使用Long Form Storybuilder在WordPress中轻松登陆页面

Internet marketing has grown over the years and today, it is considered as one of the most effective ways of increasing your conversions. No matter what type of business you run, if you advertise your product online then you will observe a rapid increase in your sales. The internet bounds no geographical limits, you can reach millions of people online.

互联网营销已经发展了很多年,如今,它被认为是增加转化的最有效方法之一。 无论您经营哪种类型的业务,如果您在线上宣传产品,您的销售额都会快速增长。 互联网没有地域限制,您可以在线接触数百万人。

All of this has led to people coming up with different ways that ensure their internet marketing does wonders. A professional marketing approach is to build custom pages in your websites precisely for one thing, product or market. These pages are known as the “Landing Pages”.

所有这些导致人们想出了不同的方式来确保他们的互联网营销创造奇迹。 一种专业的营销方法是在网站上针对某件事,产品或市场建立自定义页面。 这些页面称为“着陆页”。

那么,什么是登陆页面? (So, What Is a Landing Page?)

According to Wikipedia:


In online marketing, a landing page, sometimes known as a “lead capture page” or a “lander”, is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search engine optimized search result or an online advertisement. The landing page will usually display directed sales copy that is a logical extension of the advertisement, search result or link.

在在线营销中,登录页面(有时称为“潜在客户捕获页面”或“登陆器”)是响应于单击搜索引擎优化的搜索结果或在线广告而出现的单个网页。 登陆页面通常会显示定向销售副本,这是广告,搜索结果或链接的逻辑扩展。

A landing page is more concise, with just enough content to help your customers decide, no distractions, a few testimonials and an optimized number of call to action buttons. After that, there is the art of A/B testing. Landing pages help to improve your site conversions by encouraging more people to subscribe and follow your website. Which means more site traffic and more business for you.

登陆页面更加简洁,内容足以帮助您的客户做出决定,没有干扰,提供了一些推荐和优化的号召性用语按钮。 在那之后,便有了A / B测试的技巧。 登陆页面通过鼓励更多的人订阅和关注您的网站来帮助改善您的网站转换。 这意味着更多的网站流量和更多的业务为您服务。

有关目标网页的技术见解 (Technical Insight about Landing Pages)

Many consider landing pages a part of a website, but I disagree with this concept. Usually, landing pages are designed and developed differently from the rest of the website, including only what you need to complete a single action. There are many ways to create custom landing pages but in this post, I will exclusively discuss how to create landing pages with WordPress.

许多人认为登录页面是网站的一部分,但我不同意这个概念。 通常,登录页面的设计和开发与网站其余部分不同,仅包括完成单个操作所需的内容。 创建自定义登录页面的方法有很多,但是在本文中,我将专门讨论如何使用WordPress创建登录页面。

Some of the WordPress theme developers include a blank page template in the theme’s folder. Which means that each time you want to create a landing page in WordPress you can make use of that blank template and make one for yourself. However, one other way is to code a landing page from scratch. Both of these methods require for you to have decent web development skills.

一些WordPress主题开发人员在主题文件夹中包含空白页模板。 这意味着每次您要在WordPress中创建登录页面时,都可以使用该空白模板并自己制作一个。 但是,另一种方法是从头开始编写登录页面代码。 这两种方法都要求您具备不错的Web开发技能。

大问题 (The Big Problem)

What do you do if you’re not a web developer and you don’t have a thousand bucks to hire one. But you want a custom landing page that looks great and is aimed to convert your leads into the sales?

如果您不是网络开发人员并且没有一千美元可以雇用一个人,该怎么办。 但是,您想要一个自定义的着陆页,看起来很棒,并且旨在将您的潜在客户转化为销售量?

That’s when you should install Long Form Storybuilder on your WordPress site. Long Form Storybuilder can help you build custom landing pages in no time, without any web development or design skill-set. Let’s take a look.

那是您应该在WordPress网站上安装Long Form Storybuilder的时候。 Long Form Storybuilder可以帮助您立即构建自定义登录页面,而无需任何Web开发或设计技能。 让我们来看看。

解决方案:长篇故事构建器 (Solution: Long Form Storybuilder)

使用Long Form Storybuilder在WordPress中轻松登陆页面

Press75 has introduced an intuitive plugin for the purpose of creating beautiful landing pages. It is called the Long Form Storybuilder (LFS) which is available in the WordPress plugin repository for free.

