unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

unity 编辑扩展

As a community, you are passionate and welcoming, and want others to succeed. That’s why there are so many courses, tutorials and resources to help you. If you learn best in a structured and methodical way, then I recommend you explore the offerings from our Authorized Learning Partners. This post explains four popular offerings – all done in collaboration with Unity – including courses for beginner game and VR developers, and for experienced Unity developers who want to learn augmented reality (AR) skills.

作为一个社区,您充满热情和欢迎,并希望其他人成功。 这就是为什么有这么多课程,教程和资源可以为您提供帮助的原因。 如果您以结构化和有条理的方式学习得最好,那么我建议您探索我们的授权学习合作伙伴提供的服务。 这篇文章解释了四种流行的产品-所有这些产品都是与Unity共同完成的-包括针对初学者游戏和VR开发人员的课程,以及针对想要学习增强现实(AR)技能的资深Unity开发人员的课程。

Unity Education has collaborated with a number of the top learning companies such as Udemy, Pluralsight, and Udacity to ensure you learn up-to-date, industry-standard practices on a structured learning pathway. So whether you’re starting out in Unity, a Unity professional looking to upskill, a hobbyist or a job seeker, read on to see what’s available.

Unity Education与Udemy,Pluralsight和Udacity等许多*学习公司合作,以确保您在结构化的学习途径上学习最新的行业标准实践。 因此,无论您是从Unity入手,还是想要升级的Unity专业人士,业余爱好者或求职者,请继续阅读以了解可用的工具。

开始您的初学者游戏 (Getting your beginner game on)

For those of you taking your first steps into game dev, consider The Ultimate Guide to Game Development, which we collaborated on with Udemy. This online course, with over 13 hours of video content, provides the basics of 2D and 3D development in Unity, including scripting in C#. You’ll even get a certificate of completion to commemorate your foray into game development.

对于那些开始从事游戏开发工作的人,请考虑与Udemy合作开发的《游戏开发终极指南》 。 这个在线课程包含超过13个小时的视频内容,提供Unity中2D和3D开发的基础知识,包括C#脚本编写。 您甚至会获得结业证书,以纪念您对游戏开发的了解。

unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

This is a proven starting point, with over 10,000 students enrolled and becoming proficient in Unity game development. This course is also available in Spanish and Portuguese.

这是一个行之有效的起点,已有10,000多名学生报名参加,并精通Unity游戏开发。 该课程也有西班牙语葡萄牙语版本

通过构建游戏来学习Unity AZ (Learn Unity A-Z by building a game)

If you’ve ever dreamed of creating a game from scratch, then our Unity Game Dev Course: Swords and Shovels, made in partnership with Pluralsight, is for you. For a $12 monthly subscription, you work at your own pace to create an entire game, Swords and Shovels, which will teach you essential game development skills across the entire workflow.

如果您曾经梦想过从头开始创建游戏,那么与Pluralsight合作制作的Unity 游戏开发课程 :剑与铲子非常适合您。 只需每月支付12美元,您就可以按照自己的节奏来创建整个游戏,《剑与铲》,它将教您在整个工作流程中的基本游戏开发技能。

unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

For those who have already mastered fundamental Unity skills and are looking to get to the next level with step-by-step game-dev learning opportunities, we will soon be offering intermediate-level Swords and Shovels courses, so stay tuned.


进入Unity for VR的世界 (Enter the world of Unity for VR)

The VR market is booming, so now’s a great time to get up to speed on Unity, one of the top tools for building virtual reality experiences. To enable this, we have partnered with Udacity to deliver a Virtual Reality Nanodegree that is dedicated to those new to both Unity and building virtual reality projects. This degree covers all aspects of Unity VR development, from the basics all the way through to optimization.

VR市场正在蓬勃发展,因此现在是赶上Unity的绝佳时机,Unity是构建虚拟现实体验的*工具之一。 为此,我们与Udacity合作提供了虚拟现实纳米学位 ,专门针对Unity和构建虚拟现实项目的新手。 该学位涵盖了Unity VR开发的各个方面,从基础到优化。

unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

And with Udacity collaborating with such innovators as Google VR, Vive and Samsung, you can be sure that you’re on your way to becoming industry-ready with such relevant, up-to-date learning content.

借助Udacity与Google VR,Vive和Samsung这样的创新者的合作,您可以确保自己正在使用相关的最新学习内容,为进入行业做好准备。

成为AR创新者 (Be an AR innovator)

AR is turning heads and changing the mobile landscape overnight. Unity’s built-in Apple ARkit support, plus our partnership with Udacity, mean you can quickly get started developing an AR app for iOS. The Learn ARKit online course has everything you need to become proficient in building AR applications and mastering this in-demand skillset.

AR正在转头,并在一夜之间改变了移动领域。 Unity的内置Apple ARkit支持以及我们与Udacity的合作伙伴关系,意味着您可以快速开始为iOS开发AR应用程序。 Learn ARKit在线课程包含了您精通构建AR应用程序和掌握此需求技能集所需的一切。

unity 编辑扩展_通过Unity授权课程扩展技能

即将推出其他授权课程 (Additional authorized courses coming soon)

Watch the Unity blog for more in-depth learning offerings coming in 2018. Whether you’re interested in XR specialization, game development or design experience, the Unity Education team – in collaboration with our partners – has got some great courses for you!

观看Unity博客,了解2018年将提供的更深入的学习产品。无论您是对XR专业化,游戏开发还是设计经验感兴趣,Unity Education团队(与我们的合作伙伴合作)都会为您提供一些不错的课程!

你知道吗? (Did you know?)

The Unity Education team also offers in-person training, workshops, and certifications to accelerate your learning and make your career journey as enjoyable and rewarding as possible.

Unity Education团队还提供现场培训,讲习班和认证,以加快您的学习速度,并使您的职业旅途尽可能愉快和有意义。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/02/12/expand-your-skillset-with-a-unity-authorized-course/

unity 编辑扩展