
本文为布拉格捷克理工大学(作者:Nikita Tishin)的学士论文,共63页。


In recent years Convolutional NeuralNetworks (CNNs) have became a most popular choice for image recognitionproblems. They provide a framework for representation learning, which allowsfor raw input processing without any manual feature engineering. The first goalof this thesis is a theoretical study and comprehension of CNNs. The secondgoal is evaluation and comparison of several CNN applied to the imageclassification. Experimental part includes two benchmark problems, i.e. MNISTdatabase and CIFAR-10, as well as medical dataset consisting of recurrenceplots created from the Electroencephalography (EEG) signals. In particular,CNNs are used to classify EEG data received from mentally healthy persons andpersons having a mental illness.

  1. 引言
  2. 机器学习基本概念
  3. 人工神经网络
  4. 卷积神经网络
  5. 实验结果
  6. 结论
