
本文为奥地利维也纳技术大学(作者:Philipp Seeböck)的硕士论文,共161页。



Machine learning is used in the medicalimaging field, including computer-aided diagnosis, image segmentation, imageregistration, image fusion, image-guided therapy, image annotation, and imagedatabase retrieval. Deep learning methods are a set of algorithms in machinelearning, which try to automatically learn multiple levels of representationand abstraction that help make sense of data. This in turn leads to thenecessity of understanding and examining the characteristics of deep learningapproaches, in order to be able to apply and refine the methods in a properway. The aim of this work is to evaluate deep learning methods in the medicaldomain and to understand if deep learning methods (random recursive supportvector machines, stacked sparse auto-encoders, stacked denoising auto-encoders,K-means deep learning algorithm) outperform other state of the art approaches(K-nearest neighbor, support vector machines, extremely randomized trees) ontwo classification tasks, where the methods are evaluated on a handwrittendigit (MNIST) and on a medical (PULMO) dataset. Beside an evaluation in termsof accuracy and runtime, a qualitative analysis of the learned features andpractical recommendations for the evaluated methods are provided within thiswork. This should help improve the application and refinement of the evaluatedmethods in future. Results indicate that the stacked sparse auto-encoder, thestacked denoising auto-encoder and the support vector machine achieve thehighest accuracy among all evaluated approaches on both datasets. These methodsare preferable, if the available computational resources allow to use them. Incontrast, the random recursive support vector machines exhibit the shortesttraining time on both datasets, but achieve a poorer accuracy than the aforementioned approaches. This implies that if the computational resources arelimited and the runtime is an important issue, the random recursive supportvector machines should be used.

1 引言
2 机器学习
3 深度学习
4 算法实现
5 基于MNIST数据集的学习方法比较
6 基于PULMO数据集的学习方法比较
7 总结与讨论
8 结论与未来工作展望
附录A MNIST数据集的更多结果
附录B PULMO数据集的更多结果