Press75引入了一个直观的插件来创建漂亮的登录页面。 它被称为Long Form Storybuilder (LFS),可在WordPress插件存储库中免费获得。

You can create landing pages which are not only creative, but also interactive and media-rich. Different sections make up a landing page and this is exactly what LFS plugin does. It uses the WordPress default theme customizer panel where it adds unique sections and all of these together make up a landing page. Once the basic setup is done you can manage sections in every possible way i.e. you can add, remove, update and even re-order your sections.

您可以创建不仅具有创意,而且还具有互动性和丰富媒体的登录页面。 不同的部分组成一个登录页面,这正是LFS插件所做的。 它使用WordPress默认主题定制器面板,在其中添加了独特的部分,所有这些部分共同构成了登录页面。 基本设置完成后,您可以通过各种可能的方式管理版块,即可以添加,删除,更新甚至重新排序版块。

I personally like the whole live preview editing experience that is the core of this plugin. All you have to do is simply create a new page in WordPress and add a few sections and elements to it while you edit them in the live preview mode. I will be explaining all of this later but for now let’s explore the Long Form Storybuilder.

我个人喜欢整个实时预览编辑体验,这是此插件的核心。 您要做的只是在WordPress中创建一个新页面,并在实时预览模式下编辑它们时向其中添加一些部分和元素。 我将在稍后解释所有这些内容,但现在让我们探索Long Form Storybuilder。

长格式Storybuilder中的部分 (Sections in the Long Form Storybuilder)

Long Form Storybuilder allows you to add a variety of sections all of which are needed to build a landing page. Let’s take a look at these sections:

长格式Storybuilder允许您添加各种部分以构建目标页面。 让我们看一下这些部分:

  • Navigation: This section adds a custom menu right at the top of the page where you can place your logo and a custom menu.

    导航 :此部分在页面顶部添加了一个自定义菜单,您可以在其中放置徽标和自定义菜单。

  • Header: This is the leading section of the landing page along with the title and a brief description, you can add a background image here.

    标题 :这是登录页面的开头部分,包括标题和简要说明,您可以在此处添加背景图片。

  • Callout: This section is full-width in nature which can be configured with either a colored background or an image background.

    标注 :此部分实际上是全角的,可以用彩色背景或图像背景进行配置。

  • Content: This section creates a single-column area where you can add your text via WP WYSIWYG editor.

    内容 :此部分创建一个单列区域,您可以在其中通过WP WYSIWYG编辑器添加文本。

  • Full Feature: With this section you can add a full-width image with text overlay.

    完整功能 :在本部分中,您可以添加带有文字叠加层的全角图像。

  • Section Heading: It adds a title and a subtitle every time you create a new section you can use this section to add a heading to it.

    节标题 :每次创建新节时,它都会添加标题和副标题,您可以使用此节向其添加标题。

  • Two Column Content: This is a two-column content text area.

    两栏内容 :这是两栏内容的文本区域。

  • Three Column Content: This is a three-column content text area.

    三栏内容 :这是三栏内容的文本区域。

Long Form Storybuilder is a very handy plugin. It is built with beginners in mind, even a layman can customize its settings pretty easily. It is browser friendly and all its sections are compatible with different screen sizes. I bet anyone can make landing pages with this plugin in a matter of a few minutes.

长格式Storybuilder是一个非常方便的插件。 它是为初学者而设计的,即使是外行也可以轻松自定义其设置。 它对浏览器友好,其所有部分都与不同的屏幕尺寸兼容。 我敢打赌,任何人都可以在几分钟内使用此插件制作登录页面。

This is a brief introduction to the Long Form Storybuilder plugin, covering its features and purpose. In my next article, I’ll explain how it works with the help of a hands-on example, after which you’ll be able to easily make landing pages right away. Until then, if you have any queries you can post in the comments box below.

这是Long Form Storybuilder插件的简要介绍,涵盖了它的功能和目的。 在下一篇文章中,我将通过一个动手示例来说明其工作原理,之后您将能够轻松地立即制作目标网页。 在此之前,如果您有任何疑问,可以在下面的评论框中发布。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/easy-landing-pages-in-wordpress-with-long-form-storybuilder/