火狐侧边栏_快速提示:在Firefox中使用Google Talk边栏

火狐侧边栏_快速提示:在Firefox中使用Google Talk边栏


Instead of using the Google Talk client embedded in Gmail, why not use it in your sidebar instead? Thanks to the gTalk sidebar extension, we can do just that.

与其使用Gmail内嵌的Google Talk客户端,不如在侧边栏中使用它? 感谢gTalk侧边栏扩展,我们可以做到这一点。

Once you install the extension, you’ll need to add the button to the toolbar. Right-click where the buttons are, choose Customize, and then add the icon you can see here.

安装扩展程序后,您需要将按钮添加到工具栏。 右键单击按钮所在的位置,选择“自定义”,然后添加可以在此处看到的图标。

火狐侧边栏_快速提示:在Firefox中使用Google Talk边栏

This icon will let you open the sidebar, where you can open multiple conversations in separate tabs. Just keep in mind that if you close the sidebar, it will close the client as well.

通过该图标,您可以打开侧边栏,在此处可以在单独的标签中打开多个对话。 请记住,如果关闭侧边栏,它也会关闭客户端。

火狐侧边栏_快速提示:在Firefox中使用Google Talk边栏

This extension is also extremely useful for sending somebody a quick email. Just click on their name in the list or search for them via the search box, and then you’ll see an email button.

此扩展名对于向他人发送快速电子邮件也非常有用。 只需在列表中单击它们的名称或通过搜索框搜索它们,然后您将看到一个电子邮件按钮。

火狐侧边栏_快速提示:在Firefox中使用Google Talk边栏

Clicking this button will open up a message window already addressed to that contact. This is typically what I use the sidebar for – rather than just chatting, it’s the quickest way to send an email.

单击此按钮将打开一个已发送给该联系人的消息窗口。 通常,这是我使用侧边栏的目的–不仅仅是聊天,它是发送电子邮件的最快方法。

Note that you can also use the keyboard shortcut Alt+G to open the sidebar.

请注意,您还可以使用键盘快捷键Alt + G打开侧栏。

Install gTalk Sidebar from Mozilla Add-ons


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/internet/firefox/quick-tip-use-google-talk-sidebar-in-firefox/
