如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

Your Apple Watch allows you to put your most important contacts in a circle of “friends”, so they’re just one button press away for calls, messages, and more.

Apple Watch可让您将最重要的联系人放入“朋友”圈子中,因此只需按一下按钮即可拨打电话,发送消息等。

Update: This feature has been removed as of watchOS 3.

更新:从watchOS 3起已删除此功能。

When you press the side button on your Apple Watch, a circle of friends displays, allowing you to quickly communicate with anyone in the circle. You can have multiple circles of friends with 12 friends in each. Friends can be added to your circles using your iPhone or watch.

当您按下Apple Watch上的侧面按钮时,会显示一个朋友圈,使您可以快速与圈子中的任何人交流。 您可以有多个朋友圈,每个圈子中有12个朋友。 可以使用iPhone或手表将朋友添加到您的圈子中。

First, we’ll show you how to add contacts to your Friends circle using your phone. Tap the “Watch” app icon on the Home screen.

首先,我们将向您展示如何使用手机将联系人添加到“朋友圈”。 点击主屏幕上的“观看”应用图标。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

Make sure the “My Watch” screen is active. If not, tap the “My Watch” icon at the bottom of the screen.

确保“我的手表”屏幕处于活动状态。 如果没有,请点击屏幕底部的“我的手表”图标。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

On the “My Watch” screen, tap “Friends”.


如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

On the “Friends” screen, a blank Friends circle displays. Tap the plus sign in the middle of the circle to add a friend.

在“朋友”屏幕上,显示一个空白的朋友圈。 点按圆圈中间的加号以添加朋友。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

The “Contacts” app opens. Search for the friend you want to add to the Friends circle. When you find the person, tap on their name.

“联系人”应用程序打开。 搜索您要添加到朋友圈的朋友。 找到该人后,点击他们的名字。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

The person is added to one slot on the Friends circle.


如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

To add another friend, tap the small plus sign in one of the remaining positions on the circle and select another contact.


You can create multiple circles of Friends, too. The dots below the Friends circle indicate which group you are currently viewing and how many groups you have. For example, you can have one for friends, one for family, and one for work-related contacts. You can label each group to know which is which. For our example, we’ll name our first group “Work”. Tap where it says “Group Name” to edit the label.

您也可以创建多个好友圈子。 朋友圈下方的点表示您当前正在查看的组以及您拥有的组数。 例如,您可以有一个朋友,一个家庭,一个与工作相关的联系人。 您可以标记每个组以知道哪个。 对于我们的示例,我们将第一个组命名为“ Work”。 点按显示“组名”的位置以编辑标签。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

Type the name of your group and tap “Done” on the on-screen keyboard when you’re finished. The label will display briefly when you access that group of Friends on your watch and then it’s replaced with the selected contact’s name.

输入群组名称,完成后点击屏幕键盘上的“完成”。 当您在手表*问该组好友时,标签将短暂显示,然后将其替换为所选联系人的姓名。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

We created a second group labeled “Personal” to which we added friends. Changes made to your Friends circles on your phone are automatically synced with your watch.

我们创建了第二个标签为“个人”的组,并向其中添加了朋友。 您在手机上对“朋友圈”所做的更改会自动与您的手表同步。

NOTE: You can rearrange the order of your friends in the circle by holding your finger down on the small circle with initials that you want to move and dragging it to another location on the circle.


如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

To access your Friends circle on your watch, press the side button. Use the digital crown to turn the middle circle selector to the friend you want to contact. If there is picture associated with the selected contact, it displays in the middle circle. Tap the middle circle.

要访问手表上的“朋友圈”,请按侧面按钮。 使用数字表冠将中间的圆圈选择器转到您想要联系的朋友。 如果有与所选联系人相关的图片,它将显示在中间的圆圈中。 点击中间的圆圈。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

Options for contacting the selected friend display at the bottom of the watch’s screen. You can call them (using the icon on the left) or send a text message to them (using the icon on the right). The middle icon launches the Digital Touch feature, which allows you to send drawings, taps, or even your heartbeat to a friend who also has an Apple Watch. If a friend doesn’t have an Apple Watch, the Digital Touch icon will not be available.

与选定朋友联系的选项显示在手表屏幕的底部。 您可以给他们打电话(使用左侧的图标)或向他们发送短信(使用右侧的图标)。 中间的图标将启动“数字触摸”功能,该功能使您可以将图形,水龙头甚至您的心跳发送给也有Apple Watch的朋友。 如果朋友没有Apple Watch,则“数字触摸”图标将不可用。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

You can also add contacts to the Friends circle directly on your watch. To do so, first swipe left or right to select the group to which you want to add your friend. Then, turn the digital crown to select an empty spot on the selected circle and tap the plus sign.

您也可以直接在手表上将联系人添加到“朋友”圈子。 为此,请先向左或向右滑动以选择您要添加朋友的组。 然后,旋转数字表把以在所选圆上选择一个空白点,然后点按加号。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

Your list of contacts displays. Either swipe up to scroll through the list or use the digital crown to easily move among the letters. Tap the name of the contact you want to add.

显示您的联系人列表。 向上滑动以滚动列表,或使用数字表冠轻松在字母之间移动。 点击您要添加的联系人的姓名。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

The contact is added to the currently selected group of Friends.


如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

We created a separate group of Friends for personal friends. Note that if there is no picture associated with a contact, their initials are displayed in the middle circle.

我们为个人朋友创建了一个单独的“朋友组”。 请注意,如果没有与联系人关联的图片,则其首字母缩写将显示在中间的圆圈中。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

This friend doesn’t have an Apple Watch, so there is no icon for Digital Touch. We’ll just have to convince her to get one!

这个朋友没有Apple Watch,因此没有用于Digital Touch的图标。 我们只需要说服她得到一个!

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

You can also add a new group of Friends by swiping left. Then, you can add friends as we described earlier.

您也可以向左滑动以添加新的好友组。 然后,您可以按照我们之前所述添加朋友。

如何在Apple Watch上管理您的朋友圈

NOTE: Contacts cannot be deleted from the Friends circle on the Apple Watch. You must use the Watch app on your phone to delete contacts from the Friends circle.

注意:无法从Apple Watch的“朋友”圈中删除联系人。 您必须使用手机上的“观看”应用程序才能从“朋友圈”中删除联系人。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241961/how-to-manage-your-circles-of-friends-on-the-apple-watch/