apple tv 开发_Apple TV首批#madewithunity游戏发售

apple tv 开发_Apple TV首批#madewithunity游戏发售

apple tv 开发

在发布的第一天,我们非常高兴能为Apple TV分享几款很棒的Unity游戏! 这些开发人员与Unity支持tvOS的所有重大功能的努力密切相关,包括按需资源和新的Siri Remote。 他们与我们分享了很多宝贵的反馈意见,我们要感谢他们。 (We are super excited to share several awesome Unity games shipping for Apple TV on day one of launch! These developers have been intimately involved with Unity’s efforts to support all the great features of tvOS, including On-Demand resources and the new Siri Remote.  They have shared lots of great feedback with us and we owe them our thanks. )

我们想重点介绍一些我们一直在做出色工作的Unity开发人员。 (We’d like to highlight a few Unity developers who we feel have been doing amazing work.)

  1. Breakneck


  2. Crossy Road


  3. Bruce Lee: Enter the Game – Unchained Edition


  4. TanooJump


  5. Beneath the Lighthouse


  6. Spin Sports


  7. Alto’s Adventure


  8. Couch Heroes Vs The Dungeon


  9. Evel Knievel

    伊夫·克尼维尔(Evel Knievel)

  10. Tiny TrackZ

    Tiny TrackZ

  11. Many more….


  12. Many many more… keep an eye on this list on ;-)

    还有更多……请关注Madewith.Unity.com上的列表 ;-)

Developers have shown extreme interest in the Apple TV as the next big gaming platform. The high fidelity graphics and performance capabilities of the A8 chip provide a great environment for graphically intense games on a large screen while maintaining the familiar and wide-reaching distribution model of Apple’s App store.

开发人员对Apple TV作为下一代大型游戏平台表现出了极大的兴趣。 A8芯片的高保真图形和性能功能为大屏幕上的图形密集型游戏提供了一个绝佳的环境,同时保持了Apple App Store熟悉且广泛的发行模型。

Several developers told us the device’s Siri Remote, with its large touch surface, made their games feel more intimate than they ever had in any console-like TV screen experience. When you add MFI game controllers or do something clever like roll your own link to existing iOS devices (like the Crossy Road guys showed at Apple’s keynote event earlier this fall), it can lead to a rich multiplayer experience never before available on any Apple device.

几位开发人员告诉我们,该设备的Siri Remote触摸屏大,使他们的游戏比任何类似控制台的电视屏幕体验都更加亲密。 当您添加MFI游戏控制器或执行诸如将自己的链接滚动到现有iOS设备(例如,今年秋天早些时候在Apple主题演讲中展示的Crossy Road家伙)的巧妙操作时,它可以带来前所未有的丰富多人游戏体验,在任何Apple设备上都无法实现。

Of course many, who already have games on iOS, were anxiously anticipating the tvOS platform and were ready to dive in once Apple “flipped the switch”. We at Unity worked hard to make this possible not only for them, but for developers creating a game from scratch.

当然,许多已经在iOS上玩过游戏的人都在急切地期待tvOS平台,并准备在苹果“跳槽”后跳水。 我们在Unity方面努力工作,不仅为他们,而且为从头开始创建游戏的开发人员实现这一目标。

apple tv 开发_Apple TV首批#madewithunity游戏发售

Beneath the Lighthouse


这是我们从使用Unity开发Apple TV的人员那里获得的一些建议: (Here is some of the advice we received from those developing for Apple TV using Unity:)

  • Get really used to the Siri Remote and design your game to use it well. Remember you’ve got tap as well as click on the trackpad ;) (Strange Flavour Ltd. – Tiny TrackZ)

    真正习惯于Siri Remote,并设计游戏以使其良好使用。 记住,您必须点击并在触控板上单击;) (Strange Flavour Ltd. – Tiny TrackZ)

  • Don’t think of the touch surface as an exact replacement for a Touch screen. It is much smaller and it feels different to not be able to see what you are going to touch. (Nitrome – Beneath the Lighthouse)

    不要认为触摸屏可以完全替代触摸屏。 它要小得多,无法看到要触摸的东西感觉不一样。 (Nitrome –灯塔下)

  • There are currently no ads available on Apple TV so consider your monetization strategy. (Nitrome – Beneath the Lighthouse)

    Apple TV目前没有广告,因此请考虑您的获利策略。 (Nitrome –灯塔下)

  • We’d recommend tackling the issue of the size early (assets, sounds, package), it can become quite quickly problematic with Apple’s mandatory 200Mb limit, even on “small projects”. On-Demand-Resources system is nice, but takes a bit of practice (and time) to use. (Polar Beard –  TanooJump)

