ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

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ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

If you bought a Wi-Fi only iPad and now you wish you could use GPS with it, this is the guide for you. Follow along to hook your iPad up to an external GPS unit and/or GPS-enabled smartphone phone.

如果您购买了仅支持Wi-Fi的iPad,现在希望与它一起使用GPS,这就是您的指南。 继续将iPad连接到外部GPS单元和/或启用GPS的智能手机。

There are a few reasons why you may want to undertake this quick project. Among those reasons: you have a GPS device with a long battery life and more accurate results than your iPhone or you have a Wi-Fi only iPad and want to add in mapping capabilities using GPS instead of coarse Wi-Fi location data.

有几个原因使您可能想要进行此快速项目。 这些原因包括:您的GPS设备具有比iPhone更长的电池寿命和更准确的结果,或者您拥有仅支持Wi-Fi的iPad,并且希望使用GPS代替粗略的Wi-Fi位置数据来添加地图功能。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

For this tutorial you’ll need the following:


  • An jailbroken iOS device (we’ll be using an iPad)

  • BTstack GPS (Available in the Cydia store from the Big Boss repository, $5)

    BTstack GPS (在Big Boss仓库的Cydia商店有售,售价5美元)

  • A GPS receiver capable of sending coordinates via Bluetooth (we’ll be using an Android phone)


Our instructions are specifically geared towards pairing an Android phone to an iPad but this technique can also be used to pair a TomTom GPS unit to an iPhone or an iPad, or any other number of combinations of external GPS devices and iOS devices.

我们的说明专门用于将Android手机与iPad配对,但是该技术也可以用于将TomTom GPS单元与iPhone或iPad配对,或将其他任意数量的外部GPS设备和iOS设备组合在一起。

Before we proceed, we’re going to stress again that you need a jailbroken device. This hack specifically takes advantage of a the ability of a jailbroken device to turn off the default Apple Bluetooth stack and replace it with the BTstack.

在继续之前,我们将再次强调您需要越狱的设备。 该黑客专门利用越狱设备关闭默认Apple蓝牙堆栈并将其替换为BTstack的功能。

安装BTstack GPS (Installing BTstack GPS)

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

Launch Cydia on your iOS device and use the store search function to search for BTstack GPS. By default you should have the BigBoss repository active, if not you’ll need to activate it by navigating to the main Cydia screen and clicking “More Package Sources”.

在iOS设备上启动Cydia,然后使用商店搜索功能搜索BTstack GPS。 默认情况下,您应该**BigBoss存储库,否则,需要导航到Cydia主屏幕并单击“更多软件包源”来**它。

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

Once you’ve located BTstack GPS install it (the application is $5 and you can pay using PayPal or Amazon Payments). If you’re not sure if you want to shell out $5 for the application you can download it as a demo. In demo mode you’ll be able to see if your GPS device will connect properly but BTstack GPS will not share the GPS information outside of the primary application.

找到BTstack GPS后,安装它(应用程序为5美元,您可以使用PayPal或Amazon Payments进行付款)。 如果不确定是否要为该应用程序支付5美元,可以作为演示下载​​。 在演示模式下,您将能够查看GPS设备是否可以正确连接,但BTstack GPS将不会在主要应用程序之外共享GPS信息。

After the application is installed hit up the Settings menu on your iOS device. You’ll want to do two things. First, look under the General Settings menu to make sure the native iOS Bluetooth is turned off. Second, look under the Extensions menu and click BTstack. BTstack, no iOS, should be checked.

安装应用程序后,在iOS设备上点击“设置”菜单。 您将需要做两件事。 首先,在“常规设置”菜单下查看以确保本机iOS蓝牙已关闭。 其次,在“扩展”菜单下查看,然后单击“ BTstack”。 BTstack,没有iOS,应进行检查。

安装Android蓝牙转发器 (Installing an Android Bluetooth Forwarder)

If you’re planning on using this technique with a stand-alone GPS device, you can skip right to pairing your devices—you may want to check your manual before jumping down to see the BTstack GPS pairing procedure. We’re using an Android phone as a GPS device and as such we need to get our Android phone to start broadcasting the GPS signal via Bluetooth.

