
In an online world with ever changing technology and coding standards, predicting the future is tricky. Before you invest your hard earned money into your website build, taking a few minutes to think about future proofing your WordPress site will ensure that:

在技​​术和编码标准不断变化的在线世界中,预测未来非常棘手。 在您将血汗钱投入到您的网站构建中之前,花几分钟时间考虑一下将来对WordPress网站进行校对将确保:

  • Future customizations are easy to make

  • Existing traffic is not lost

  • You save time supporting and maintaining your site

  • Avoid costly and time consuming problems


Using a mobile optimized and widely popular platform is the first step in future proofing your website. A condition fulfilled by a responsive WordPress theme.

使用经过移动优化且广受欢迎的平台是将来对您的网站进行验证的第一步。 响应式WordPress主题满足的条件。

Yet, this is not enough.


In this article, we’ll cover some best known practices to help future proof your WordPress website.


使用一个好的托管公司并练习良好的安全性 (Use a Good Hosting Company and Practice Good Security)

In this announcement Google stated that site load time or website speed is now included among its 200+ ranking factors. This means that website speed will have an important effect on how Google ranks your website in search engine results pages (SERPs). With organic traffic accounting for the majority of web traffic on some sites, you certainly don’t want to miss out on that kind of potential traffic.

Google在此公告中指出,网站加载时间或网站速度现在已包含在其200多个排名因素中 。 这意味着网站速度将对Google如何在搜索引擎结果页面(SERP)中对您的网站进行排名产生重要影响。 由于自然流量占某些网站上大多数Web流量的比重,您当然不希望错过这种潜在的流量。

While a number of factors affect the load time of a website, using a good hosting platform is perhaps the most important of all. A good hosting company should provide optimized tools for WordPress users. This is usually a staging area for testing themes and plugins before finally releasing it to the public.

尽管许多因素会影响网站的加载时间,但使用良好的托管平台也许是最重要的。 一个好的托管公司应该为WordPress用户提供优化的工具。 在最终发布给公众之前,这通常是测试主题和插件的临时区域。

Articles such as Speed up Your WordPress Website and Separating the Good WordPress Hosts from the Bad will help you choose the right host that caters for serving clients using WordPress.


Practicing good security measures such as using strong passwords, not keeping backups in a public-accessible folder and regularly updating core WordPress, themes and plugins will also help you protect the integrity of your website.


Akismet , Wordfence Security and Sucuri are popular and effective plugins for controlling preventing spam and malware attacks.

AkismetWordfence SecuritySucuri是流行且有效的插件,用于控制防止垃圾邮件和恶意软件攻击。

尽可能避免过度依赖 (Avoid Over-dependence as Much as Possible)

Finding the perfect web design is hard and most websites iterate their site design through various tests e.g. A/B testing to find the perfect web design that would optimally capture leads and win more customers.

寻找完美的网页设计非常困难,大多数网站都会通过各种测试(例如A / B测试)来迭代其网站设计,以找到可以最佳地吸引潜在客户并赢得更多客户的完美网页设计。

With many site owners resorting to freelance web designers or agencies, it’s important that over reliance is avoided.


Copies of code changes should be made. Passwords and key configuration changes should also be documented.

应该进行代码更改的副本。 密码和**配置更改也应记录在案。

This makes it possible to make appropriate changes in the future and avoid being left in the cold, not knowing or forgetting what was done in the past.


This also applies to the usage of themes and plugins. Consideration has to be made when selecting theme frameworks. Only popular and well-supported themes and theme frameworks should be used.

这也适用于主题和插件的用法。 选择主题框架时必须考虑。 仅应使用流行且得到良好支持的主题和主题框架。

Also, all-in-one plugins should be used sparingly. This will ensure that the website’s core functions are not broken whenever modifications are being carried out on the plugin.

另外,应谨慎使用多合一插件。 这将确保在对插件进行修改时,不会破坏网站的核心功能。

使用符合WordPress开发最佳做法的插件和主题,并提供良好的支持 (Use Plugins and Themes That Adhere to WordPress Development Best Practices and Also Provide Good Support)

With WordPress constantly releasing improvements and bug fixes, it’s important to ensure that all installed plugins are compatible with the latest WordPress version and adhere to latest WordPress standards as stated in the WordPress Codex.

随着WordPress不断发布改进和错误修复,确保所有已安装的插件与WordPress最新版本兼容并遵守WordPress Codex中规定的最新WordPress标准非常重要。

The latest WordPress version makes checking this easier. When searching for new plugins or themes, a tab is shown whether it is compatible or not.

最新的WordPress版本使检查变得更加容易。 在搜索新的插件或主题时,将显示一个选项卡,无论它是否兼容。


Using a non compatible or poorly developed plugin or theme puts the security of your site and visitors at risk. Non compatible themes or plugins also suggest the developer has potentially stopped fixing bugs or offering support.

使用不兼容或开发不良的插件或主题会使您的网站和访问者的安全受到威胁。 不兼容的主题或插件还暗示开发人员可能已停止修复错误或提供支持。

Theme Check is a popular plugin that helps test your theme and make sure it’s up to scratch.


This article gives some additional ways to protect yourself from rogue plugins.


始终在您的站点上备份并执行维护 (Always Backup and Perform Maintenance on Your Site)

While a good hosting company might periodically backup your website data. You should also do this yourself and keep a copy remotely (e.g not on the same live server). Doing this will help ensure when tweaking your website, if you run into issues you can always restore from a recent backup.

一个好的托管公司可能会定期备份您的网站数据。 您还应该自己执行此操作,并远程保存一份副本(例如,不在同一台实时服务器上)。 这样做将有助于确保在调整网站时,如果遇到问题,您始终可以从最近的备份中恢复。

There are a good number of platforms and plugins (both paid and free) that do a good job of backing up your data. BackWPup and Updraft Plus are a couple of popular backup plugins.

有很多平台和插件(收费和免费)可以很好地备份您的数据。 BackWPupUpdraft Plus是几个流行的备份插件。

If you, however, would like to backup your site manually, this article is a must read. You should also maintain your site, we’ve got a great guide on WordPress maintenance here.

但是,如果您想手动备份站点,则必须阅读此文章 。 您还应该维护您的网站,我们在这里有有关WordPress维护出色指南

使用儿童主题 (Use a Child Theme)

A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality of the parent theme. When you make changes to the child theme, it overrides the defaults from the parent theme without touching or breaking files in the parent theme. This allows you to update your parent theme without the risk of breaking your child theme, keeping customizations in tact.

子主题是继承父主题功能的主题。 更改子主题时,它会覆盖父主题的默认设置,而不会触碰或破坏父主题中的文件。 这使您可以更新父主题,而不会破坏子主题,从而保持自定义不变。

Most theme frameworks provide instructions on how to create a child theme on their documentation page.


Adopting the usage of a child theme helps saves time when tweaking or making A/B tests on your website.

在网站上进行调整或进行A / B测试时,采用子主题的用法有助于节省时间。

You can find simple, step-by-step solutions to creating your child theme here.


结论 (Conclusion)

There you have it. Future proofing your website isn’t an easy task, however the benefits in the long run are worth the effort.

你有它。 将来对网站进行校对并不是一件容易的事,但是从长远来看,值得付出努力。

What are your tips and techniques for future proofing your WordPress websites? Please let us know in the comments below.

您未来对WordPress网站打样的技巧和技巧是什么? 请在下面的评论中告诉我们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/future-proof-your-wordpress-site/