


When we think about Uber, what immediately comes to our mind is cabs. We assume Uber to be an amazing transportation company. While there is no question that Uber revolutionized transportation, Uber is, in essence, a technology-based disruptor. What Uber did is to make use of the latest technology in breaking what was considered normal at that point in time.
当我们想到Uber时,立即想到的就是出租车。 我们认为Uber是一家出色的运输公司。 毫无疑问,Uber彻底改变了交通方式,但从本质上讲,Uber是基于技术的颠覆者。 Uber所做的就是利用最新技术打破当时认为正常的东西。
Uber did not change the way cabs were driven – it was the same drivers and the same gasoline engines, and electric motors in some cases! However, what Uber did was to change the way the driver connected with a passenger who actually needed transportation.
Uber并未改变驾驶室的驾驶方式–在某些情况下,它是相同的驾驶员,相同的汽油发动机和电动机! 但是,Uber所做的是改变驾驶员与实际需要运输的乘客的联系方式。
Striking at the root of a process has its own benefits. It helps you diversify your portfolio of services and that too, in a very effective and efficient way. This is precisely what Uber did. They realized that what they have hacked is not transportation but technology. This is what enabled them to create a simple taxi app that started with operations in New York. In 2010, a year after it was introduced in New York, it also started serving San Francisco.
打击流程的根源有其自身的好处。 它可以帮助您以非常有效和高效的方式使服务组合多样化。 这正是Uber所做的。 他们意识到,被黑客入侵的不是运输而是技术。 这就是使他们能够创建一个简单的出租车应用程序的原因,该应用程序开始于纽约的运营。 在纽约推出一年后的2010年,它也开始为旧金山提供服务。
Uber came with better quality cars and aptly named it UberX and this service started in 2012. With the growing demand for carpooling and ridesharing, Uber started off with UberPOOL in 2014. Uber made sure it took into consideration the convenience and the competition. In 2014, Uber created Uber Moto which enables users to request motorcycle taxis. To take on the competition by players like Ola in India, they came up with the concept of Uber auto that delivers auto rickshaws to customers at their location.
Uber推出了质量更高的汽车,并恰当地命名为UberX,该服务于2012年开始。随着对拼车和乘车共享的需求不断增长,Uber于2014年开始使用UberPOOL。Uber确保将便利性和竞争考虑在内。 2014年,Uber创建了Uber Moto,使用户可以请求摩托车出租车。 为了接受像印度Ola这样的玩家的竞争,他们提出了Uber auto的概念,该概念可以将自动人力车提供给所在位置的客户。
Although their self-driving car endeavor ended up in a miserable failure with more than $139 million in losses, the future does not look bleak for Uber in any way. There have been speculations about Uber bringing in helicopters on demand and it is already at a testing phase in the United Arab Emirates.
尽管他们的自动驾驶汽车事业以惨淡的失败而告终,损失超过1.39亿美元,但对于Uber而言,未来似乎并不黯淡。 有传言称,Uber可以按需提供直升机,目前它已经在阿拉伯联合酋长国处于测试阶段。
Maybe Uber has been the harbinger of on-demand applications. In this process, the company has also opened the floodgates for all businesses to replicate the model and even for aspiring entrepreneurs to create a business congruent with Uber. However, if you need to stand out from your competition as a business person it is mandatory that you provide more value and better features. Here are a few features that you can consider for your Uber-like app.
也许Uber一直是按需应用程序的先驱。 在此过程中,该公司还为所有企业复制该模型打开了闸门,甚至为有抱负的企业家创建了与Uber一致的业务。 但是,如果您需要在竞争中脱颖而出,则必须提供更多的价值和更好的功能。 您可以为类似Uber的应用考虑以下一些功能。

估算时间和金钱 (Giving estimates in time and money)

After a driver accepts the ride request, it is possible for the mapping tools and GPS to jump into action and estimate the approximate time it would take for the driver to reach the user’s location. While this might seem like a small feature on the surface, it does go a long way in increasing customer satisfaction as customers can plan even the remaining time accordingly. For all you know, the customer might have to wear their shoes at the right time!
驾驶员接受乘坐请求后,地图工具和GPS可能会跳入实际操作并估算驾驶员到达用户位置所需的大概时间。 尽管表面上看似很小的功能,但在提高客户满意度方面,确实还有很长的路要走,因为客户甚至可以相应地计划剩余时间。 众所周知,客户可能必须在正确的时间穿鞋!
As much as time, even money is an important factor for users. Based on the current traffic or if the ride is scheduled, based on the history of traffic, the user can be given an estimate as to what the approximate charges will be. It would be great if your app can comply with the initial charge that was shown. Users are, however, flexible enough to accommodate minor changes to the cost of the trip.
就时间而言,即使是金钱,也是用户的重要因素。 基于当前的交通或如果计划了行程,则基于交通的历史,可以给用户估计大概的费用。 如果您的应用程序能够满足显示的初始费用,那就太好了。 但是,用户足够灵活以适应旅行成本的微小变化。

