

By default, Outlook displays the number of unread messages on most Mail folders. That’s handy on the “Inbox” folder, but what if you want to know how many total messages (unread and read) there are in other folders, such as the “Deleted Items” folder or custom folders?

默认情况下,Outlook在大多数邮件文件夹上显示未读邮件的数量。 在“收件箱”文件夹中这很方便,但是如果您想知道其他文件夹(例如“已删除邮件”文件夹或自定义文件夹 )中有多少邮件(未读和已读),该怎么办?

It could be helpful to know when you get so many messages in your “Deleted Items” folder that you should empty it, or how many messages are in your custom “Pending Reply” folder waiting for you to take action and send replies. You can change which Mail folders show unread messages and which show total messages. We’ll show you how.

知道何时在“已删除邮件”文件夹中收到太多消息以至于应该清空该消息,或者知道自定义“待处理答复”文件夹中有多少消息等待您采取措施并发送答复,这可能会有所帮助。 您可以更改哪些“邮件”文件夹显示未读邮件,哪些显示全部邮件。 我们将向您展示如何。

NOTE: The “Drafts” and “Junk E-mail” folders, as well as the “For Follow-Up” Search folder (if you’ve enabled it), show the total number of messages by default. We discuss how to change additional settings for the “Junk E-mail” folder in our article about managing email in Outlook using Quick Steps and Rules.

注意:“草稿”和“垃圾邮件”文件夹以及“后续”搜索文件夹(如果已启用 ),默认情况下显示邮件总数。 在有关使用“快速步骤和规则”在Outlook中管理电子邮件的文章中,我们讨论了如何更改“垃圾电子邮件”文件夹的其他设置。

Unread messages on a Mail folder display as a bold, blue number next to the folder name, as shown below.



We’ll leave the “Inbox” folder displaying the unread message count, but we’ll change the “Deleted Items” folder to display the total message count to remind us to empty that folder once in a while. To do this, right-click on the “Deleted Items” folder (or a Mail folder of your choosing) and select “Properties” from the popup menu.

我们将保留显示未读邮件数的“收件箱”文件夹,但是将更改“已删除邮件”文件夹以显示总邮件数,以提醒我们不时清空该文件夹。 为此,请右键单击“已删除邮件”文件夹(或您选择的邮件文件夹),然后从弹出菜单中选择“属性”。


The “Properties” dialog displays for the selected folder. On the “General” tab, select the “Show total number of items” radio button and click “OK”.

显示所选文件夹的“属性”对话框。 在“常规”选项卡上,选择“显示项目总数”单选按钮,然后单击“确定”。


The “Deleted Items” folder now show the total number of messages, both read and unread, in the folder, rather than the number of unread messages.



When you change the message count setting for a folder in your “Favorites”, the change applies to the folder in both places: the “Favorites” and the Mail folder list.



NOTE: You cannot change the message count property for multiple Mail folders at the same time. You must change it one folder at a time.

注意:您不能同时更改多个邮件文件夹的邮件计数属性。 您必须一次更改一个文件夹。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/240392/how-to-make-outlook-display-the-total-number-of-messages-in-a-folder/