书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

Bookmarklets are JavaScript links you can place on your browser’s toolbar that add one-click functionality to the browser or webpage. They are free and help make repetitive tasks in your browser quicker and easier to perform.

书签是您可以放置​​在浏览器工具栏上JavaScript链接,它们为浏览器或网页添加一键式功能。 它们是免费的,可帮助您更快,更轻松地执行浏览器中的重复任务。

Use bookmarklets to add functionality to your browser, such as modifying the appearance of a webpage, extracting data from a webpage, and search for highlighted text in a search engine or online encyclopedia.


We’ve collected some links to useful bookmarklets here to enhance your browsing experience.


强制保存密码 (Force Password Save)

We’ve previously showed you how to use LastPass to store and use your online usernames and passwords, but, you may be concerned about the security of storing your private information in the cloud. We’ve also showed you how to make your LastPass account even more secure. However, you may still want to store your passwords locally. If you would rather store your passwords in your browser’s built in password manager, the Force Password Save bookmarklet can help force your browser to save passwords even on sites that do not allow you to do this.

我们之前已经向您展示了如何使用LastPass来存储和使用在线用户名和密码,但是,您可能会担心将私有信息存储在云中的安全性。 我们还向您展示了如何使LastPass帐户更加安全。 但是,您仍然可能希望将密码存储在本地。 如果您希望将密码存储在浏览器的内置密码管理器中,则“强制密码保存”书签可以帮助您的浏览器即使在不允许您执行此操作的网站上也保存密码。

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PageZipper (PageZipper)

Many sites split up their articles into smaller chunks with “next” links to generate pageviews. However, this can be very annoying and distracting when you’re trying to read the article. The PageZipper bookmarklet allows you to view multi-page articles on one page so all you have to do is scroll through an article to read it.

许多站点使用“下一个”链接将其文章分成较小的块,以生成综合浏览量。 但是,当您尝试阅读本文时,这可能会非常烦人和分心。 PageZipper小书签可让您在一页上查看多页文章,因此您只需滚动文章即可阅读。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

有点Bitmarklet (Bitly Bitmarklet)

If you share a lot of URLs, the Bitly bitmarklet will save you time and hassle when creating shortened URLs. You don’t have to go to the Bitly site to create a shortened URL for the website you’re currently viewing. Simply drag the “bitmark” button to your browser’s bookmarks bar and click it to create a shortened URL of the current website.

如果您共享许多URL,则在创建缩短的URL时, Bitly bitmarklet将为您节省时间和麻烦。 您无需访问Bitly网站即可为当前正在查看的网站创建一个缩短的URL。 只需将“ bitmark”按钮拖到浏览器的书签栏中,然后单击它即可创建当前网站的简短URL。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

Gmail这个! (Gmail This!)

While researching on the internet, you’ve probably come across many websites about which you want to make a note to yourself and for which you want to record the URL for later viewing. The Gmail This! bookmarklet makes it very easy to do this. It opens a Gmail compose window in which the title of the current webpage is the subject and the body of the message contains the URL. You can add any other notes you want in the body, enter an email address in the To box and send the email.

在Internet上进行搜索时,您可能会遇到许多网站,您要在这些网站上给自己做个记录,并在其中记录URL以便以后查看。 Gmail! 小书签使执行此操作变得非常容易。 它会打开一个Gmail撰写窗口,其中当前网页的标题为主题,邮件正文包含URL。 您可以在正文中添加任何其他想要的注释,在“收件人”框中输入电子邮件地址并发送电子邮件。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

添加此 (AddThis)

The AddThis bookmarklet also allows you to easily make notes of websites to yourself and also allows makes it easy to share webpages on your favorite social media services. The “Share” options on some websites are limited.

AddThis书签还使您可以轻松地对自己进行网站注释,还可以轻松地在您喜欢的社交媒体服务上共享网页。 某些网站上的“共享”选项受到限制。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

可裁剪 (Clippable)

When you want to save or print a webpage, you probably don’t want all the junk on the webpage, such as ads and unnecessary graphics. The Clippable bookmarklet allows you, with one click, to remove all the extra junk on a webpage but retain the formatting of the main content for saving or printing.