如果您打算将此技术与独立GPS设备一起使用,则可以跳过与设备配对的权限-您可能需要先阅读手册,然后再跳下来查看BTstack GPS配对过程。 我们正在将Android手机用作GPS设备,因此,我们需要使Android手机开始通过蓝牙广播GPS信号。

Currently there are about a half dozen applications on the market that meet the needs of someone who wants to link their Android GPS chip to an external source via Bluetooth. It is apparent from the comments on the apps that many of them work or don’t work on a model-by-model basis. Consider yourself forewarned and be willing to try two or three before you find a perfect fit. We had luck with Bluetooth GPS, alternatively you may want to try out ShareGPS, Network/Bluetooth GPS, or Bluetooth GPS Output. Start with Bluetooth GPS and if it doesn’t work move on to trying the next ones. We wish it was more straight forward than that but this whole procedure is a bit unorthodox and most phone companies didn’t design their handsets with the idea that you’d be using the GPS off the phone.

当前,市场上大约有六种应用程序可以满足需要通过蓝牙将其Android GPS芯片链接到外部源的人的需求。 从对应用程序的评论中可以明显看出,它们中的许多功能在逐个模型的基础上都起作用或不起作用。 考虑一下自己已经被警告,并愿意尝试两到三个,然后再找到完美的匹配。 我们对蓝牙GPS感到很幸运,或者,您可能想尝试ShareGPS网络/蓝牙GPS蓝牙GPS输出。 从蓝牙GPS开始,如果无法使用,请继续尝试下一个。 我们希望比这更直接,但是整个过程有点不合常规,并且大多数电话公司在设计手机时都不以为您会在手机上使用GPS。

配对设备 (Pairing Your Devices)

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

At this point your iOS device is using the alternative Bluetooth stack. Now it’s time to check out the actual GPS application paired with the BTstack. There should be a new icon on your springboard, simply labeled GPS. Click on that and you’ll see a very Spartan interface that simply lists the devices. On first launch is should say “Searching…” and if you have your Bluetooth device in discovery mode it will appear shortly. In the screenshot above you see our Android device after we scanned for available Bluetooth devices and the pairing prompt we sent the the iPad. In the screenshot below you see the result of that pairing prompt:

此时,您的iOS设备正在使用备用蓝牙堆栈。 现在是时候检查与BTstack配对的实际GPS应用程序了。 跳板上应该有一个新图标,简单标记为GPS。 单击该按钮,您将看到一个非常简单的Spartan界面,其中列出了设备。 首次启动时,应该说“正在搜索...”,如果您的蓝牙设备处于发现模式,它将很快出现。 在上面的屏幕截图中,我们在扫描可用的蓝牙设备后看到了我们的Android设备,并且我们发送了iPad的配对提示。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您会看到配对提示的结果:

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

Once you connect the two, BTstack should kick you over to the mapping screen. If it doesn’t just tap the name of the paired device in the device list. You should see something like the following:

将两者连接后,BTstack应该将您踢到映射屏幕。 如果不是,请在设备列表中点击已配对设备的名称。 您应该看到类似以下的内容:

ipad iphone开发_如何在iPad或iPhone上使用外部GPS设备

After a few seconds the GPS signal will fully resolve and you’ll see additional information. If the connection does not resolve then you need to try out a different GPS application on your Android device or double check that your stand-alone GPS is capable of transmitting the coordinates.

几秒钟后,GPS信号将完全解决,您将看到更多信息。 如果连接无法解析,则需要在Android设备上尝试使用其他GPS应用程序,或者再次检查独立GPS是否能够传输坐标。

Once the resolution stage is finished can then fire up any application on your iOS device that is location-aware and it will use the new GPS coordinates provided by your external GPS unit. Success!

解析阶段完成后,可以启动iOS设备上所有可识别位置的应用程序,它将使用外部GPS单元提供的新GPS坐标。 成功!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/70134/how-to-use-an-external-gps-device-with-your-ipad-or-iphone/

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