如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度

如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度

If you have recently purchased the latest Apple TV with the new touch sensitive remote, then you probably have dealt with the much-loathed text-entry method. If you’re having problems with it, then they may be alleviated by adjusting the remote’s sensitivity.

如果您最近购买了带有新的触摸感应遥控器的最新Apple TV,那么您可能已经处理了很多讨厌的文本输入方法。 如果您有问题,可以通过调整遥控器的灵敏度来缓解。

It’s no secret that we didn’t care for the previous Apple TV’s remote. While solidly constructed, it was tedious and frustrating to use, especially for users with larger hands.

我们不在乎以前的Apple TV遥控器这已经不是什么秘密了。 虽然结构坚固,但使用起来非常繁琐和令人沮丧,特别是对于手较大的用户。

如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度
The new remote is just as long as the old but quite a bit wider, which makes it somewhat more comfortable to hold and use.

Apple has improved the remote in many ways by making it larger, while adding a touchpad to the top of the remote so all a user needs to do is swipe their thumb up or down, left or right, to navigate through menus, fast forward or rewind, and enter text.


如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度
Text entry on the new Apple TV is accomplished by swiping on the new remote’s touchpad, which is downright annoying.
新Apple TV上的文本输入是通过在新遥控器的触摸板上轻扫完成的,这实在令人讨厌。

This last item is what really rankles us, and quite a few others, because it’s something that Apple still hasn’t managed to perfect. Entering text on the previous Apple TV was annoying enough, but at least it was relatively easy to hit your targets. Plus, with the old Apple TV, you could add any old Bluetooth keyboard, whereas in the new version, Apple has removed that option.

最后一项真正使我们和其他许多人感到恼火,因为这是苹果公司仍无法完善的。 在以前的Apple TV上输入文本已经很烦人了,但是至少可以很容易地达到目标。 另外,使用旧的Apple TV,您可以添加任何旧的蓝牙键盘,而在新版本中,Apple删除了该选项。

With the new remote, you can easily overshoot text if you swipe too quickly, or have to swipe repeatedly if you don’t. Moreover, as with the Bluetooth keyboard issue, you can’t use your iPhone or iPad as a remote (something else we mourn the loss of).

使用新的遥控器,如果您滑动得太快,您可以轻松地使文本超调;否则,您可以反复地滑动。 此外,与蓝牙键盘问题一样,您不能将iPhone或iPad用作遥控器(我们为失去的东西感到悲伤)。

Luckily, you can adjust the remote’s sensitivity, which may or may not alleviate some of these problems. It won’t make entering text any less annoying, but it might make it slightly easier.

幸运的是,您可以调整遥控器的灵敏度,这可能会或可能不会缓解某些问题。 它不会使输入文字变得那么烦人,但可能会使其更容易些。

To do this, first open the Settings tile on your Apple TV’s home screen.

为此,请首先在Apple TV的主屏幕上打开“设置”图块。

如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度

Once in the settings, click open “Remotes and Devices”.


如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度

On the Remotes and Devices settings screen, click “Touch Surface Tracking” to adjust the remote trackpad’s sensitivity.


如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度

You have a choice of three settings: slow, medium, and fast. Obviously, if your problem is that things move too slowly, then you want to bump the speed up, and if things move too quickly, then you will want to slow things down.

您可以选择三种设置:慢速,中速和快速。 显然,如果您的问题是事物的移动速度太慢,那么您想提高速度,而如果事物的移动速度太快,那么您就希望降低速度。

如何在新的Apple TV遥控器上调整触摸灵敏度
You only get three settings so don’t expect to make any fine-grained adjustments.

You will want to play around with it and see what works best for you, though like we said, this won’t alleviate just how frustrating it can be when trying to enter email addresses and passwords for your various accounts.


It should be noted that if you don’t like the new Apple remote, then you can still use the old, skinny remote, which while far from perfect, is considerably cheaper.


Obviously you give up the ability to swipe through the interface and you won’t be able to access Siri, but if you lose your new remote or simply don’t care for it, then if you have a previous generation Apple TV, it’s good to know you can use the remote from it.

显然,您放弃了在界面中滑动的功能,并且无法访问Siri,但是如果您丢失了新遥控器或根本就不在乎它,那么如果您拥有上一代Apple TV,那就太好了知道您可以从中使用遥控器。

We hope you found this article useful. We’d love to hear your opinion on the new Apple TV’s remote so if you have any questions or comments, please leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望您觉得本文有用。 我们希望听到您对新Apple TV遥控器的意见,因此,如果您有任何疑问或意见,请将您的反馈意见留在我们的讨论论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/234208/how-to-adjust-the-touch-sensitivity-on-the-new-apple-tvs-remote/