Physical Inventory

Physical Inventory Basic Steps
1.Define Physical Inventory > Snapshot(The snapshot saves all current item on-hand quantities and costs) > It will raise "Freeze physical inventory" Concurrent Request > Then re-query Physical Inventory,Snapshot Date will be populated a Date.

2. Tag Generation -> Request "Generate physical inventory tags"
Physical Inventory
3.Tag Counts
Physical Inventory
4.Approve Adjustments
Physical Inventory
5.Launch adjustments
Physical Inventory
"Perform physical inventory Adjustments" Request
Physical Inventory
6.Check Onhand/Material Transaction
There will be a 'Physical Inv Adjust' transaction generated,From Inv log,It is clear,While perform physical inv adjustment,There is a adjustment MMTT record is inserted
Physical Inventory
7.Requery PI in Tag Counts form, you will find you can NOT recount the adjusted tag count.
Physical Inventory
Requery PI in Physical Inventory form,you will see 'Adjustments Posted' is checked.
Physical Inventory

Physical Inventory Summary

Before you can generate tags for a physical inventory, you must take a snapshot of all system on-hand quantities for your items.The snapshot saves all current item on-hand quantities and costs.Oracle Inventory uses this information as the basis for all physical inventory adjustments.All tag counts you enter for this physical inventory are compared with these static quantities.This allows you to resume normal inventory operations after you have entered your counts but before you have authorized all final physical inventory adjustments. You can perform your recounts or investigate certain results without holding up transaction processing.
  • Attention:Oracle Inventory does not stop inventory processing during a physical inventory.Therefore, you must procedurally coordinate the snapshot of your physical inventory with your actual counting, and ensure that no transaction activity occurs in a particular location until after you have counted its contents.

For example, suppose that at the start of your physical inventory the system on-hand quantity for item WIDGET in a particular bin is 30. Oracle Inventory saves this information with the physical inventory snapshot. During the warehouse count, you count a total of 25 units of item WIDGET in the same bin. Before you approve your counts and perform your adjustments, you resume normal transaction operations, and consequently, item WIDGET reaches a system on-hand quantity of 45. At this point, you perform your physical inventory adjustments. Oracle Inventorycomputes the adjustment as the difference between the tag count and the snapshot quantity, NOT the current system quantityof the item that has now reached 45. So in this case, the adjustment is 25 - 30 = -5 units. When the adjustment is posted, the new system on-hand quantity becomes 40 units.

<<Phsical Inventory Process Flow>>
1) Define PI parameter(Name,org,sub,Tags)
Query MOQD --> mtl_physical_adjustment(item,sub,locator,system qty,count qty,adjust qty)
3)Generate Tags(incapt.opp)
mtl_physical_adjustment(item,sub,locator,system qty,count qty,adjust qty) -->mtl_physical_inventory_tags
4)Enter Tags(Enter Count Qty for each item/SKU)(INVADPTE.pld)
count qty inmtl_physical_adjustment will have a value.
5)Approve Adjustments(INVADPA1.pld)
6)Launch Adjustment(incapa.opp)
|-call Inv TM
|- updatemtl_physical_adjustment.approval_status to 3.

Physical Inventory VS Cycle Counts

Cycle counting is a method of physical inventory whereby inventory is counted at regular intervals within a fiscal year.These intervals depend on the cycle counting indicator set for the material.Cycle Counting allows you to count fast-moving items more frequently than slow-moving items.

Cycle Count : Periodic counting of inventory items at regular intervals
Physical Inventory : Counting is done once / twice a year

Cycle Count : We can schedule the count
Physical Inventory : We cannot schedule this.

Cycle Count : We cannot have a snap shot
Physical Inventory : We can have a snap shot

Cycle Count : We can view the qty in the system
Physical Inventory : We can not view the qty in system

Cycle Count : We cane select the items using ABC analysis.
Physical Inventory : It is done for all the items.

Cycle Count : We need not to freeze inventory transactions.
Physical Inventory : Need to freeze inventory transactions.

Cycle Count : Recount is possible
Physical Inventory : Recount is not possible.

Cycle Count : We can maintain recount history.
Physical Inventory : No recount, hence no history.

Cycle Count : Adjustments can be procesed on approval.
Physical Inventory : Can be done using adjustment concurrent

Physical Count Tag的样式
Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory