

Have you ever gone on a YouTube binge, only to get the same annoying pre-roll ad over and over again? It’s a systemic issue, thanks to Google’s user-targeting advertising algorithm. The easiest way to solve this problem is to pay for YouTube Red and get rid of all the advertising. The easiest free way to do it, however, is below.

您是否曾经在YouTube上大吃一惊,却一次又一次地获得相同的烦人的前置广告? 这是一个系统性的问题,这要归功于Google的针对用户的广告算法。 解决此问题的最简单方法是支付YouTube Red费用,并摆脱所有广告。 但是,最简单的免费方法如下。

When you see the same ad over and over again, hover your mouse cursor over the “i” circle logo in the lower left corner of the video, to the left of the “Visit Advertiser’s Site” link. Click it when “Why am I seeing this ad?”

当您一次又一次看到相同的广告时,将鼠标光标悬停在视频左下角“访问广告商网站”链接左侧的“ i”圆圈徽标上。 在“为什么我看到此广告?”时单击它。


The video will pause and show the message below, explaining in very broad terms how Google determines which ads to show you. Click the link marked “Stop seeing this ad.”

该视频将暂停并显示以下消息,从广义上解释了Google如何确定向您展示哪些广告。 点击标有“停止看到此广告”的链接。


After clicking, you won’t see this specific ad on any of YouTube’s videos. Answer the next question, about whether the ad was “Inappropriate, Irrelevant, or Repetitive,” and you’ll give Google a little more data…or you can click “Close” without saying why you didn’t like the ad. It’s totally optional.

点击后,您将不会在YouTube的任何视频中看到此特定广告。 回答下一个问题,有关广告是否为“不适当,不相关或重复的广告”,您将为Google提供更多数据……或者您可以单击“关闭”,而无需说您为什么不喜欢广告。 这是完全可选的。


The sequence is almost identical on the YouTube mobile app: make sure you’re viewing the video in the full screen interface, tap “Stop seeing this ad,” then “Yes” on the confirmation window. Again, feedback on why you don’t want to see the ad is optional.

在YouTube移动应用上的顺序几乎相同:请确保您在全屏界面中观看视频,然后依次点击“停止观看此广告”,然后在确认窗口中点击“是”。 同样,关于您为什么不想看到广告的反馈是可选的。


If you’re thinking, “why not just do this for every pre-roll ad on YouTube?” Don’t bother. Thanks to its ubiquity, YouTube has a practically inexhaustible supply of advertisers wanting to sell you stuff. The best use of your time is to simply flag the ads that are the most annoying or frequent.

如果您在想,“为什么不对YouTube上的每个前置广告这样做呢?” 不要打扰 由于YouTube的无处不在,所以想要卖给您东西的广告主几乎无穷无尽。 最好地利用时间来标记最烦人或最频繁的广告。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/337169/how-to-block-specific-ads-on-youtube/