    我们建议您尽早解决尺寸问题(资产,声音,包装),即使苹果在“小型项目”中使用200Mb的强制性限制,它也会很快成为问题。 按需资源系统很好,但是要花一些实践(和时间)。 (北极胡子– TanooJump)

  • Test your controls, test your controls, and then test your controls with other people/friends. Try control schemes as early as possible, because using the Siri Remote is a new way to control games that offer both new interesting capacities, but also new issues and reflexions. (Polar Beard –  TanooJump)

    测试您的控件,测试您的控件,然后与其他人/朋友测试您的控件。 尽早尝试控制方案,因为使用Siri Remote是一种控制游戏的新方法,它既提供了新的有趣功能,又提供了新的问题和反思。 (北极胡子– TanooJump)

  • Go for it! If you think your game can be fun on the Apple TV, do not hesitate at all. Unity support is just awesome, and you may get into the new platform very smoothly. And always remember about the community! They are the endless resource of help and inspiration. You will overcome all the obstacles in no time. (Mass Creation – Corridor Z)

    去吧! 如果您认为您的游戏在Apple TV上很有趣,请不要犹豫。 Unity支持非常棒,您可能会非常顺利地进入新平台。 并永远记住社区! 它们是无穷的帮助和启发资源。 您将立即克服所有障碍。 (大量创作-Z走廊)

  • Save yourself some valuable development time and visit the Unity Asset Store. Whether it’s for user interface kits, player controls mapping utilities or artificial intelligence systems, there’s a lot of useful and robust libraries you can just drop in your project that will allow you to focus on making your game. (Hibernum Creations – Bruce Lee: Enter the Game – Unchained Edition)

    为自己节省一些宝贵的开发时间,并访问Unity Asset Store。 无论是用于用户界面工具包,播放器控件映射实用程序还是人工智能系统,您都可以在项目中放入许多有用而强大的库,这些库将使您专注于制作游戏。 (Hibernum Creations –李小龙:进入游戏–无锁版)

  • Make sure you leverage Unity’s Asset Bundles in your project. Not only it’s a good practice, it will facilitate the implementation of Apple’s On-Demand Resources, which will make your life much easier for releasing on Apple TV. (Hibernum Creations –  Bruce Lee: Enter the Game – Unchained Edition)

    确保在项目中利用Unity的资产捆绑包。 这不仅是一个好习惯,还将促进Apple按需资源的实施,这将使您的生活更轻松地在Apple TV上发布。 (Hibernum Creations –李小龙:进入游戏–无锁版)

  • Watch out for the differences between iOS and tvOS. Don’t fall into the trap of believing every plugin and feature that you are used to from the iOS side is available, nor that input paradigms that work well on a touch screen will necessarily work on the Touch Surface. Use the quick bring-up time that Unity allows to then really refine the user interaction and menus around the UI focus model for the new Apple TV. Analyze and embrace Apple’s own UI as a template for this. (Touchfactor – TouchFish)

    注意iOS和tvOS之间的差异。 不要陷入相信您习惯于从iOS端使用的每个插件和功能的陷阱,也不要认为在触摸屏上运行良好的输入范例必然会在Touch Surface上运行。 利用Unity允许的快速启动时间,然后针对新的Apple TV真正围绕UI焦点模型优化用户交互和菜单。 分析并接受Apple自己的UI作为模板。 (Touchfactor – TouchFish)

  • When bringing games from iOS to tvOS,consider the structure of your UI and ensure your navigation is solid. Make sure it adheres to Apple’s human interface guidelines. If you think you will require On Demand Resources, get that working early and incorporate that into your flow. (PikPok – Breakneck)

    将游戏从iOS移植到tvOS时,请考虑UI的结构并确保导航稳定。 确保它符合 Apple的人机界面指南 。 如果您认为需要按需资源,请尽早开始工作并将其纳入您的流程中。 (PikPok – Breakneck)

Here is a list of features, which already shipped or will be coming with Apple TV support:

以下是已经提供或将随附Apple TV支持的功能列表:

  1. Apple TV Siri Remote exposed through Unity’s joystick API

    通过 Unity游戏杆API 暴露的Apple TV Siri Remote

  2. ODR via Asset bundles which already shipped in Unity 5.2.1

    通过Unity 5.2.1中已提供的资产捆绑包进行ODR

  3. Deploy to tvOS platform as a separate build target


  4. Layered Images and tvOS Top Shelf support


  5. Improved Unity UI features to support TV controller style navigation

    改进的Unity UI功能以支持电视控制器样式导航

  6. Bitcode support


Unity for Apple TV will be available for public testing in late November. If you’d like to jump in sooner and have a Unity Pro license, contact our support team so you can join our alpha testing group.

Apple TV的Unity将于11月下旬公开测试。 如果您想尽快加入并获得Unity Pro许可证,请联系我们的支持团队,以便加入我们的alpha测试小组。

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apple tv 开发