推荐系统 |学习笔记:DeepFM


DeepFM: A Factorization-Machine based Neural Network for CTR Prediction


  • Despite great progress, existing
    methods seem to have a strong bias towards
    low- or high-order interactions, or require expertise
    feature engineering.
  • The proposed model,
    DeepFM, combines the power of factorization machines
    for recommendation and deep learning for
    feature learning in a new neural network architecture.

1 Introduction

  • a linear model lacks the ability
    to learn feature interactions, and a common practice is
    to manually include pairwise feature interactions in its feature
    vector. Such a method is hard to generalize to model
    high-order feature interactions or those never or rarely appear
    in the training data
  • While in principle FM can model
    high-order feature interaction, in practice usually only order-
    2 feature interactions are considered due to high complexity.
  • CNN-based models are biased to the interactions
    between neighboring features while RNN-based
    are more suitable for click data with sequential dependency.
  • (FNN). This model pre-trains FM before applying
    DNN, thus limited by the capability of FM.
  • PNN and FNN, like other deep
    models, capture little low-order feature interactions, which
    are also essential for CTR prediction.
  • In
    this paper, we show it is possible to derive a learning model
    that is able to learn feature interactions of all orders in an endto-end
    manner, without any feature engineering besides raw
  • We propose a new neural network model DeepFM (Figure 1) that
    integrates the architectures of FM and deep neural networks (DNN)。It
    models low-order feature interactions like FM and models high-order
    feature interactions like DNN. Unlike the wide & deep model [Cheng et
    al., 2016], DeepFM can be trained endto-end without any feature

  • DeepFM can be trained efficiently because its wide part and deep part, unlike [Cheng et al., 2016], share the same input and also the
    embedding vector. In [Cheng et al., 2016], the input vector can be of
    huge size as it includes manually designed pairwise feature
    interactions in the input vector of its wide part, which also greatly
    increases its complexity.

  • We evaluate DeepFM on both benchmark data and commercial data, which shows consistent improvement over existing models for CTR prediction.

2 Our Approach

2.1 DeepFM

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  • DeepFM
    consists of two components, FM component and deep component,
    that share the same input.
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FM Component

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Deep Component

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  • Specifically, the raw feature
    input vector for CTR prediction is usually highly sparse3
    super high-dimensional4
    , categorical-continuous-mixed, and
    grouped in fields (e.g., gender, location, age).
  • This suggests
    an embedding layer to compress the input vector to a lowdimensional,
    dense real-value vector before further feeding
    into the first hidden layer, otherwise the network can be overwhelming
    to train.

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  • while
    the lengths of different input field vectors can be different,their embeddings are of the same size (k);
  • the latent feature
    vectors (V ) in FM now server as network weights which
    are learned and used to compress the input field vectors to the
    embedding vectors.
  • we eliminate the need of pre-training by FM
    and instead jointly train the overall network in an end-to-end
    推荐系统 |学习笔记:DeepFM
    推荐系统 |学习笔记:DeepFM
  • FM component and deep component
    share the same feature embedding,which brings two
    important benefits: 1) it learns both low- and high-order feature
    interactions from raw features; 2) there is no need for expertise
    feature engineering of the input, as required in Wide
    & Deep [Cheng et al., 2016].

2.2 Relationship with the other Neural Networks

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推荐系统 |学习笔记:DeepFM
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3 Experiments

3.1 Experiment Setup


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Evaluation Metrics

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Model Comparison

We compare 9 models in our experiments: LR, FM, FNN,
PNN (three variants), Wide & Deep, and DeepFM.

Parameter Settings

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3.2 Performance Evaluation

Efficiency Comparison

  • We compare the efficiency of different
    models on Criteo dataset by the following formula:
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    推荐系统 |学习笔记:DeepFM

Effectiveness Comparison

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  • Learning feature interactions improves the performance
    of CTR prediction model.
  • Learning high- and low-order feature interactions simultaneously
    and properly improves the performance
    of CTR prediction model
  • Learning high- and low-order feature interactions simultaneously
    while sharing the same feature embedding
    for high- and low-order feature interactions learning
    improves the performance of CTR prediction model.

3.3 Hyper-Parameter Study

Activation Function

relu is more appropriate than tanh for
all the deep models, except for IPNN. Possible reason is that
relu induces sparsity.


The result shows that adding reasonable
randomness to model can strengthen model’s robustness.

Number of Neurons per Layer

an over-complicated model is easy to overfit
In our
dataset, 200 or 400 neurons per layer is a good choice.

Number of Hidden Layers

increasing number of hidden layers
improves the performance of the models at the beginning,
however, their performance is degraded if the number of hidden
layers keeps increasing. This phenomenon is also because
of overfitting.

Network Shape

  • We test four different network shapes: constant, increasing,
    decreasing, and diamond.
  • the “constant” network
    shape is empirically better than the other three options, which
    is consistent with previous studies

4 Related Work

5 Conclusions

  1. it does not need any pre-training;
  2. it learns both high- and low-order feature interactions;
  3. it introduces a sharing strategy of feature embedding to avoid
    feature engineering.

There are two interesting directions for future study. One
is exploring some strategies (such as introducing pooling layers)
to strengthen the ability of learning most useful highorder
feature interactions. The other is to train DeepFM on a
GPU cluster for large-scale problems.