灵活的付款方式 (Being flexible in payment options)


Today, there are a lot of digital payment methods including but not limited to credit cards, debit cards, internet banking, and wallets. Your taxi booking application should accommodate all these payment methods. It is a good idea to tie up with a payment services provider like Braintree or PayPal to ensure that the magnitude of flexibility is quite optimal. Let the nonavailability of payment options not be a deterrent for the customers to not use your apps!
如今,有许多数字支付方式,包括但不限于信用卡,借记卡,网上银行和钱包。 您的出租车预订应用程序应包含所有这些付款方式。 最好与Braintree或PayPal之类的支付服务提供商合作,以确保灵活性达到最佳。 让付款选项不可用不会阻止客户不使用您的应用程序!

向用户提供服务历史记录 (Making service history available for users)

On the surface, it might seem like a waste of time and money – keeping information about the right history of users does waste a lot of server space internet bandwidth. However, having this little feature in place ensures that the user stays loyal to your brand and your app. In fact, it might be useful for you passively because you can reward users who have stuck to your brand for a considerable stretch of time providing them discounts and offers.
从表面上看,这似乎是在浪费时间和金钱–保留有关用户正确历史记录的信息确实会浪费大量服务器空间互联网带宽。 但是,使用此小功能可以确保用户忠于您的品牌和应用。 实际上,这可能对您有所帮助,因为您可以奖励在相当长的一段时间内坚持使用您的品牌的用户,为他们提供折扣和优惠。

安排其他人的游乐设施和预订 (Scheduling rides & booking for others)

Apps like Uber were born to address the immediate needs of transportation of people – people could not get cabs at a time when they needed it and at a place where they needed it! It does not, however, mean that the market for scheduled rides does not exist.
诸如Uber之类的应用程序正是为满足人们交通的迫切需求而诞生的-人们在需要时以及在需要的地方都无法获得出租车! 但是,这并不意味着不存在预定乘车市场。
There is a considerable chance that the people plan their travel to the airport and have booked an appointment with a doctor well in advance. For these circumstances, it would be good if your app can accommodate booking rides in advance.
人们有很大的机会计划前往机场的行程,并提前与医生预约。 在这种情况下,如果您的应用程序可以提前容纳预定行程,那就太好了。

Sometimes, there might also arise a need for you to book a cab for someone else. It could be possible on paper but practically, it is quite difficult to coordinate between the person who needs to be picked up and the cab driver, taking you back to the stone age of booking! However, if there were a feature where you could explicitly mention that you are booking a cab for someone else, and if you could provide the contact number of the person who needs to be picked up, it will be extremely useful both for the rider and the driver. This feature comes in as extremely useful in places where the need for transportation is a constant but there is some discrepancy when it comes to exposure to technology.
有时,您可能还需要为他人预订出租车。 有可能在纸上书写,但实际上,要接载的人和出租车司机之间很难协调,使您回到预订的石器时代! 但是,如果有一个功能可以明确提及您正在为其他人预订出租车,并且可以提供需要接机的人员的联系电话,那么这对于骑手和司机。 此功能在交通需求恒定的地方非常有用,但在接触技术方面存在一些差异。

安全功能 (Security features)

As much as Uber has been in the press limelight for the right reasons, it has equally been so for wrong reasons as well. There have been allegations against Uber drivers exhibiting inappropriate behavior and it is a cause of concern for the passenger and for the brand. Therefore, it would be a great idea to include a panic button that sends an alert to the administrator and also to the nearest police station if possible. This will ensure an extra degree of safety and an extra layer of trust!
由于正确的原因,Uber一直是媒体关注的焦点,但由于错误的原因,它也同样如此。 有人指控Uber驾驶员表现出不当行为,这是乘客和品牌关注的一个问题。 因此,最好是包括一个紧急按钮,该紧急按钮将警报发送给管理员,如果可能的话,还会向最近的警察局发送警报。 这将确保额外的安全性和额外的信任!
Google believes in the philosophy that great is not good enough! That is the same with you developing your
Google信奉“伟大还远远不够”的哲学! 开发Uber like app. If you would like to challenge the definition of greatness and poses a formidable threat to your competitors, here are a few advanced features that you can consider including.类似Uber的应用程序也是如此 。 如果您想挑战卓越的定义并对竞争对手构成巨大威胁,则可以考虑以下一些高级功能。

