chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*

chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*


Do you need a quick and easy way to access Wikipedia while browsing throughout the day? If so then you will want to take a look at the Wiki Lookup extension for Google Chrome.

您需要全天浏览时快速便捷地访问Wikipedia吗? 如果是这样,那么您将要查看Google Chrome的Wiki查找扩展。

Installation & Setup


While adding the extension to Chrome you will need to confirm the installation. Click on “Install” to finish the process.

将扩展程序添加到Chrome时,您需要确认安装。 单击“安装”以完成该过程。

chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*

As soon as you have finished installing the extension you will see your new “Wiki Lookup Toolbar Button” and a brief extension management message.

安装完扩展程序后,您将立即看到新的“ Wiki查找工具栏按钮”和简短的扩展程序管理消息。

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You can access the options by right clicking on the “Toolbar Button”, using the “Chrome Extensions Page”, or clicking on the “Options Button” in the drop-down window.

您可以通过右键单击“工具栏按钮”,使用“ Chrome扩展程序页面”或单击下拉窗口中的“选项按钮”来访问选项。

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A close look at the “pre-search” drop-down window and the two “Command Buttons”.


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Choose the language that you would like to have Wikipedia display in (or use “Auto Detect” if preferred) in the options.


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Wiki Lookup in Action


For our example we decided to search for “Flash Cookies”. Highlight and copy/paste (or type) the term that you would like to search for in the drop-down window text field. You can hit “Enter” or click on the “Magnifying Glass Icon” to start your search.

对于我们的示例,我们决定搜索“ Flash Cookies”。 在下拉窗口文本字段中突出显示并复制/粘贴(或键入)要搜索的术语。 您可以点击“ Enter”或单击“放大镜图标”开始搜索。

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Multiple possibilities were displayed for our search term allowing us to choose the most appropriate entry. The “Local Shared Object” listing was just what we were looking for. Click on the “link” of the entry you choose to view more information.

我们的搜索词显示了多种可能性,使我们可以选择最合适的条目。 “本地共享对象”列表正是我们想要的。 单击您选择的条目的“链接”以查看更多信息。

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We really found a nice offering of information on “Local Shared Objects”…notice that we can further narrow the search. Very nice…

我们确实找到了有关“本地共享对象”的很好的信息…请注意,我们可以进一步缩小搜索范围。 非常好…

Note: The “extra features” mentioned in the tip window will open the Wikipedia homepage or display a random Wikipedia page.


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If your search will take a bit longer and you would prefer to have more space to work with then you can transfer your search to a new tab. Just click on the “Open in new tab Button” and your drop-down window listings will open in a focused tab.

如果您的搜索需要更长的时间,并且您希望有更多的空间可以使用,则可以将搜索转移到新标签页。 只需单击“在新选项卡中打开按钮”,您的下拉窗口列表就会在一个集中的选项卡中打开。

Note: You will need to conduct the initial search before transferring to a new tab.


chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*

Here is our initial list of results open in a new tab ready to choose from.


chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*

And our chosen entry. Being able to perform searches using either the drop-down window and/or new tabs make this a versatile extension.

和我们选择的条目。 能够使用下拉窗口和/或新选项卡执行搜索,这使其成为了一种多功能扩展。

chrome打不开维基_在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松搜索*

And just for fun we did a search on “Firefox”.

只是为了好玩,我们在“ Firefox”上进行了搜索。

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If you access Wikipedia throughout the day while browsing then the Wiki Lookup extension will make a very nice addition to your browser.

如果您在浏览过程中全天访问Wikipedia,则Wiki Lookup扩展将为您的浏览器增添一抹亮丽的色彩。



Download the Wiki Lookup extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Wiki查找扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

