如何清洁您的Nintendo Switch

如何清洁您的Nintendo Switch

Your Nintendo Switch is probably filthy. Since the Switch pulls double duty as a shared family console and a handheld gaming console, it has extra opportunity to get dirty fingers all over it. Here’s how to clean all the parts of your Switch without getting it wet or ruining it.

您的Nintendo Switch可能很脏。 由于Switch担当着共享的家庭游戏机和手持游戏机的双重职责,因此它有更多的机会让手指脏了。 这是在不弄湿开关或弄坏开关的情况下清洁其所有部件的方法。

According to Nintendo’s official support page, you should avoid submerging your Switch in water (duh), using any cleaning solvents, or putting water directly on the screen. Instead, to clean your Switch, you’ll need a few non-destructive materials:

根据Nintendo的官方支持页面 ,您应该避免将Switch浸入水中(duh),使用任何清洁溶剂或将水直接放在屏幕上。 相反,要清洁Switch,您将需要一些非破坏性材料:

  • A microfiber screen cleaning cloth. This comes up every time we talk about cleaning gadgets, and with good reason. A microfiber cloth can clean your screen without leaving scratches or lint.

    超细纤维屏幕清洁布 每当我们谈论清洁小工具时 ,都会出现这种情况,这是有充分理由的。 超细纤维布可以清洁屏幕,而不会留下刮痕或绒毛。

  • Cotton swabs or pads. We’ll use a few cotton swabs to clean some of the harder to reach crevices.

    棉签或棉垫。 我们将使用一些棉签清洁一些较难触及的缝隙。

  • A small cup of water. While you don’t want to pour water directly on your switch, you may need to lightly dampen a cotton swab. Get a small glass of water that you can dip into.

    一小杯水。 当您不想直接在开关上倒水时,可能​​需要轻轻地蘸湿棉签。 取一小杯水,可以浸入其中。

If you don’t have a microfiber cleaning cloth, you can substitute with a soft t-shirt or other piece of fine threaded fabric. Just be sure not to use a bigger fluffy towel that can leave more lint than you clean off.

如果没有超细纤维清洁布,则可以用柔软的T恤或其他细线布代替。 只是请确保不要使用更大的蓬松毛巾,它会留下比清洁时更多的绒毛。

用超细纤维布擦拭主控制台和屏幕 (Wipe Down Your Main Console and Screen With a Microfiber Cloth)

如何清洁您的Nintendo Switch

The touch screen on your Switch can end up just as smeared with fingerprints as your phone. Having a microfiber cloth can come in handy for this. Microfiber cloths are designed to avoid scratching screens and leave no extra lint. To clean your screen, simply wipe the cloth across the surface of the screen in long strokes. Don’t use circular motions, as this can catch dirt particles and rub them over the screen. Never use cleaning products on the Switch screen. If you have any caked on gunk, very lightly dampen the cloth with water when you wipe it off. Be sure to squeeze out any water so it doesn’t leave drops that can find their way into cracks between the screen and the case.

交换机上的触摸屏最终可能会像手机一样沾上指纹。 拥有超细纤维布可以派上用场。 超细纤维布的设计避免刮擦屏幕,并且不留多余的绒毛。 要清洁屏幕,只需长时间擦拭屏幕表面即可。 请勿使用圆周运动,因为这会捕获灰尘颗粒并将其擦在屏幕上。 切勿在“开关”屏幕上使用清洁产品 。 如果您在结块上有结块,请在擦拭时用水轻轻蘸湿。 确保挤出所有水,以免水滴落入屏幕和外壳之间的缝隙中。

If you don’t already have one, it may be a good idea to get a screen protector—you can usually get one for less than $10. In addition to the normal wear and tear that screens normally go through, the Switch also gets placed into an HDMI dock. This shouldn’t be a problem if you place it in gently, but if you’re too rough with it (or if a child uses the dock) you can end up scratching the screen on the dock itself. A screen protector should solve this problem, as well as keep your device looking good through normal use.

如果您还没有屏幕保护膜,那么最好购买一个屏幕保护膜-通常,您只需不到10美元即可购买一个屏幕保护膜。 除了屏幕通常会发生的正常磨损外,Switch还会放入HDMI扩展坞中。 如果将其轻轻地放入,应该不会有什么问题,但是如果使用它过于粗糙(或者如果孩子使用扩展坞),最终可能会划伤扩展坞本身的屏幕 。 屏幕保护膜应解决此问题,并在正常使用过程中保持设备外观良好。

用湿布擦洗Joy-Con控制器 (Scrub the Joy-Con Controllers With a Damp Cloth)

如何清洁您的Nintendo Switch

The Joy-Con controllers on your Switch will get a ton of gross gunk all over them as your kids play in the back seat while sloppily eating chips and spilling Coke on their fingers. At least they’re quiet, though. To clean the controllers, you can whip out that handy microfiber cloth again. This time, though, get it a little damp. Squeeze out any excess water until it’s not dripping any more, and then squeeze it a little bit more. Then, scrub the plastic of your controller with the cloth.

当您的孩子在后排座位上玩耍时,您的Switch上的Joy-Con控制器将散发出一团沉重的毛刺,而马虎地吃薯条并将可乐洒在他们的手指上。 不过至少他们很安静。 要清洁控制器,您可以再次拉出方便的超细纤维布。 但这一次要弄湿一点。 挤出多余的水,直到不再滴水,然后再挤出一点水。 然后,用布擦洗控制器的塑料。

用棉签擦拭难以清洁的斑点 (Use a Cotton Swab to Reach the Hard-to-Clean Spots)

如何清洁您的Nintendo Switch

Some spots on the Switch may be a little too difficult to reach with your microfiber cloth. In those cases, some cotton swabs can come in handy. The metal sides of the Switch where the controllers latch in, or the USB-C port on the bottom are nesting grounds for dust and dirt that can jam up the parts of your console.  Rub the swab along the inside, or in between the small crevices. If there is gunk built up, you may need to dip the cotton in water, but remember to make sure you squeeze any excess out before you put the cotton into any ports or cracks. Even a small drop of water could enter the console and cause a short, so don’t use water unless you absolutely have to and, even then, use it very sparingly. Give your whole console another once over to wipe down all the parts you may have missed, like the speaker grill or underneath the kickstand on the back.

使用超细纤维布可能很难够到Switch上的某些斑点。 在这些情况下,一些棉签可能会派上用场。 控制器所卡入的开关的金属面或底部的USB-C端口是嵌套的地面,用于灰尘和污物的堆积,它们可能会卡住控制台的各个部分。 沿内部或小缝隙之间擦拭棉签。 如果堆积了杂物,则可能需要将棉布浸入水中,但切记在将棉布放入任何口或裂缝之前,确保将多余的东西挤出。 即使是一小滴水也可能会进入控制台并造成短路,因此,除非绝对必要,否则不要用水,即使如此,也要非常节水。 再给您的整个控制台再擦一次,以擦掉您可能错过的所有部件,例如扬声器格栅或背面支架的下面。

If you wipe off the parts of your Switch that see the most use regularly, then you shouldn’t need to do too much hardcore cleaning. There’s a lot of opportunity to get dirt and grease all over your Switch, but it only takes a few seconds to wipe the whole thing down and keep it looking shiny and new.

如果您擦去交换机上经常使用最多的部分,则无需进行过多的硬核清洁。 您有很多机会在您的Switch上沾满灰尘和油脂,但是只需几秒钟即可将整件东西擦拭干净,并保持其光泽和新感。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/316892/how-to-clean-your-nintendo-switch/