Machine Learning Notes

Machine Learning Notes

this is the summary: courses of ML on cousera by Andrew Ng

1.What is Machine Learning?

**Definition:**A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some tasks T and some performance measure P,if its performance on T,as measured by P,improves with experience E.
E:test data,learning process
P:the evaluation/summary of learning,prediction by this program is accuracy/correct or not.
T:The goal we want to achieve.


  • Supervised Learning
    Given the right/exact anwser for each example in the data.
    • Regresstion: estimate the relationships among variables with continuous output.
    • Classification: identify which category an example belongs to with discrete output.
  • Unsupervised Learning
    allow us to approach problems with little or no idea what our results should like.

3.Model Representation

a training setlearning algorithm–>h(hypothesis)
After that, we use this h to predict y with x

4.Cost Function

Machine Learning Notes
What you should always keep in mind is that function J is parametered by theta rather than x or y.

5.Gradient Descent

We have put forward the goal we are going to do: minimize the function J.
BUT how to achieve that?
There are two ways in linear regresstion.And now let’t introduce the first one: Gradient Descent
Machine Learning Notes
Attention: At each iteration,one should simutaneouly updata the parameters theta.
Batch gradient descent: this method looks at every example in the entire training set on every step.