oculus vr开发_Oculus IndieCade VR Jam总结

oculus vr开发_Oculus IndieCade VR Jam总结

oculus vr开发

Since August 2nd, 220 teams of developers around the world have been working on projects to explore the Oculus Rift’s capabilities.

自8月2日以来,全球220个开发人员团队一直在致力于探索Oculus Rift功能的项目。

Of these 220 projects, 20 were chosen to become finalists. The overwhelming majority of these was created using Unity. As of now, 17 of the 20 projects are confirmed to be made with Unity. Pretty awesome work by our developers if I might say!

在这220个项目中,有20个入围决赛。 其中绝大多数是使用Unity创建的。 截至目前,已确认20个项目中的17个由Unity进行。 如果我能说的话,我们的开发人员所做的工作真棒!

There are two categories of winners. Open Call, which is open to all Rift developers, and IndieCade Selected developers, who have been chosen from established IndieCade developers. So without further ado, here they are!

有两类获奖者。 Open Call向所有Rift开发人员和IndieCade Selected开发人员开放,这些开发人员是从已建立的IndieCade开发人员中选出的。 因此,事不宜迟,就在这里!

公开通话-向所有Rift开发人员开放 (Open Call – Open to all Rift Developers)

大奖得主– Ciess (Grand Prize Winner – Ciess)

Ciess makes great use of the head movement with the Rift and has a cool aesthetic. Very cool project and I look forward to seeing how it develops.

Ciess充分利用了Rift的头部运动,具有凉爽的美感。 非常酷的项目,我期待看到它的发展。

第二名– Dumpy (2nd Place – Dumpy)

Dumpy makes great use of the motion tracking again, but this time straps a huge elephant trunk to your virtual nose. It has to be seen to be believed. A truly hilarious experience!

Dumpy再次充分利用了运动跟踪功能,但是这次将一条巨大的大象树干绑在您的虚拟鼻子上。 它必须亲眼目睹才能相信。 真正有趣的体验!

第三名–视线 (3rd Place – Sight Line)

Sight Line plays around with a very interesting mechanic, where looking away from an object can make it change or disappear.


荣誉奖–恐惧大厅 (Honorable Mention – Dreadhalls)

Utterly terrifying procedurally generated maze.


IndieCade选择的开发人员 (IndieCade Selected Developers)

大奖得主–虚拟互联网黑客 (Grand Prize Winner – Virtual Internet Hacker)

Type in a url and dive into the matrix. A hilarious “hacking simulator” that requires you to type frantically on the keyboard to move.

输入网址,然后深入矩阵。 一个热闹的“黑客模拟器”,需要您疯狂地敲击键盘才能移动。

第二名– Nostrum(目前没有可用的URL) (2nd Place – Nostrum (no URL currently available))

oculus vr开发_Oculus IndieCade VR Jam总结

A flight sim inspired by Studio Ghibli’s Porco Rosso. At the time of writing, I haven’t been able to try this one yet, but hope to get hold of it as soon as it becomes available.

受吉卜力工作室(Studio Ghibli)的Porco Rosso启发的飞行模拟。 在撰写本文时,我还不能尝试使用它,但是希望它一推出就可以掌握。

第三名–电梯音乐 (3rd Place – Elevator Music)

An interesting and sometimes scary demo with some pretty cool dynamic audio and procedural graphics.


OK! So these are the winners.

好! 所以这些都是赢家。

I would highly recommend checking out the full list of finalists as there is some really top draw work in these projects. Congratulations to all who took part and even bigger congratulations to those who won one of the prizes. It’s super cool that Unity Developers are leading the way with this new tech and I’m look forward to seeing it evolve.

我强烈建议您查看决赛入围者完整列表,因为这些项目中确实有一些抽奖活动。 祝贺所有参加的人,甚至对获得其中一项奖项的人表示更大的祝贺。 Unity Developers引领这项新技术实在是太酷了,我很期待看到它的发展。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/09/20/oculus-indiecade-vr-jam-wrap-up/

oculus vr开发