轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

Are you looking for an easy way to be notified of new e-mails and access/manage your account? Then you will definitely want to take a look at the Google Mail Checker Plus extension.

您是否正在寻找一种容易的方式来收到新电子邮件通知和访问/管理您的帐户? 然后,您一定要看看Google Mail Checker Plus扩展程序。



When the confirmation message window appears you will need to click “Install” to finish adding the extension to Chrome.


轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

After the installation has been completed you will see your new “Google Mail Checker Plus Toolbar Icon” and a page showing the changelog for the extension.

安装完成后,您将看到新的“ Google Mail Checker Plus工具栏图标”和一个页面,其中显示该扩展的变更日志。

轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

Before using the extension you should take a quick look through the options to see if you want (or need) to tweak the settings to make Google Mail Checker Plus work the best for your personal needs. There are two methods for accessing the options…the first is through the “Preview Window” (small wrench icon in upper right corner)…

在使用扩展程序之前,您应该快速浏览选项,以查看是否要(或需要)调整设置以使Google Mail Checker Plus能够最好地满足您的个人需求。 有两种访问选项的方法…第一种是通过“预览窗口”(右上角的小扳手图标)…

轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

And the second is through the “Chrome Extensions Page”.

第二个是通过“ Chrome扩展程序页面”。

轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

These are the options that are available. You can choose an icon set that will match up the best with your current theme, modify the “Preview Window” setting, activate various settings (such as Hiding unread e-mail count, Open compose in tab, & Check all folders for unread mail), choose the “Polling interval”, and/or add domains for your Google Apps accounts.

这些是可用的选项。 您可以选择与当前主题最匹配的图标集,修改“预览窗口”设置,**各种设置(例如隐藏未读电子邮件计数,打开撰写选项卡以及检查所有文件夹中的未读邮件) ),选择“轮询间隔”,和/或为您的Google Apps帐户添加域。

Note: The icon sets can serve as a visual cue for the current state of your e-mail account if you choose to “Hide the unread mail count” (one color for no unread e-mails, another for unread e-mails, etc.).

注意:如果您选择“隐藏未读邮件计数”(一种颜色表示未读电子邮件,另一种颜色表示未读电子邮件,则该图标集可以用作电子邮件帐户当前状态的可视提示) )。

轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

If you are curious about any of the settings simply hover your mouse over the “Question Mark Symbol” and you will see a popup explaining that particular setting.


轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

Google Mail Checker Plus in Action

Google Mail Checker Plus的实际应用

Any time that you have unread e-mails you will see a small attached number and specific icon color for the “Toolbar Icon”…


轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

Clicking on the “Toolbar Icon” will open the “Preview Window”. You will be able to see the sender, subject and a preview of the e-mail itself nicely divided by small “Control Bars” for each individual e-mail. Notice that you can directly “Delete, Mark as Spam, Archive, and/or Mark as Read” displayed e-mails. If you would like to “Reply” to an e-mail use the small icon underneath “Read”.

单击“工具栏图标”将打开“预览窗口”。 您将能够看到电子邮件本身的发件人,主题和预览,并通过每个单独的电子邮件的小“控制栏”很好地划分了该电子邮件。 请注意,您可以直接“删除,标记为垃圾邮件,存档和/或标记为已读”显示的电子邮件。 如果您想“回复”电子邮件,请使用“阅读”下方的小图标。

The icons across the top of the “Control Bar” are as follows: Label, Compose New E-mail, Refresh, and Options.


轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件

Clicking on the subject will open your e-mail in a new tab…


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And display it the same as you would normally see it if directly accessing your account.


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If you click on “Reply” (or “Compose New E-mail”) in the “Preview Window”, a focused “Composing Window” will open in a new tab.


Note: Opening in a new tab will need to be selected in the Options otherwise both will open in a separate window.


轻松在Google Chrome浏览器中管理您的电子邮件



If you have been wanting a nice way to keep up with your e-mail account throughout the day, then this is an extension well worth taking a look at.




Download the Google Mail Checker Plus extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载Google Mail Checker Plus扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8418/manage-your-e-mail-in-google-chrome-the-easy-way/