
Film festivals around the world are leaping into virtual reality, from incorporating demos into their official programming to recognizing emerging pioneers in interactive entertainment. Over the past two weeks, in the heart of Silicon Valley, the Cinequest Film & VR Festival has again been a hub for tech-savvy creators looking to get inspired — but this time including 47 VR workshops, forums, and experiences.

从将演示融入官方节目到表彰互动娱乐领域的新兴先驱,全球电影节都在跃入虚拟现实。 在过去的两周里,在硅谷的心脏地带,Cinequest电影和VR音乐节再次成为了寻求灵感的精通技术的创作者的中心-但这次包括47个VR研讨会,论坛和体验。


We love bringing the message of cinematic VR and interactive storytelling to festivals, particularly those who are bringing stories to life in new ways using brand-new mechanics. Here are the top five moments (in no particular order) of Unity at Cinequest 2017:

我们喜欢将电影级VR和交互式故事讲述的信息带入节日,特别是那些使用全新机制以新方式将故事栩栩如生的节日。 以下是Cinequest 2017上Unity的前5个时刻(排名不分先后):

演示实时渲染如何改变电影制作 (Demonstrating how real-time rendering is changing filmmaking)

Mathieu Muller, our film specialist based in Paris, showed a series of short films made with Unity. He included “Adam” and spoke about fast iteration as one of the most powerful tools in your production pipeline.

我们驻巴黎的电影专家Mathieu Muller展示了用Unity制作的一系列短片。 他包括“ Adam ”,并谈到快速迭代是生产管道中最强大的工具之一。

Tony Parisi, moderating the “Future of VR” panel, also spoke about this in the context of short-form and long-form media.
主持“ VR的未来”面板的 托尼·帕里 ( Tony Parisi)也谈到了短版和长版媒体。

The creators of Sonder, an upcoming short film made with Unity.


庆祝小行星! 获“最佳电影-动画”奖 (Celebrating Asteroids! winning ‘Best Motion Picture — Animation’)

We’re so proud of our friends at Baobab Studios for bringing Mac, Cheez, and Peas to life with a brand-new way for audiences to participate in this interactive, delightful story. Also congratulations to Maureen Fan from Baobab for her Visionary Leader Award!

令我们感到骄傲的是,Baobab Studios的朋友们以一种全新的方式将Mac,Cheez和Peas引入生活,让观众参与到这个互动的,令人愉快的故事中。 也祝贺猴面包树的莫琳·范获得她的远见卓识领袖奖!


向Cinequest联合创始人兼总裁展示如何在VR中进行手术 (Showing Cinequest co-founder and president how to do surgery in VR)

Kathleen Powell, whose father was a surgeon, loved trying OSSO VR, created by Dr. Justin Barad — showing that VR extends far beyond entertainment and escapism. Also joining us was The Price of Freedom by Construct Studio, Sonder by SOBA, and Narcosis by Honor Code, Inc.

父亲是外科医师的凯瑟琳·鲍威尔(Kathleen Powell)喜欢尝试由贾斯汀·巴拉德(Justin Barad)博士创建的OSSO VR,这表明VR远远超出了娱乐和逃避现实的范畴。 加入我们的还有Construct Studio 的《*代价 》,SOBA的Sonder以及Honor Code,Inc.的Narcosis


教学时间表和电影VR (Teaching Timeline and Cinematic VR)

Thanks to Nathaniel Dirksen, Digital Supervisor from Baobab Studios, for joining us in bringing a Cinematic VR presentation to Cinequest! We can’t wait to see what content the Unity community creates this year with our new Timeline feature. (Preview available now!)

感谢Baobab Studios的数字主管Nathaniel Dirksen,与我们一起将Cinematic VR演示带到Cinequest! 我们迫不及待想看看Unity社区今年通过我们的新时间轴功能创建了哪些内容。 (现在可以预览!)


最后,当您在同一位置放置VR和照片时会发生什么? (Lastly, what happens when you have VR and photoshoots in the same place?)



Thanks to everyone who attended, especially all the new creators we met. See you at the next fest!
感谢所有参加的人,尤其是我们遇到的所有新创作者。 下个节日见!