当您要保存或打印网页时,您可能不希望网页上的所有垃圾,例如广告和不必要的图形。 Clippable小书签可让您一键删除网页上所有多余的垃圾,但保留主要内容的格式以进行保存或打印。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

印版机 (Printliminator)

The Printliminator bookmarklet is another way to remove unwanted areas of a webpage so you can save or print only the content you want. Click to activate the bookmarklet and then click to remove elements from the current webpage.

Printliminator书签是删除网页不需要的区域的另一种方法,因此您可以仅保存或打印所需的内容。 单击以**小书签,然后单击以从当前网页中删除元素。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

可读性 (Readability)

The Readability bookmarklet also allows you to clean up a webpage for cleaner viewing. They have bookmarklets that allow you to clean up the page for current viewing, for reading later (requires registration), and for sending to your Kindle. There are also tools, apps, and services that allow you to enjoy Readability on multiple platforms and in multiple ways.

可读性书签还使您可以清理网页以便查看。 它们具有书签,可让您清理页面以供当前查看,稍后阅读(需要注册)以及发送至Kindle。 还有一些工具,应用程序和服务可让您在多种平台上以多种方式享受可读性。

Readability’s rdd.me service allows you to shorten any URL and clean up that webpage at the same time, providing a link to a clean webpage without the recipient of the link using Readability.


书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

PDF下载 (PDF Download)

The PDF Download bookmarklet allows you to convert the current webpage to a PDF file. It works in any web browser, including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Opera.

PDF下载书签使您可以将当前网页转换为PDF文件。 它可以在任何网络浏览器中使用,包括Firefox,Chrome,Opera,Internet Explorer和Opera。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

整平机 (Tinderizer)

If you own a Kindle, you can easily send articles on webpages straight to your Kindle for later reading. The service is free and fast, but requires a little bit of initial setup to use. Visit the Tinderizer website, enter your Kindle email address (i.e., [email protected]), and authorize the Tinderizer server to email you.

如果您拥有Kindle,则可以轻松地将网页上的文章直接发送到Kindle,以供日后阅读。 该服务是免费和快速的,但是需要一些初始设置才能使用。 访问Tinderizer网站,输入您的Kindle电子邮件地址(即[email protected]),并授权Tinderizer服务器向您发送电子邮件。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

到英语 (To English)

Do you need to translate websites into English often? There is a special translation bookmarklet called To English that focuses on translating webpages into English. Simply drag the link to your browser’s bookmarks bar and click it to translate the webpage into English.

您是否需要经常将网站翻译成英文? 有一个名为To English的特殊翻译书签,其重点是将网页翻译成英文。 只需将链接拖动到浏览器的书签栏,然后单击它即可将网页翻译成英语。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

Google翻译栏 (Google Translation Bar)

The Google Translation Bar bookmarklet translates any webpage from one language to another. Drag the link to your browser’s bookmarks bar and click it. The Google Translation Bar displays allowing you to select a language and then translate the webpage with one click.

Google翻译栏书签可将任何网页从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。 将链接拖动到浏览器的书签栏,然后单击它。 将显示Google翻译栏,您可以选择一种语言,然后单击一下即可翻译网页。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

dotEPUB (dotEPUB)

Earlier in this article, we showed you how to convert webpages to PDF files you can save for later reading, how to email yourself URLs easily, and how to share webpages with yourself and your friends. You can also convert webpages into eBooks using the dotEPUB bookmarklet (and Chrome extension). The webpage is converted into the EPUB format and displayed on a new tab. Use the Save button to save the eBook to your hard drive. Then, you can transfer it to other devices that accept the EPUB format for later reading.

