

YouTube has added a new way to share and watch videos: YouTube Premieres. Premieres are a mix between a live stream and a traditional YouTube video. You prerecord them, but then play those recordings live, with live chat and donations like standard live streams.

YouTube添加了一种共享和观看视频的新方法:YouTube首映。 首映式是现场直播和传统YouTube视频之间的混合体。 您可以预先录制它们,然后通过实时聊天和捐赠(如标准实时流)实时播放这些录制内容。

Premieres announce what time they’re premiering on your channel, and show up in feeds before they go live, giving viewers the option to be reminded of them a few minutes prior. This makes premiers into a sort of YouTube-based TV show, with a set air time and no spoilers from other viewers (as you can’t skip ahead). Like live streams, they are saved to your channel after they’re done “premiering,” and look just like a normal video to anyone who missed the event.

首映式宣布他们在您的频道上首播的时间,并在直播之前显示在供稿中,使观众可以选择在几分钟前提醒他们。 这样一来,首映就成为了一种基于YouTube的电视节目,具有固定的播放时间,并且没有其他观众破坏(因为您无法跳过)。 像实时流一样,它们在完成“首播”之后会保存到您的频道中,对于错过活动的任何人来说,它们就像普通视频一样。

This new direction makes a lot of sense for YouTube, as they are in a particularly good place to offer television-like content. Premieres could change the whole dynamic of viewer interaction on the site. Premieres make new videos on the site into a community experience and are going to be enjoyable for viewers as well as creators.

对于YouTube来说,这个新方向非常有意义,因为YouTube处于提供电视内容的特别好位置。 首映会改变网站上观众互动的整体动力。 首映式将网站上的新视频带入社区,并为观众和创作者带来愉悦的享受。

如何使用它们 (How To Use Them)


As a viewer, all you have to do is tune in when the video starts. You can even set a reminder to be notified when it does.

作为观众,您要做的就是在视频开始播放时收看。 您甚至可以设置提醒,以便在发生时得到通知。


There will be a two-minute countdown before the video starts, giving everyone a chance to sit down first. Unlike live streaming though, this won’t show up in the actual video once it’s done.

视频开始播放前将有两分钟的倒计时,每个人都有机会先坐下。 但是,与实时流媒体不同,一旦完成,它就不会显示在实际视频中。

While a video is premiering, you will be able to chat with other viewers and send super chat donations—just like you would in a normal live stream. Something interesting with premiers is that the uploader can still interact with chat while it’s live, since nothing stops them from chatting with viewers while the stream is on.

视频首映时,您将可以与其他观众聊天并发送超级聊天捐赠,就像在普通直播流中一样。 Premier的有趣之处在于,在直播直播期间,上传者仍可以与聊天进行交互,因为在视频流开启时,没有什么可以阻止他们与观众聊天。

As a creator, when you set up a premiere, make sure to do all the normal titles, tags, and descriptions just like you would on a normal video. If you have a different format for your live videos, or if you like to add them to a playlist of live replays, it would be best not to do that for premiers, and stick to regular formatting. This is because after they’re done, it will be available as a regular video

作为创作者,当您设置首映礼时,请确保像对待普通视频一样进行所有常规标题,标签和说明。 如果直播视频的格式不同,或者想将其添加到直播的播放列表中,则最好不要对首映视频使用这种格式,并坚持常规格式。 这是因为完成后,它将作为常规视频提供

For users without the ability to premier, who are looking for something similar, you can still schedule your videos for a specific time, you’ll just have to rely on your viewers to remember.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367588/what-are-youtube-premiers-and-how-do-you-use-them/