,如果您有一个10、25甚至50个页面的站点,那么您甚至不必浪费时间谈论自动化。 扣紧并开始复制和粘贴!

In contrast, if your website comprises hundreds, or thousands (or even more) pages that you want to keep, the manual method of data migration is definitely not going to practical. In this case, automation is your best bet. There are a number of different tools available when it comes to website migration, particularly if you’re operating a WordPress website.

相反,如果您的网站包含要保留的数百或数千(甚至更多)页面,则手动进行数据迁移的方法绝对不实用。 在这种情况下,自动化是您的最佳选择。 网站迁移时有许多不同的工具可用,尤其是在您运行WordPress网站时。

WordPress迁移工具和服务 (Tools and Services for WordPress Migrations)

本机WordPress导入 (Native WordPress Import)

With over a million downloads, Native WordPress Import is, by far and away, the most popular of all the plugins on the market for data migration. And it’s no wonder, given all the different types of data that this plugin is able to import, including: pages, posts, and all their relevant meta data; any other type of custom post imaginable; custom fields; custom taxonomies, categories and tags; and all your authors and comments. It’s even available in more than 30 different languages.

迄今为止,Native WordPress Import的下载量已超过一百万,是市场上用于数据迁移的所有插件中最受欢迎的插件。 鉴于此插件能够导入的所有不同类型的数据,这也就不足为奇了,其中包括:页面,帖子及其所有相关的元数据; 可以想象的任何其他类型的自定义帖子; 自定义字段; 自定义分类法,类别和标签; 以及您所有的作者和评论。 它甚至支持30多种不同的语言。

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wordpress 迁移_WordPress迁移变得容易

More Information: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/

更多信息: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/


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In the interest of full disclosure, I work with the team at CMS2CMS. That said, I’m more than confident in recommending their service, they’re a great team and they know their stuff. CMS2CMS is an automated migration service that has been specifically developed to switch huge websites across CMS platforms, including WordPress. When using CMS2CMS, the conversion process will begin with a ‘bridge’ dumping the database and sending it to the main CMS2CMS server. This action is performed with both the source and the target websites. As soon as the databases are all dumped, the service initiates the data conversion itself and the process of content updating on the target website database begins. Once the database updating is finished, the target website database (with all the new data) is restored through the installed bridge at the source website.

为了全面披露,我与CMS2CMS团队合作。 就是说,我对推荐他们的服务很有信心,他们是一支很棒的团队,而且他们了解自己的东西。 CMS2CMS是一种自动迁移服务,专为在包括WordPress的CMS平台之间切换大型网站而开发。 使用CMS2CMS时,转换过程将从转储数据库并将其发送到CMS2CMS主服务器的“网桥”开始。 源网站和目标网站都将执行此操作。 一旦所有数据库都转储,该服务便会自行启动数据转换,并开始在目标网站数据库上进行内容更新的过程。 数据库更新完成后,将通过源网站上已安装的网桥还原目标网站数据库(包含所有新数据)。

There are also a number of CMS2CMS plugins in the WordPress plugin directory that let you run a demo migration on a limited number of pages to make sure it works.


More Information: https://www.cms2cms.com

详细信息: https : //www.cms2cms.com

WP代客 (WP Valet)

WP Valet has a whole range of experience in WordPress, including supporting website clients and facilitating streamlined website migrations. They pride themselves on having purposely built a team that encompasses each and every facet required to support everything a WordPress website could possibly need. So, it comes as no surprise that they can handle complex website migrations and conversions with ease, including migrations from host to host, CMS to WordPress, multi-database and multi-site conversions. All of their migrations are human-powered and include off-site back-ups, whole site and URL integrity scans, DNS assistance, and post-completion check-ins.

WP Valet在WordPress方面拥有广泛的经验,包括支持网站客户端和简化网站迁移。 他们为建立一支涵盖了支持WordPress网站可能需要的一切所需的每一个方面的团队而感到自豪。 因此,毫不奇怪,他们可以轻松处理复杂的网站迁移和转换,包括从主机到主机,从CMS到WordPress的迁移,多数据库和多站点转换。 他们的所有迁移工作都是由人力完成的,包括异地备份,整个站点和URL完整性扫描,DNS辅助以及完成后签入。

More Information: http://thewpvalet.com/

详细信息: http : //thewpvalet.com/

迁移到WP (MigrateToWP)

Based in Barcelona, MigrateToWP offers a range of tailored website migration services. A highly experienced band of web professionals, the team is ready and able to migrate content and website themes from all sorts of platforms (including Joomla, Drupal, and other CMSs) across to WordPress. They even promise to move all your content (posts, pages, authors, users, tags, and comments), while maintaining the integrity of your SEO. If you need some additional help, MigrateToWP can also take care of all the server-side migration aspects and any configuration that might be required. They boast a simple, three-step process for every job, and are more than happy to provide free quotes on any job.

总部位于巴塞罗那的MigrateToWP提供了一系列量身定制的网站迁移服务。 一支由经验丰富的Web专业人员组成的团队,随时可以将内容和网站主题从各种平台(包括Joomla,Drupal和其他CMS)迁移到WordPress。 他们甚至承诺移动您所有的内容(帖子,页面,作者,用户,标签和评论),同时保持SEO的完整性。 如果您需要其他帮助,MigrateToWP还可以处理所有服务器端迁移方面以及可能需要的任何配置。 他们为每项工作拥有一个简单的三步过程,并且非常乐意为任何工作提供免费报价。

More Information: http://migratetowp.com/

详细信息: http : //migratetowp.com/

结论 (In Conclusion)

The time, price and process involved in website data migration varies considerably, depending on the amount of data that needs to be migrated. The more data, and the higher the database volume, the more time and money is required.

网站数据迁移涉及的时间,价格和过程有很大不同,具体取决于需要迁移的数据量。 数据越多,数据库容量越大,则需要更多的时间和金钱。

Despite this, don’t let those two little words (data migration) keep you from achieving your business goals. Take the time to explore different ways to get around your data migration problem, such as automated migration tools and plugins, and prepare to enjoy your brand-new website!

尽管如此,不要让这两个小词(数据迁移)妨碍您实现业务目标。 花时间探索解决数据迁移问题的不同方法,例如自动迁移工具和插件,并准备好使用全新的网站!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-migrations-made-easy/

wordpress 迁移