在本文的前面,我们向您展示了如何将网页转换为可以保存供以后阅读的PDF文件,如何轻松地通过电子邮件发送自己的URL,以及如何与自己和您的朋友共享网页。 您还可以使用dotEPUB书签(和Chrome扩展程序)将网页转换为电子书。 网页将转换为EPUB格式,并显示在新标签上。 使用“保存”按钮将电子书保存到硬盘中。 然后,您可以将其传输到其他接受EPUB格式的设备,以供以后阅读。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

克雷格斯轻松 (CraigsEasy)

Do you like to view Craigslist search results as pictures only? If so, the CraigsEasy bookmarklet is for you. It allows you to convert any Craigslist search into an image gallery. Simply drag the bookmarklet link to your browser’s bookmarks bar and click it when you want to view Craigslist search results in an easy-to-browse image gallery format.

您是否想仅以图片形式查看Craigslist搜索结果? 如果是这样,那么CraigsEasy小书签非常适合您。 它允许您将任何Craigslist搜索转换为图片库。 只需将书签链接拖动到浏览器的书签栏,然后以易于浏览的图片库格式查看Craigslist搜索结果时单击它。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

书本小册 (Bookmaplet)

If you’ve found an address on a webpage, but no map available, the Bookmaplet bookmarklet can help. Highlight an address on a webpage, click the Bookmaplet bookmarklet, and a map of the address displays.

如果您在网页上找到了地址,但没有可用的地图,则Bookmaplet书签可以帮助您。 突出显示网页上的地址,单击Bookmaplet书签,然后显示该地址的地图。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

拳击手 (Boxee)

Boxee allows you to watch movies, TV shows, and video clips from the Internet on your TV. The Boxee bookmarklet allows you to easily add videos to your Boxee queue directly from your browser for later viewing.

Boxee允许您在电视上通过Internet观看电影,电视节目和视频剪辑。 Boxee小书签可让您直接从浏览器轻松地将视频添加到Boxee队列中,以便以后查看。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

*查询 (Wikipedia Lookup)

If you like to lookup items from webpages on Wikipedia to find out more, the Wikipedia Lookup bookmarklet will be useful. It’s a quick and easy way to highlight text on a webpage and quickly look it up on Wikipedia.

如果您想从Wikipedia上的网页中查找项目以了解更多信息,则Wikipedia Lookup书签将非常有用。 这是突出显示网页上的文本并在Wikipedia上快速查找文本的快速简便的方法。

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拼写书 (SpellBook)

Bookmarklets are generally added to your bookmarks menu or bar. However, if you use Chrome, there is a way to add bookmarklets to the browser’s context menu using the SpellBook extension.

书签通常添加到您的书签菜单或栏中。 但是,如果您使用的是Chrome,则可以使用SpellBook扩展名将书签添加到浏览器的上下文菜单中。

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将书签转换为Chrome扩展程序 (Convert Bookmarklets into Chrome Extensions)

In Chrome, you can also convert bookmarklets into extensions using the Convert bookmarklet to Chrome extension online tool. It allows you to place your bookmarklets in the Chrome extensions area to the right of the address bar, by converting the JavaScript from each bookmarklet into an extension.

在Chrome中,您还可以使用将书签转换为Chrome扩展程序在线工具将书签转换为扩展程序。 通过将每个小书签中JavaScript转换为扩展名,您可以将小书签放置在地址栏右侧的Chrome扩展程序区域中。

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书签组合器 (Bookmarklet Combiner)

If you are a big fan of bookmarklets, you’ve probably added a lot of them to your bookmarks bar and you may be running out of space. The Bookmarklet Combiner website allows you to organize and combine multiple bookmarklets together to save space.

如果您是书签的忠实拥护者,则可能已将许多书签添加到书签栏中,可能空间不足。 Bookmarklet Combiner网站使您可以将多个小书签组织和组合在一起以节省空间。

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签_最有用的书签,可增强您的浏览体验

We hope you find these bookmarklets useful in your daily browsing. Let us know if you’ve found any other useful bookmarklets we haven’t covered in this list.

我们希望这些书签对您的日常浏览很有用。 让我们知道您是否找到了此列表中未涵盖的其他有用的书签。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/125846/the-most-useful-bookmarklets-to-enhance-your-browsing-experience/

书签 自动更新浏览器的书签