司机交车报告 (Driver delivery reports)

Sometimes, people earn their bread and butter being Uber drivers. As much as there is a need for performance appraisals, it would be a good idea if your app you can send reports on their driving skills.
有时候,人们靠Uber司机赚钱。 尽管需要进行绩效评估,但如果您的应用程序可以发送有关其驾驶技能的报告,则是一个好主意。

路线优化 (Route optimization)


More often than not, drivers rely on their local knowledge. While it cannot be denied that this knowledge is valuable, they need to understand that there are a lot of variables when it comes to traffic intensity. Therefore, it is essential to use some assistance from technology to ensure that the route that is taking his fast and free of traffic – or in better words, fuel-efficient!
驾驶员通常更多地依赖其本地知识。 尽管不能否认这些知识是有价值的,但他们需要了解,在交通强度方面存在很多变量。 因此,必须借助技术的帮助,以确保快速,畅通无阻的路线通行,或者换句话说,是省油的!

驱动程序的首选目的地 (Preferred destinations for the driver)

On the surface, it might seem like drivers are being favored more. However, if drivers are given a choice to operate in a territory of their comfort, it is quite likely that customer satisfaction will be quite high in that region because the driver is comfortable and is familiar with the route, the landmarks and maybe every Street in the locality.
从表面上看,似乎驾驶员越来越受到青睐。 但是,如果驾驶员可以选择在自己舒适的区域内行驶,那么该地区的客户满意度很可能会很高,因为驾驶员会很舒适并且熟悉路线,地标,甚至可能熟悉该市的每个街道。当地。

任务奖励 (Quest bonuses)

The amount that your cab business earns is directly proportional to the number of rides taken by the driver. Therefore, it might be a good idea to incentivize the number of rides taken by a driver on a given day. This would not only encourage them to stay on the job for long periods but will also positively impact your bottom line. In all of this, it should be ensured that the 'quest' stays practical and does not pressurize drivers to do overtime or push their limits of comfort – and for all you know, the plan could backfire!
您的出租车业务所赚取的金额与驾驶员乘坐的次数成正比。 因此,激励驾驶员在某一天的乘车次数可能是一个好主意。 这不仅会鼓励他们长期留在工作岗位上,还会对您的利润产生积极影响。 在所有这些方面,应确保“任务”保持可行,并且不会迫使驾驶员加班或加倍他们的舒适度,而且就您所知,该计划可能适得其反!

优化的取消窗口 (Optimized cancellation window)


The cancellation window, by definition, is the time stretch under which the user can cancel without incurring any cost. For the benefit of the user, it can be made infinite that a user can cancel at any point in time even after the driver is at their doorstep after traveling a couple of kilometers. However, it might be a disaster for the driver. Therefore, it is important to arrive at a balance where the user gets enough time to cancel at the same time, the driver does not waste a lot of time only to find that the user has canceled.
根据定义,取消窗口是指用户可以在不花费任何费用的情况下取消的时间范围。 为了用户的利益,可以使用户可以在任何时间点取消,即使驾驶员在行驶了几公里之后就在他们家门口。 但是,这可能会给驾驶员带来灾难。 因此,重要的是要达到使用户有足够的时间同时取消的平衡,驾驶员不会浪费很多时间只是为了发现用户已取消。

热图 (Heat maps)

Apps like Uber are bound to have a lot of data that detail the possibility of demand at a certain point in time. Drivers can use this data to ensure that they move to a location where there is a possibility of high demand. One example could be that there is a possibility of high demand in movie theatres at a time when the show is about to get over.
像Uber这样的应用程序必然会拥有大量数据,这些数据详细说明了特定时间点需求的可能性。 驾驶员可以使用此数据来确保将其移动到可能有高需求的位置。 一个例子可能是电影放映即将结束时电影院的需求很高。

向前派遣 (Forward dispatch)

The driver should be able to accept an oncoming ride request even before they have completed the ride that they are in. This feature might be simple to incorporate but the intelligence that goes into it is rather complex – factors like the drop location of the user and the time estimated for arrival should be taken into consideration before the feature is made available to drivers.

结论 (Conclusion)

It is quite evident that the demand for transportation is not going to fade at any point in time in the near future. Therefore, if you would like to stay ahead in the game, it is highly recommended that you use white label apps like Uber and customize the app to include your features. This way, you will ensure that there is quite a lot of time and money saved!
显而易见,在不久的将来,运输需求不会消失。 因此,如果您想在游戏中保持领先地位,强烈建议您使用Uber等白色标签应用程序,并自定义该应用程序以包含您的功能。 这样,您将确保节省大量时间和金钱!

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/493894/
