ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

ubuntu wine使用

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Linux is a great operating system, but its software catalog can be lacking. If there’s a Windows game or other app you just can’t do without, you can use Wine to run it right on your Ubuntu desktop.

Linux是一个很棒的操作系统,但是可能缺少其软件目录。 如果有Windows游戏或其他应用程序,那么您可以使用Wine在Ubuntu桌面上直接运行它。

Wine is a work in progress, so it won’t run every application perfectly — in fact, some applications may not run at all — but it’s improving all the time. This beginner’s guide will get you up and running with Wine.

Wine是一项正在进行的工作,因此它不能完美地运行每个应用程序-实际上,某些应用程序可能根本无法运行-但它一直在不断改进。 本入门指南将帮助您开始使用Wine。

葡萄酒应用数据库 (Wine Application Database)

The process of finding out whether an application will work with Wine and tweaking it to work can be tedious, so the Wine project hosts an application database known as the Wine AppDB. Search the database for an application to see ratings, comments, tips, guides and tweaks left by other users.

确定应用程序是否可以与Wine一起使用并对其进行调整的过程可能很繁琐,因此Wine项目托管了一个名为Wine AppDB的应用程序数据库。 在数据库中搜索应用程序,以查看其他用户留下的评分,评论,提示,指南和调整。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Platinum-rated applications run perfectly, with no tweaks required, while garbage-rated applications don’t run at all.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

For many apps, particularly popular ones, you’ll find a full guide to installing your application in Wine, as well as tweaks to fix any annoying issues.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

安装酒 (Installing Wine)

You’ll find Wine available in the Ubuntu Software Center. Both stable and beta versions are available — here, version 1.2 is stable and version 1.3 is beta. The stable version is more tested — sometimes, a regression in the beta version can cause an application to stop working, but some applications will only work with the newer, beta version. An application’s entry in the Wine application database sometimes contains information about the necessary version of Wine you’ll need.

您可以在Ubuntu软件中心找到Wine。 可以使用稳定版和Beta版-在这里,1.2版是稳定版,而1.3版是beta版。 稳定版经过了更多的测试—有时,测试版的回归可能导致应用程序停止运行,但某些应用程序只能与更新的测试版一起使用。 Wine应用程序数据库中应用程序的条目有时包含有关您所需的Wine版本的信息。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

运行应用程序 (Running an Application)

Once you’ve got Wine installed, you can download an application’s EXE or MSI (Microsoft Installer) file and double-click it — just like you would if you were using Windows — to run it with Wine.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

This isn’t always the best way to run an application. If you’re encountering a problem, you can run the application from the terminal to see detailed error messages that can help you troubleshoot the problem. Just use the following command:

这并非总是运行应用程序的最佳方法。 如果遇到问题,可以从终端运行该应用程序以查看详细的错误消息,这些消息可以帮助您解决问题。 只需使用以下命令:

wine /path/to/application.exe


If you have an MSI file instead, use the following command to install it:


wine msiexec /i /path/to/installer.msi

wine msiexec / i /路径/到/installer.msi

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Bear in mind that many of the error messages don’t matter. For example, the fixme message here indicates that Wine doesn’t contain support for a specific function yet, but the application runs fine without this function.

请记住,许多错误消息都没有关系。 例如,这里的fixme消息指示Wine尚不支持特定功能,但是如果没有此功能,应用程序将正常运行。

If the application requires installation, install it as if you were using Windows.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Once it’s installed, you’ll find its shortcuts in your applications menu, and possibly on your desktop.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

葡萄酒的实用程序 (Wine’s Utilities)

The Wine package comes with a few utilities, which you can access from the applications menu. Just type Wine in the application menu to search for them.

Wine程序包带有一些实用程序,您可以从应用程序菜单中访问它们。 只需在应用程序菜单中键入Wine即可搜索它们。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Wine’s configuration dialog contains a variety of options, some of which you may need to get applications working. You can set the Windows version Wine behaves as, or set specific Windows versions for each individual applicaiton. Other options include graphics, audio and theming settings.

Wine的配置对话框包含各种选项,您可能需要其中一些选项才能使应用程序正常工作。 您可以设置Wine行为的Windows版本,或为每个单独的应用程序设置特定的Windows版本。 其他选项包括图形,音频和主题设置。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

The Uninstall Wine Software utility lists your installed software and allows you to remove programs.


ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

The package also includes Winetricks, a helper script that automates some tasks. Winetracks can guide you through installing certain popular applications and games — you won’t find every supported application here, though.

该软件包还包括Winetricks,这是一个自动执行某些任务的帮助程序脚本。 Winetracks可以指导您安装某些流行的应用程序和游戏-尽管您在这里找不到所有受支持的应用程序。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

注册表和文件系统 (The Registry & File System)

Many applications require registry tweaks to work properly. You’ll often find information about which registry entries to modify on the application database. Execute the regedit command from a terminal to access Wine’s registry editor.

许多应用程序需要进行注册表调整才能正常工作。 您通常会找到有关在应用程序数据库上修改哪些注册表项的信息。 从终端执行regedit命令以访问Wine的注册表编辑器。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Wine uses a virtual Windows file system, which is stored in the hidden .wine folder in your home folder. Use the View -> Show Hidden Files option in the file manager to reveal it. Once you have, you’ll find a folder named drive_c in the .wine folder — this folder contains the contents of Wine’s C: drive.

Wine使用虚拟Windows文件系统,该文件系统存储在主文件夹中隐藏的.wine文件夹中。 使用文件管理器中的“ 查看” ->“ 显示隐藏的文件”选项将其显示。 拥有之后,您将在.wine文件夹中找到一个名为drive_c的文件夹-该文件夹包含Wine的C:驱动器的内容。

ubuntu wine使用_如何使用Wine在Ubuntu上运行Windows软件

Fun, geeky fact: Wine stands for “Wine is not a Windows emulator.” It doesn’t emulate Windows; it’s an implementation of the Windows API for Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and the BSD family of operating systems.

有趣,令人讨厌的事实:Wine代表“ Wine不是Windows模拟器”。 它不模拟Windows;它不模拟Windows。 它是针对Linux,Mac OS X,Solaris和BSD操作系统家族的Windows API的实现。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/105271/how-to-run-windows-software-on-ubuntu-with-wine/

ubuntu wine使用