在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

Do things start to get out of control for you when you have a lot of tabs open in Google Chrome? Get control back and easily manage those tabs with the Tab Menu extension.

当您在Google Chrome浏览器中打开许多标签页时,事情会开始变得一发不可收拾吗? 使用“选项卡菜单”扩展名可以重新获得控制权并轻松管理这些选项卡。



One of the irritating things about using Chrome is that when you have a large number of tabs open it becomes harder to know exactly which one to open without a lot of “trial and error”. As you can see here some of the tabs no longer display the favicon and some of the tabs all have the same favicon. Either way you go this is not good for quickly finding the tab that you want to view.

使用Chrome的令人烦恼的事情之一是,当您打开大量选项卡时,很难准确地知道要打开哪个选项卡,而不会遇到很多“反复试验”。 如您在这里看到的,某些选项卡不再显示图标,并且某些选项卡都具有相同的图标。 无论采用哪种方式,这都不利于快速找到要查看的选项卡。

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签



The options are not complicated to sort through but some minor adjustments may help to better personalize how Tab Menu works for you. The default “Keyboard Shortcut” is “Ctrl + m” but can be expanded by adding “Alt and/or Shift” to the combination. You will also be able to modify the appearance of the “Toolbar Icon” if desired. The default setting is for a “static icon” but can be changed to always display the number of tabs open or only display the number when hovering the mouse over the “Toolbar Icon”. You can see that the three tabs open in the “Tab Bar” are also shown in a “Tabs List” below the options.

选项的排序并不复杂,但是进行一些细微的调整可能有助于更好地个性化“选项卡菜单”的工作方式。 默认的“键盘快捷键”是“ Ctrl + m”,但可以通过在组合中添加“ Alt和/或Shift”来扩展。 如果需要,您还可以修改“工具栏图标”的外观。 默认设置为“静态图标”,但可以更改为始终显示打开的选项卡数量,或仅将鼠标悬停在“工具栏图标”上时显示数量。 您可以看到在“选项卡栏”中打开的三个选项卡也显示在选项下方的“选项卡列表”中。

There are two important points to keep in mind while using the extension:


  • The number of open tabs shown on the “Toolbar Icon” pertains to that particular window and its’ tabs only.

  • Use of the “Keyboard Shortcut” will open the “Options Page” (instead of the drop-down window) and give you access to the “Tabs List” for a particular window there.

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

If you have the “Options Page” open you can also view an identical list in the drop-down window. One of the very nice things about this extension is that you can access the “Tabs List” in the manner that best suits your needs.

如果您打开了“选项页面”,则还可以在下拉窗口中查看相同的列表。 关于此扩展程序的一件非常好的事情是,您可以按照最适合您的需求的方式访问“标签列表”。

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

Tab Menu in Action


Now for the fun part. Here you can see our original window with its’ twenty-four open tabs and our second window with the other three tabs in it.

现在是有趣的部分。 在这里,您可以看到原始窗口及其24个打开的选项卡,以及第二个窗口,其中包含其他三个选项卡。

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

A close-up view of our “Toolbar Icons” and tab counts. The first thing that we decided to do was to combine all of our tabs into one window by clicking on “Merge Windows”.

“工具栏图标”和标签计数的特写视图。 我们决定要做的第一件事是通过单击“合并窗口”将所有选项卡合并到一个窗口中。

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

One click later and all of our tabs were in the same window with an updated tabs count and a scrollbar for our “Tabs List” in the “Options Page”.


在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

We decided to close one of the tabs shown in the list. The currently opened tab will have a powder blue color highlighting it and any entry you hover over will be lighter blue in color. Whichever entry you are hovering over will also have a “Close X” appear at the right end. Click the “X” and that tab will be instantly gone from both lists…

我们决定关闭列表中显示的选项卡之一。 当前打开的选项卡将用蓝色突出显示它的粉红色,并且将鼠标悬停在任何条目上都将变成浅蓝色。 无论您将鼠标悬停在哪个条目上,右端都将显示“ Close X”。 单击“ X”,该选项卡将立即从两个列表中消失……

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

Hovering your mouse over an entry will also let you see the full title for that particular webpage.


在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

Clicking on a particular entry will immediately focus that tab so that you may read the article, write that important e-mail, etc.


在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签

Perhaps you would prefer to conduct a search for a tab instead…just start typing the title/name/URL for the webpage in the text field and watch the list focus on possible matches for your query.

也许您更希望搜索选项卡……只是开始在文本字段中输入网页的标题/名称/ URL,然后注意列表集中在查询的可能匹配项上。

在Google Chrome浏览器中轻松控制大量标签



If you suffer from tab overload on a daily basis then Tab Menu will definitely help you to get control of your tabs back.




Download the Tab Menu extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载“标签菜单”扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9849/easily-control-a-large-amount-of-tabs-in-google-chrome/